92-19-10: 92-19-10 BOEING: Amendment 39-8368. Docket No. 92-NM-23-AD. Supersedes AD 90-20-08, Amendment 39-6742.\n\n\tApplicability: Model 727-100 and -100C series airplanes, certificated in any category.\n\n\tCompliance: Required as indicated, unless accomplished previously.\n\n\tTo prevent degradation of the skin panel structural integrity, which could lead to depressurization of the cabin, accomplish the following:\n\n\t(a)\tFor Model 727-100 and -100C series airplanes, having line position 001 through 547: Within 15 months after October 23, 1990 (the effective date of AD 90-20-08, amendment 39-6742), conduct an internal and external close visual inspection for corrosion of the skin panels, doublers, and triplers located between body stations (BS) 950 and BS 1183 and stringers S-26L and S-26R. Perform the inspections in accordance with Parts II.A. and II.B. of Boeing Service Bulletin 727-53-0085, Revision 3, dated September 28, 1989, or Revision 4, dated July 11, 1991. Repeat the external inspection at intervals not to exceed 15 months. Repeat the internal inspection and apply corrosion inhibitor at intervals not to exceed 36 months.\n\n\t(b)\tFor all Model 727-100 and -100C series airplanes, having line position 548 or subsequent: Within 15 months after the effective date of this AD, conduct an internal and external close visual inspection for corrosion of the skin panels, doublers, and triplers located between BS 950 and BS 1183 and stringers S-26L and S-26R. Perform the inspections in accordance with Parts II.A. and II.B. of Boeing Service Bulletin 727-53-0085, Revision 4, dated July 11, 1991. Repeat the external inspection at intervals not to exceed 15 months. Repeat the internal inspection and apply corrosion inhibitor at intervals not to exceed 36 months.\n\n\t(c)\tIf no corrosion or minor corrosion, as defined in Part II.A.2. of Boeing Service Bulletin 727-53-0085, Revision 3, dated September 28, 1989; or Revision 4, dated July 11, 1991, is detected as a result of any inspection required by paragraphs (a) or (b) of this AD, prior to further flight, accomplish the procedures specified in paragraph (c)(1) or (c)(2) of this AD, as applicable:\n\n\t\t(1)\tFor each internal close visual inspection conducted in accordance with paragraph (a) or (b) of this AD, perform an internal ultrasonic inspection for voids in accordance with Part II.C.2. of the applicable service bulletin. If voids or minor corrosion are detected, perform a Low Frequency Eddy Current (LFEC) inspection to determine the amount of material loss, in accordance with Part II.D. of the applicable service bulletin.\n\n\t\t(2)\tFor each external close visual inspection conducted in accordance with paragraph (a) or (b) of this AD, perform an external ultrasonic inspection for voids in accordance with Part II.C.3. of the applicable service bulletin. If voids or minor corrosion are detected, perform a LFEC inspection to determine the amount of material loss, in accordance with Part II.D. ofthe applicable service bulletin.\n\n\t(d)\tIf major corrosion, as defined in Parts II.A.3. or II.B. of Boeing Service Bulletin 727-53-0085, Revision 3, dated September 28, 1989, or Revision 4, dated July 11, 1991, is detected as a result of any inspection required by paragraphs (a) or (b) of this AD; or if material loss is 10 percent or more of the skin, doubler, or tripler thickness; prior to further flight, repair or replace the affected skin panel in accordance with Parts V. or VI. of the applicable service bulletin.\n\n\t(e)\tIf material loss is less than 10 percent of the skin, doubler, or tripler, and voids are present, prior to further flight, repair in accordance with Part III.B., III.D., IV.B., V., or VI. of Boeing Service Bulletin 727-53-0085, Revision 3, dated September 28, 1989; or Part VI.B., III.C., IV.B., V., or VI. of Revision 4, dated July 11, 1991.\n\n\t(f)\tFor repairs made in accordance with Part III. or IV. of the service bulletin, within 15 months after the repair is made, perform a LFEC inspection to determine corrosion progression, in accordance with Part II.D. of Boeing Service Bulletin 727-53-0085, Revision 3, dated September 28, 1989; or Revision 4, dated July 11, 1991. Repeat the inspections at intervals not to exceed 15 months.\n\n\t(g)\tBlind fasteners installed in accordance with Part IV. of Boeing Service Bulletin 727-53-0085, Revision 3, dated September 28, 1989; or Revision 4, dated July 11, 1991, are to be used as an interim repair only. The blind fasteners have a life limit of 10,000 landings before they must be replaced with solid fasteners in accordance with Part IV. of the service bulletin.\n\n\t\t(1)\tThe blind fasteners must be inspected for loose or missing fasteners after accumulating 3,000 landings since installation or 1,000 landings after the effective date of this AD, whichever occurs later, and thereafter at intervals not to exceed 3,000 landings.\n\n\t\t(2)\tBlind fasteners installed prior to the effective date of this AD must be replaced prior to accumulating 10,000 landings or within 3,000 landings after the effective date of this AD, whichever occurs later.\n\n\t(h)\tReplacement of the skin panels with an unbonded skin panel in accordance with Part II. of Boeing Service Bulletin 727-53-85, Revision 2, dated July 3, 1975; Part VI. Boeing Service Bulletin 727-53-0085, Revision 3, dated September 28, 1989; or Revision 4, dated July 11, 1991; constitutes terminating action for the inspection requirements of this AD for those panels.\n\n\t(i)\tAn alternative method of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time that provides an acceptable level of safety may be used if approved by the Manager, Seattle Aircraft Certification Office (ACO), FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate. Operators shall submit their requests through an appropriate FAA Principal Maintenance Inspector, who may add comments and then send it to the Manager, Seattle ACO.\n\n\tNOTE: Information concerning the existence of approved alternative methods of compliance with this AD, if any, may be obtained from the Seattle ACO.\n\n\t(j)\tSpecial flight permits may be issued in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to operate the airplane to a location where the requirements of this AD can be accomplished.\n\n\t(k)\tThe inspections, repair, and replacement shall be done in accordance with Boeing Service Bulletin 727-53-85, Revision 2, dated July 3, 1975; Boeing Service Bulletin 727-53-0085, Revision 3, dated September 28, 1989; or Boeing Service Bulletin 727-53-0085, Revision 4, dated July 11, 1991; as applicable. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR Part 51. Copies may be obtained from Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, P.O. Box 3707, Seattle, Washington 98124. Copies may be inspected at the FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington; or at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW.,suite 700, Washington, DC.\n\n\t(l)\tThis amendment becomes effective on November 20, 1992.