89-10-07: 89-10-07 PRATT & WHITNEY: Amendment 39-6181. Applicability: Pratt & Whitney (PW) JT9D-3A, -7, -7A, -7AH, -7H, -7F, -7J, and -20 turbofan engines. Compliance: Required as indicated, unless already accomplished. To prevent a diffuser case Number 4 or Number 7 strut failure that can cause a Number 3 bearing compartment fire and subsequent nacelle fire, accomplish the following: (a) Install strut insert assembly Part Number 804698-01 into both the Number 4 and Number 7 diffuser case struts, in accordance with the Accomplishment Instructions of PW Service Bulletin (SB) 5730, dated February 4, 1987, at the next engine shop visit after the effective date of this AD, but not later than August 31, 1991. NOTE: For the purpose of this AD, engine shop visit is defined as maintenance entailing a separation of the high pressure compressor case and diffuser case "K" flange. (b) Aircraft may be ferried in accordance with the provisions of FAR 21.197 and 21.199 toa base where the AD may be accomplished. (c) Upon submission of substantiating data by an owner or operator through an FAA Airworthiness Inspector, an alternative method of compliance with the requirements of this AD or adjustment to the compliance times specified in this AD may be approved by the Manager, Engine Certification Office, ANE-140, Engine and Propeller Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service, Federal Aviation Administration, 12 New England Executive Park, Burlington, Massachusetts 01803. The diffuser case strut insert incorporation shall be done in accordance with PW SB 5730, dated February 4, 1987. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR Part 51. Copies may be obtained from Pratt & Whitney, Publication Department, P.O. Box 611, Middletown, Connecticut 06457. Copies may be inspected at the Regional Rules Docket, Office of the Assistant Chief Counsel, Federal AviationAdministration, New England Region, 12 New England Executive Park, Room 311, Burlington, Massachusetts 01803, or at the Office of the Federal Register, 1100 L Street, N.W., Room 8301, Washington, DC. This amendment (39-6181, AD 89-10-07) becomes effective on May 30, 1989.
2006-02-51: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Raytheon Aircraft Company Model 390 airplanes. This AD contains the same information as emergency AD 2006-02-51 and publishes the action in the Federal Register. This AD requires you to visually inspect the hydraulic tube assembly (P/N 390-580035-0001 or P/N 390- 580035-0005) and the clamp (P/N MS21919WCJ6 or P/N MS21919WCJ7) (or FAA-approved equivalent part numbers), as specified in the service information; replace the clamp at each inspection; replace the hydraulic tube assembly immediately if any of the problems identified in the service bulletin are found; and report the results of each inspection or replacement to the FAA. This AD results from failure of the hydraulic tube assembly, which caused in-flight loss of hydraulic fluid. We are issuing this AD to prevent failure of the hydraulic tube assembly and consequent leaking of hydraulic fluid. This failure could result in loss of hydraulic system functionsand risk of fire because of flammable fluid leakage in the engine nacelle and lead to loss of control of the airplane.
99-08-10: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD) that is applicable to all Boeing Model 747-100, -200, -300, -SP, and -400F series airplanes. Among other things, this amendment requires repetitive leak tests of the lavatory drain system and repair, if necessary; installation of a cap or flush/fill line ball valve on the flush/fill line; periodic seal changes; and replacement of any "donut" type valves installed in the waste drain system. This amendment is prompted by continuing reports of damage to airframes and damage to property on the ground, caused by "blue ice" that forms from leaking lavatory drain systems on transport category airplanes and subsequently dislodges from the airplane fuselage. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent damage to airframes and property on the ground that is associated with the problems of "blue ice" that forms from leaking lavatory drain systems on transport category airplanes and subsequently dislodges from theairplane fuselage.
99-08-09: This amendment supersedes an existing airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to certain Aerospatiale Model ATR42-300 and -320 series airplanes, that currently requires a one-time inspection of the main landing gear (MLG) actuator fitting bolt holes for correct alignment, and rework of the fitting surface and bolt replacement, if necessary. This amendment requires replacement of the MLG actuator fitting bolts with new, improved bolts. This amendment also revises the applicability of the existing AD. This amendment is prompted by issuance of mandatory continuing airworthiness information by a foreign civil airworthiness authority. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent failure of the MLG actuator fitting bolts, which could result in the inability to retract the MLG and attain an adequate climb gradient.
