66-20-05: 66-20-05 PIPER: Amdt. 39-276 Part 39 Federal Register August 18, 1966. Applies to Model PA-28-150, -160, and -180 Airplanes, Serial Numbers 1761 through 3533. Compliance required within the next 25 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished. To prevent failures of the propeller spinner assembly, remove propeller spinner, P/N 63760 or 63760-03 as applicable, and propeller spinner attaching bulkhead, P/N 65208 or 65208- 03, as applicable, or accomplish the following: (a) For Model PA-28-150 and -160 airplanes, Serial Numbers 28-1761 through 28- 2434, modify spinner in accordance with Piper Service Letters Nos. 457 and 471A, and install spinner bulkhead assembly, P/N 65804-04; spacer, P/N 65806-00; and new propeller bolts, P/N AN 76-55S; in accordance with Piper Service Kit No. 757-047 or an FAA-approved equivalent. (b) For Model PA-28-150 and -160 airplanes, Serial Numbers 28-2435 through 28- 3199, modify spinner inaccordance with Piper Service Letter No. 471A, and install spinner bulkhead assembly, P/N 65804-04; spacer, P/N 65806-00; and new propeller bolts, P/N AN 76- 55S; in accordance with Piper Service Kit No. 757-047 or an FAA-approved equivalent. (c) For Model PA-28-150 and -160 airplanes, Serial Numbers 28-3200 through 28- 3533, install spinner bulkhead assembly, P/N 65804-04; spacer, P/N 65806-00; and new propeller bolts, P/N AN 76-55S; in accordance with Piper Service Kit No. 757-047 or an FAA-approved equivalent. (d) For Model PA-28-180 airplanes, Serial Numbers 28-1761 through 28-2434, modify spinner in accordance with Piper Service Letters Nos. 457 and 471A, and install spinner bulkhead assembly, P/N 65804-00, in accordance with Piper Service Kit No. 757-046 or an FAA-approved equivalent. (e) For Model PA-28-180 airplanes, Serial Numbers 28-2435 through 28-3199, modify spinner in accordance with Piper Service Letter No. 471A, and install spinner bulkhead assembly, P/N 65804-00, in accordance with Piper Service Kit No. 757-046 or an FAA-approved equivalent. (f) For Model PA-28-180 airplanes, Serial Numbers 28-3200 through 28-3533, install spinner bulkhead assembly, P/N 65804-00, in accordance with Piper Service Kit No. 757- 046 or an FAA-approved equivalent. (Piper Service Bulletin No. 234 also pertains to this subject.) This directive effective August 27, 1966.
86-25-02: 86-25-02 BOEING: Amendment 39-5479. Applies to Boeing Model 767 airplanes identified in Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 767-27A0062, dated January 24, 1986, certificated in any category. To prevent the uncommanded deployment of spoiler panels in flight as a result of a rotary variable differential transducer (RVDT) separation, accomplish the following within six months after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished: \n\n\tA.\tModify the flight control forward control quadrants in accordance with Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 767-27A0062, dated January 24, 1986, or later FAA-approved revisions. \n\n\tB.\tAn alternate means of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time, which provides an acceptable level of safety, may be used when approved by the Manager, Seattle Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, Northwest Mountain Region. \n\n\tC.\tSpecial flight permits may be issued in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to operate airplanes to a base for the accomplishment ofthe replacements required by this AD. \n\n\tAll persons affected by this directive who have not already received the above specified service bulletin from the manufacturer may obtain copies upon request from the Boeing Commercial Airplane Company, P.O. Box 3707, Seattle, Washington 98124. It may be examined at the FAA, Northwest Mountain Region, 17900 Pacific Highway South, Seattle, Washington, or the Seattle Aircraft Certification Office, 9010 East Marginal Way South, Seattle, Washington. \n\n\tThis amendment becomes effective January 12, 1987.
