80-01-05 R1: 80-01-05 R1 PACIFIC SCIENTIFIC COMPANY KIN-TECH DIVISION: Amendment 39-3646 as amended by Amendment 39-3851. Applies to Pacific Scientific Restraint Systems rotary buckles manufactured through 1970. \n\n\tCompliance required within 240 days from January 31, 1980. \n\n\tTo prevent failure to open of the flight crew and attendants' seat belts, accomplish the following: \n\n\ta.\tInspect crew and attendants' restraint systems to determine if a Pacific Scientific rotary buckle is installed. \n\n\tb.\tIf installed, determine if the rotary buckle assembly contains a black body plate assembly as identified in Figure I of this AD. No further action is required per this AD if the rotary buckle assembly includes a black body plate assembly. \n\n\tc.\tFor those restraint systems incorporating Pacific Scientific rotary buckles without a black body plate assembly as specified in Figure I of this AD: \n\n\t\t1.\tSubstitute of any approved restraint system not incorporating the above described rotary buckle; or, \n\n\t\t2.\tReplace the buckle element of the restraint system with a Pacific Scientific buckle element incorporating a black body plate assembly as identified in Figure I of this AD. \n\n\t\tNOTE: Pacific Scientific Service Bulletin 1101550-25-11 Revision "A" dated August 2, 1979 pertains to this subject. \n\n\td.\tAlternative inspections, modifications or other actions which provide an equivalent level of safety may be used when approved by the Chief, Aircraft Engineering Division, FAA Western Region. \n\n\tAmendment 39-3646 became effective January 31, 1980. \n\n\tThis Amendment 39-3851 becomes effective on July 10, 1980.
2016-04-16: We are superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2013-08-23 for all The Boeing Company Model DC-10-10, DC-10-10F, DC-10-15, DC-10-30, DC-10-30F (KC-10A and KDC-10), DC-10-40, DC-10-40F, MD-10-10F, MD-10- 30F, MD-11, and MD-11F airplanes. AD 2013-08-23 required adding design features to detect electrical faults and to detect a pump running in an empty fuel tank. This new AD would clarify certain requirements and remove a terminating action. This new AD would also provide an optional method of compliance for the proposed actions. This AD was prompted by a determination that it is necessary to clarify the requirements for the design features and to remove a terminating action for certain inspections. We are issuing this AD to reduce the potential of ignition sources inside fuel tanks, which, in combination with flammable fuel vapors, could result in fuel tank explosions and consequent loss of the airplane.
85-11-52 R1: 85-11-52 R1 BOEING: Amendment 39-5105. Applies to Model 737-300 series airplanes equipped with Plessey Type 8240 Mark 1, 2, or 3 fuel boost pumps or TRW 10-60533-1 fuel boost pumps, certificated in any category. \n\n\tTo prevent engine flameouts during climb, accomplish the following, unless already accomplished: \n\n\t1.\tBefore further flight ensure that the fuel being used is one of the following types: \n\t\to\tJet A or A1 conforming to specification ASTM-D-1655; \n\t\to\tJP5 conforming to MIL-T-5624; \n\t\to\tFuels conforming to DERD 2494 or 2498; or \n\t\to\tFuels conforming to AIR 3404 or 3405. \n\n\t2.\tWithin 48 hours incorporate the following information into the Limitations Section of the Airplane Flight Manual and provide to crews: \n\n\t"The only approved fuels are Jet A and A1 conforming to Specification ASTM-D-1655, JP5 conforming to MIL-T-5624, fuels conforming to DERD 2494 or 2498, and fuels conforming to AIR 3404 or 3405." \n\n\t3.\tAlternate means of compliance which provide an acceptable level of safety may be used when approved by the Manager, Seattle Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, Northwest Mountain Region. \n\n\tNOTE: Compliance with paragraph 2. of this directive may be effected by including a copy of this AD in the Airplane Flight Manual and Operating Manual. \n\n\tThis amendment becomes effective August 6, 1985. It was effective earlier to all recipients of telegraphic AD 85-11-52, issued June 7, 1985, which contained this amendment.
2016-05-05: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Airbus Model A300 series airplanes; Model A300 B4-600, B4-600R, and F4- 600R series airplanes, and A300 C4-605R Variant F airplanes (collectively called Model A300-600 series airplanes); and Model A310 series airplanes. This AD was prompted by reports of cracked aluminum support struts of the trimmable horizontal stabilizer (THS) caused by stress corrosion. This AD requires inspections to identify the part number of each support strut, repetitive inspections for cracking of the THS support strut ends, installation of reinforcing clamps on strut ends, and replacement of support struts, if necessary. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct cracked THS support struts, which could lead to the rupture of all four support struts making the remaining structure unable to carry limit loads, which could result in loss of the THS and reduced control of the airplane.