79-25-03: 79-25-03 DETROIT DIESEL ALLISON: Amendment 39-3625. Applies to Model 501-D13, 501-D13A, 501-D13D, 501-D13E, and 501-D13H engines equipped with second, third, and fourth stage turbine wheels P/N's 6829072, 6847112, 6788833, 6842143, 6841223, 6846553, 6738424, and 6843014. Compliance required as follows unless previously accomplished: (a) For second stage turbine wheels, remove from service in accordance with FAA approved revision of 501-D13 CSL-235 dated December 13, 1979. (b) For third and fourth stage turbine wheels, remove from service in accordance with FAA approved revision of 501-D13 CSL-253 dated December 13, 1979. Detroit Diesel Allison Commercial Service Letters 501-D13 CSL-235, 501-D13 CSL-253, and Commercial Overhaul Information Letter 501-D13 COIL-349 revised as of December 13, 1979 are incorporated herein and made a part hereof pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(1). The incorporated service documents may be obtained from Detroit Diesel Allison, Division ofGeneral Motors Corporation, Indianapolis, Indiana 46206. This amendment becomes effective on December 13, 1979.
64-04-05: 64-04-05 NAVION: Amdt. 684 Part 507 Federal Register February 11, 1964. Applies to All Navion D, E, F, and G Aircraft, Serial Numbers NAV-4-2 and up. Compliance required within 10 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD and thereafter within every 100 hours'-time in service. (a) Visually inspect wing panel outboard of Wing Stations 130 (outboard edge of flap) for loose rivets. Replace loose rivets with the next larger size. Where this is impractical due to edge distance, interference, etc., install a protruding head rivet of the same diameter located between the loose rivet and the next adjacent rivet. (b) Install 4 AD 4 protruding head rivets both top and bottom skin equally spaced between the last 5 rivets in stringer No. 3. This is at the front tip tank attachment. (c) This inspection is no longer necessary if the skin with flush rivets is replaced with new skin of equivalent strength and protruding head rivets of the original size are used. Other modifications must be approved by a Regional FAA Engineering and Manufacturing Branch. (Navion Service Letter No. 85 covers this same subject.) This directive effective February 17, 1964.
2006-02-11: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain McDonnell Douglas transport category airplanes. This AD requires doing repetitive detailed inspections for accumulation of debris (blockage) in the drain holes of the pitot tubes, and cleaning the hole if any evidence of debris is found. This AD results from reports of blocked drain holes of the pitot tubes. We are issuing this AD to prevent blocked drain holes of the pitot tubes, which could result in the accumulation of water in the pitot-static system and consequent failure of that system. Failure of the pitot-static system could result in erroneous airspeed indications in the cockpit and consequent loss of airspeed control.
78-24-03: 78-24-03 SOCIETE NATIONALE INDUSTRIELLE AEROSPATIALE: Amendment 39- 3347. Applies to Model SA 330 Puma helicopters, certificated in all categories, that have accumulated less than 500 hours total time in service on their main gear boxes and have not incorporated Puma Modification AMS 07.51.103. Compliance required before further flight, unless already accomplished, but helicopter may be flown in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to a base where the required work can be performed. To prevent failure of the main gear box input reduction gears due to excessive vibration, replace the main gear box with a gear box incorporating Puma Modification AMS 07.51.103 or accomplish the following: (a) Determine the acceleration spectral level of the input reduction gears in accordance with the accomplishment instructions of Puma SA 330 Service Bulletin No. 01.21, dated July 12, 1977, or an FAA-approved equivalent. (b) If the acceleration spectral level found during the test required by paragraph (a) of this AD measures 52db or more, replace the forward input reduction gears with gears incorporating Puma Modification AMS 07.51.103, or an FAA-approved equivalent. (c) If the acceleration spectral level found during the test required by paragraph (a) of this AD measures less than 52db, the input reduction gears may remain in service if the operator receives written information from Aerospatiale that a spectral analysis shows the gears to be acceptable. (d) Continue to comply with paragraphs (a) through (c) of this AD at intervals not to exceed 20 hours time in service until the gears have been replaced with gears incorporating Puma Modification AMS 07.51.103, or an FAA-approved equivalent. This amendment is effective November 24, 1978, as to all persons except those persons to whom it was made immediately effective by the telegram dated May 19, 1978, which contained this amendment.