2005-20-39: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Boeing Model 737-100, -200, -200C, -300, -400, and -500 series airplanes. This AD requires examining the airplane's maintenance records to determine if the main landing gear (MLG) has been overhauled and if Titanine JC5A (also known as Desoto 823E508) corrosion- inhibiting compound ("CIC") was used during the overhaul. For airplanes for which the maintenance records indicate that further action is necessary, or for airplanes on which CIC JC5A may have been used during manufacture, this AD requires a one-time detailed inspection for discrepancies of certain components of the MLG, and corrective action if necessary. This AD results from twelve reports of severe corrosion on one or more of three components of the MLG. We are issuing this AD to prevent collapse of the MLG, or damage to hydraulic tubing or the aileron control cables, which could result in possible departure of the airplane from the runway and loss of control of the airplane.
85-21-04: 85-21-04 FAIRCHILD: Amendment 39-5150. Applies to Models F27 and FH227 series airplanes, certificated in any category. Compliance required as indicated. To detect cracks due to stress corrosion in the riveted rod end assembly, part number (P/N) 27-727404-11, on rudder control push-pull tubes, P/N's 27-727402-11 (or -41) and -31 (or -51), accomplish the following: A. Within the next 50 hours time in service after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished within the last 150 hours time in service, and thereafter at intervals not to exceed 200 hours in service from the last inspection, inspect the riveted rod end, P/N 27-727404-3, of the rudder control push-pull tubes, P/N's 27-727402-11 (or -41) and -31 (or -51), for cracks, in accordance with Fairchild Service Bulletin FH227-27-31 for Model FH227 airplanes (serial numbers 501 through 578) and Service Bulletin F27-27-76 for Model F27 airplanes (serial numbers 1 through 128). B. If cracks are found, therod assembly must be replaced before further flight with a rod of the same part number, or FAA-approved equivalent part, that has been inspected and found serviceable in accordance with paragraph A., above; or replaced before further flight with a new rod end assembly, P/N 27-727404-31, or FAA-approved equivalent part. C. Installation of the new assembly, P/N 27-727404-31, may be considered terminating action for the repetitive inspections specified in paragraph A., above. D. Aircraft maintenance record entries must be made and a report in writing of the initial inspection findings, positive or negative, must be submitted to the FAA, New York Aircraft Certification Office, Room 202, Attention: ANE-170, 181 S. Franklin Avenue, Valley Stream, New York 11581. The report must state the location and length of any crack found during the initial inspection, and include the total time in service of the component at the time the crack was discovered. (Reporting requirement approved by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB No. 2120-0056.) E. Upon the request of an operator, an FAA Maintenance Inspector, subject to prior approval by the Manager, New York Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, New England Region, may adjust the inspection times specified in this AD to permit compliance at an established inspection period of that operator if the request contains substantiating data to justify the change for that operator. F. Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to operate airplanes to a base in order to comply with the inspection requirements of this AD. G. Alternate means of compliance which provide an equivalent level of safety may be used when approved by the Manager, New York Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, New England Region. All persons affected by this directive who have not already received these documents from the manufacturer may obtain copies upon request to Fairchild Industries, Inc., Fairchild Republic Division, Hagerstown, Maryland 21740. These documents may be examined at the FAA, Northwest Mountain Region, 17900 Pacific Highway South, Seattle, Washington, or at the FAA, New England Region, New York Aircraft Certification Office, 181 S. Franklin Avenue, Room 202, Valley Stream, New York 11581. This amendment becomes effective November 14, 1985.
2018-17-21: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Airbus SAS Model A318, A319, and A320 series airplanes; and Model A321- 111, -112, -131, -211, -212, -213, -231, -232, -251N, -253N, and -271N airplanes. This AD was prompted by a revision of an airworthiness limitations document that specifies more restrictive maintenance requirements and airworthiness limitations. This AD requires revising the maintenance or inspection program, as applicable, to incorporate revised fuel airworthiness limitations. We are issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
87-25-12: 87-25-12 FOKKER B.V.: Amendment 39-5797. Applies to Fokker Model F27 series airplanes, serial numbers 10102 through 10684, 10686, 10687, 10689 through 10692, certificated in any category. Compliance required within one year after the effective date of this AD, unless previously accomplished. To prevent flutter of rudder trim tab, accomplish the following: A. Modify the rudder trim tab in accordance with Part 2, Accomplishment Instructions, of Fokker Service Bulletin No. F27/55-62, dated August 18, 1986, or Revision 1, dated April 15, 1987. B. An alternate means of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time, which provides an acceptable level of safety, may be used when approved by the Manager, Standardization Branch, ANM-113, FAA, Northwest Mountain Region. C. Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to operate airplanes to a base for the accomplishment of the modifications required by this AD. All persons affectedby this directive who have not already received the appropriate service document from the manufacturer may obtain copies upon request to Fokker Aircraft USA, Inc., 1199 N. Fairfax Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. This document may be examined at the FAA, Northwest Mountain Region, 17900 Pacific Highway South, Seattle, Washington, or the Seattle Aircraft Certification Office, 9010 East Marginal Way South, Seattle, Washington. This amendment becomes effective January 25, 1988.