62-23-05: 62-23-05 LYCOMING: Amdt. 501 Part 507 Federal Register October 30, 1962. Applies to All GO, IGO, GSO and IGSO Series Lycoming Engines Listed in Lycoming Service Bulletin No. 290 When Installed in Twin Engine Aircraft With Full Feathering Hartzell Propellers:
GO-435 3306-11 through 3324-11 3315-11 and 3316-11
GO-580-B 1161-28 through 1221-28 1173-28
GO-480-F 607-29 through 614-29
GO-480-D 402-32 through 404-32
GSO-480 3010-33 through 3065-33 3336-33 through 3338-33
GO-480-C and -G 1446-34 through 1492-34 1481-34 and 1483-34 through 1488-34
GO-480-C and -G 1315-35 through 1326-35
GO-480-C and -G 219-37 through 290-37 276-37, 286-37, 287-37 and 289-37
GO-480-G 203-42 and 204-42
IGSO-480 701-44 through 1038-44 755-44, 756-44, 797-44, 798-44, 833-44,
834-44, 1007-44 through 1012-44, 1014-44
through 1016-44, 1022-44 through 1025-44
IGO-540 101-49 through 226-49 204-49 through 207-49, 210-49,
211-49, 214-49, 217-49, 223-49, 224-49
IGSO-540 101-50 through 537-50 322-50, 323-50, 395-50, 439-50, 442-50,
443-50, 450-50 through 452-50, 478-50
through 482-50, 484-50, 485-50, 489-50,
490-50, 495-50, 498-50, 501-50 through
509-50, 511-50 through 513-50, 516-50
through 521-50, 523-50, 526-50, 528-50
through 530-50, 212-50, 213-50, 215-50,
216-50, 218-50, 219-50, 303-50, 304-50,
307-50, 308-50, 326-50, 327-50, 335-50,
through 338-50, 341-50, 342-50, 345-50
through 350-50, 376-50 through 379-50,
382-50, 383-50, 387-50, 388-50, 399-50,
400-50, 402-50, 403-50, 436-50, 437-50,
460-50, 461-50, 464-50, 465-50, 468-50
through 472-50, 483-50, 486-50, 487-50,
491-50 through 494-50;
and to Remanufactured and Factory Overhauled Engines shipped from the Lycoming Division During the Period of February 16, 1961, through August 31, 1962; and to All Applicable Engines Overhauled at Facilities Other than the Manufacturer, in Which the Provisions of Lycoming Service Instruction No. 1033 Have Been Incorporated. (Note: If the Compliance Status of Service Instruction No. 1033 is Unknown, Inspection per this AD is Required.)
Compliance required within 10 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD; 25 hours' time in service after the first inspection; 25 hours' time in service after the second inspection, and every 100 hours' time in service thereafter.
To detect excessive wear of the propeller shaft oil seal rings, a propeller oil leakdown inspection shall be made in accordance with the instructions contained in Lycoming Service Bulletin No. 290. These inspections shall be continued until Lycoming P/N 67722 propeller shaft oil seal rings are installed in the reduction gear assembly at which time the inspections may be discontinued. Reductiongear assemblies incorporating P/N 67722 oil seal rings shall be identified by stamping an "M" following the reduction gear serial number on the machined pad to the right side of the timing plug in the reduction gear housing.
(Lycoming Service Bulletin No. 290 covers this subject.)
This directive effective November 14, 1962.
82-15-02: 82-15-02 HILLER AVIATION: Amendment 39-4416. Applies to Model UH-12D, UH- 12E, UH-12E4, UH-12E-L, UH-12L, UH-12L4, and military OH-23D, OH-23F and OH-23G series helicopters, certificated in all categories, through serial No. 5187.
Compliance required as indicated, unless already accomplished.
To prevent loss of power to the main and tail rotors, accomplish the following:
Within 50 hours' additional time in service after the effective date of this AD, remove the four P/N 21041 bolts and four AN 960-716L washers which attach the mercury clutch to the torsional coupling and replace with new P/N 21041 bolts and P/N 21074-3 washers in accordance with Part 2, Accomplishment Instruction, of Hiller Aviation Service Bulletin No. 21-2 dated January 20, 1982, or FAA approved equivalent. The four P/N 21041 bolts removed per this action must be considered unairworthy and marked accordingly.