99-08-01: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to certain Boeing Model 747 series airplanes, that requires repetitive detailed visual inspections for corrosion, and repetitive high frequency eddy current (HFEC) inspections for cracks, of the upper link assembly on the number 2 and number 3 engine struts, and corrective actions, if necessary. This amendment is prompted by reports of corrosion and cracks located at the four fasteners that attach to the aft end to the upper link assembly on the number 2 and number 3 engine struts. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent failure of the upper link due to cracking or corrosion, subsequent damage to other strut support structure, and in-flight separation of an engine from the airplane.
79-19-13: 79-19-13 CESSNA: Amendment 39-3578 as amended by Amendment 39-3651. Applies to Model 441 (Serial Numbers 441-0001 through 441-0106 and 441-0109) airplanes certificated in all categories. COMPLIANCE: Required as indicated unless already accomplished in accordance with (1) Cessna Propjet Service Information Letter Number PJ79-15, Revision #1 and information applicable thereto on the errata sheet dated October 17, 1979, issued by Cessna, (2) Cessna Service Kit Instructions Number SK441-27 dated September 18, 1979, and information applicable thereto on the errata sheets, dated October 5, 17, 22 and November 5, 1979, issued by Cessna, and (3) applicable dispositions approved by Cessna and issued on Conquest Return to Service (RTS) call report forms. To preclude failure of the elevator trim tab actuator jack screws, accomplish the following: A) At least 24 hours prior to initiating compliance with this AD, each owner/operator shall contact his local FAA GADO/FSDO/EMDO (whichever is applicable) and advise them of the following: 1. Registration number and serial number of each of their Cessna Model 441 airplanes, and 2. When and where each of the airplanes is to have this AD accomplished. NOTE: GADO stands for General Aviation District Office FSDO stands for Flight Standards District Office EMDO stands for Engineering and Manufacturing District Office B) Prior to the next flight install, (1) a new horizontal stabilizer assembly, left and right elevator assemblies, elevator trim tab control system and, (2) inspect and modify or, if necessary, replace the tailcone shelf assembly, all in accordance with Cessna Propjet Service Information Letter Number PJ79-15, Revision #2, Cessna Service Kit Instructions Number SK441-27A, dated November 14, 1979, and any applicable dispositions approved by Cessna and issued on Conquest Return to Service (RTS) call report forms. NOTE: Cessna has issued errata sheets dated November 20, 1979, which includes some general information items and several items showing special modification procedures to be used if certain problems occur during compliance with Paragraph B) of this AD. The November 20, 1979 errata sheets may not be used as the approval document for any modifications necessary to correct the subject problems. Such approval will be dispositioned by Cessna on Conquest Return to Service (RTS) call report forms issued for the specific airplane involved. C) Prior to approving the airplane for return to service, revise airplane weight and balance report to reflect the change in weight, moment and center of gravity location, as outlined in Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) 43.5 and 91.31, resulting from these modifications. D) An appropriately rated Repair Station or the Authorized Inspector who inspected the work must make an entry in the airplane maintenance records, that are to be transferred with the airplane, showing that this AD has been complied with and approving the airplane for return to service. E) Prior to carrying any person in the airplane other than a crew member, perform a flight check of the airplane in accordance with FAR 91.167 and instructions in Cessna Propjet Service Information Letter Number PJ79-15, Revision #2. F) Return to Cessna and/or destroy components removed from the airplane during compliance with this AD in accordance with instructions in Cessna Propjet Service Information Letter PJ79-15, Revision #2. G) Any equivalent method of compliance with this AD must be approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA, Central Region. Amendment 39-3578 became effective September 19, 1979. This Amendment 39-3651 becomes effective December 26, 1979.