66-20-03: 66-20-03 HAWKER SIDDELEY: Amdt. 39-274 Part 39 Federal Register August 13, 1966. Applies to de Havilland Model 114 Heron Series Airplanes Equipped With an Engine Fire Extinguisher System. Compliance required within the next 100 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished. (a) Inspect the engine air intake fire extinguishing system nozzle assembly to determine that 0.25 inch diameter radial holes are present in nozzle jet, P/N P.117. (b) Replace each nozzle jet without 0.25 inch diameter radial holes with jet, P/N P.117, with 0.25 inch diameter radial holes. (Hawker Siddeley Aviation Limited Technical News Sheet Series Heron (114) No. M.6., Issue 1, pertains to this subject.) This directive effective August 13, 1966.
73-01-01: 73-01-01 NORTH AMERICAN ROCKWELL - AERO COMMANDER: Amdt. 39-1578. Applies to Model 100-180 Serial Numbers 068, 5001 through 5213 certificated in all categories. Model 100 Serial Numbers 251 through 360 and those Model 100's retrofitted with Elano Corporation exhaust system (NEE Turbo System Inc.) P/N 099001, certificated in all categories. Compliance required as follows: For exhaust systems which have accumulated 500 or more hours time in service accomplish the following prior to the next 25 hours time in service unless already accomplished. To prevent loss or reduction of engine power due to exhaust outlet blockage accomplish the following: (1) Inspect and repair or replace the exhaust system components in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular AC No. 43.13-1 Chapter 14, Section 3. (2) Install Aero Commander exhaust outlet guard Part Number SK1093, or equivalent approved by Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, Southern Region, as follows: (a) Remove muffler heater shroud. (b) Drill 5/16 inch diameter hole through one wall of the exhaust tailpipe. Hole to be drilled on side of tail pipe closest to centerline of the airplane. Hole to be located 3 3/8 inches down from muffler outer wall. (c) Install outlet guard Part Number SK1093 in hole and position so that guard does not touch any part of the inner muffler parts. (d) Tighten guard around tailpipe and reassemble exhaust system. Aero Commander Service Bulletin SB 1019 covers this same subject. This amendment becomes effective December 29, 1972.
66-18-01: 66-18-01 AIR CRUISERS: Amdt. 39-267 Part 39 Federal Register July 29, 1966. Applies to Emergency Evacuation Slides, P/N's 15D22129 and 15D22129-1, Manufactured Before April 17, 1966, and Installed on Boeing Model 727 Series Airplanes. \n\n\tCompliance required within the next 300 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished. \n\n\tTo prevent hang-up during operation, modify Air Cruisers emergency evacuation slides, P/N's 15D22129 and 15D22129-1, manufactured before April 17, 1966, and installed on Boeing Model 727 Series airplanes, in accordance with Procedures 1 and 2 of Air Cruisers Service Bulletin SB-114-66-2, dated April 18, 1966, or later FAA-approved revision, or an equivalent approved by an FAA maintenance inspector, subject to prior approval of the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA Eastern Region. \n\n\tThis directive effective July 29, 1966.
2018-16-10: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain GE Aviation Czech H80-200 turboprop engines. This AD requires replacing the beta switch and adjusting the engine push-pull control to prevent the propeller governor control from going to a negative thrust position. This AD was prompted by an accident involving an Aircraft Industries (AI) L 410 UVP-E20 airplane caused by one propeller going to a negative thrust position during the landing approach. We are issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.