NOTE: Hiller Model UH-12 series helicopters converted to turbine power by Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) SH178WE or SH177WE do not incorporate the subject parts and therefore are not affected by this AD unless restored to the original configuration.
Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with Sections 21.197 and 21.199 of the FAR to operate rotorcraft to a base for the accomplishment of inspections or modifications required by this AD.
Alternative inspections, modifications, or other actions which provide an equivalent level of safety may be used when approved by the Chief, Western Aircraft Certification Field Office, FAA Northwest Mountain Region.
This amendment supersedes AD 82-10-06.
This amendment becomes effective July 16, 1982.
2016-04-14: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain
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Turbomeca S.A. Arriel 1E2 turboshaft engines. This AD requires removing the tachometer box on affected engines. This AD was prompted by reports of uncommanded in-flight shutdowns (IFSDs). We are issuing this AD to prevent failure of the tachometer box, which could lead to failure of the engine, IFSD, and loss of control of the helicopter.
64-11-02: 64-11-02 HILLER: Amdt. 730 Part 507 Federal Register May 16, 1964. Applies to All Model UH-12E Helicopters.
Compliance required as indicated.
A number of failures of the tail rotor pinion gear have been experienced. These failures have been experienced with several different gear heat treat lots and on helicopters both with and without rotor brakes installed. To preclude any additional failures, accomplish the following:
(a) Replace tail rotor pinion gears identified as Hiller P/N 23522 or P/N 23634 with a tail rotor pinion gear P/N 23634-3 as follows:
(1) Gears with less than 50 hours total time in service on the effective date of this AD shall be replaced prior to the accumulation of 100 hours' total time in service.
(2) Gears with 50 hours or more total time in service on the effective date of this AD shall be replaced within the next 50 hours' time in service.
(b) Tail rotor pinion gears identified as P/N 23634-3 are satisfactory for unlimitedservice life.
NOTE: An "-A" following P/N 23634 should be disregarded inasmuch as this is a gear vendor's marking and not part of the Hiller part number.
(Hiller Service Information Letter No. 3036 "C" covers this same subject.)
This supersedes AD 63-26-02.
This directive effective May 16, 1964.
52-04-04: 52-04-04 MARTIN: Applies to All Models 202 and 202A Aircraft.
Compliance required not later than July 1, 1952.
Provide two separate and individually protected circuits for instrument panel lighting- each circuit to provide adequate panel illumination for necessary flight instruments.
(G. L. Martin Co. Service Bulletin 118 and Trans World Airlines Engineering Order 5643 cover this same subject for the 202A).
87-04-14: 87-04-14 BRITISH AEROSPACE: Amendment 39-5540. Applies to British Aerospace (BAe) Model DH/HS/BH-125 series airplanes identified in BAe Service Bulletins 49-31-9286A and 49-32-9210A, both Revision 1, and both dated March 24, 1986, certificated in any category. Compliance is required within 6 months after the effective date of this AD. To reduce the possibility of APU fuel leakage in the rear equipment bay, and assure electrical bonding of the starter/generator to the airplane, accomplish the following, unless previously accomplished:
A. Seal the APU plenum shroud at the turbine plenum drain outlet in accordance with BAe Service Bulletin 49-31-9286A, Revision 1, dated March 24, 1986, Modification No. 259286A.
B. Install twin heavy duty bonding cables between the APU accessory case and ground terminal post 16 on the main engine beam in accordance with BAe Service Bulletin 49-32- 9210A, Revision 1, dated March 24, 1986, Modification No. 259210A.
C. An alternate meansof compliance or adjustment of the compliance time, which provides an acceptable level of safety, may be used when approved by the Manager, Standardization Branch, ANM-113, FAA, Northwest Mountain Region.
D. Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to operate airplanes to a base for the accomplishment of the modifications required by this AD.
All persons affected by this directive who have not already received the appropriate service documents from the manufacturer may obtain copies upon request to British Aerospace, Inc., Librarian, Box 17414, Dulles International Airport, Washington, D.C. 20041. These documents may be examined at the FAA, Northwest Mountain Region, 17900 Pacific Highway South, Seattle, Washington, or the Seattle Aircraft Certification Office, 9010 East Marginal Way South, Seattle, Washington.
This amendment becomes effective March 9, 1987.