2019-03-19: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Saab AB, Saab Aeronautics Model SAAB 2000 airplanes. This AD was prompted by reports that certain fuel probes indicated misleading fuel quantities on the engine indicating and crew alerting system (EICAS). This AD requires a functional check of certain fuel probes, and replacement with a serviceable part if necessary. We are issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
2006-11-03: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Gulfstream Model GV and certain Model GV-SP series airplanes. This AD requires a one-time inspection of the left and right aileron and elevator actuators to determine the part and serial numbers of each actuator, repetitive inspections of suspect actuators to detect broken damper shafts, and replacement of any actuator having a broken damper shaft. This AD also requires that operators report any broken damper shaft they find to the FAA. This AD also requires a terminating action for the repetitive inspections. This AD results from reports of broken or cracked damper shafts within the aileron and elevator actuator assemblies. We are issuing this AD to prevent broken damper shafts, which could result in locking of an aileron or elevator actuator (hard- over condition), which would activate the hard-over protection system (HOPS), resulting in increased pilot workload and consequent reduced controllability of the airplane.
93-13-02: 93-13-02\tBOEING: Amendment 39-8615. Docket 92-NM-238-AD. \n\n\tApplicability: All Model 737-200C series airplanes, certificated in any category. \n\n\tCompliance: Required as indicated, unless accomplished previously.\n \n\tTo prevent a cargo door from opening while the airplane is in flight, which could result in rapid decompression of the airplane, accomplish the following: \n\n\t(a)\tPrior to the accumulation of 29,000 flight cycles or within 250 flight cycles after the effective date of this AD, whichever occurs later, accomplish an external detailed visual inspection to detect cracks of the fuselage skin between stringers 19 left and 25 left and at body stations 360 to 540, in accordance with Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 737-53A1160, dated October 24, 1991; or Boeing Service Bulletin 737-53A1160, Revision 1, dated April 29, 1993. If any crack is found, prior to further flight, accomplish the requirements of paragraph (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this AD. \n\n\t\t(1)\tPerform an internal detailed visual inspection to detect cracks of the frames between stringer 19 left and 25 left and body stations 360 to 500B, in accordance with either service bulletin.\n \n\t\t(2)\tRepair all cracks in accordance with a method approved by the Manager, Seattle Aircraft Certification Office (ACO), FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate. \n\n\t(b)\tWithin 3,000 flight cycles after completing the requirements of paragraph (a) of this AD, unless accomplished within the last 6,000 flight cycles prior to the effective date of this AD, perform an internal detailed visual inspection to detect cracks of the frames between stringers 19 left and 25 left and at body stations 360 to 500B in accordance with Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 737-53A1160, dated October 24, 1991; or Boeing Service Bulletin 737-53A1160, Revision 1, dated April 29, 1993. Thereafter, repeat the internal detailed visual inspection at intervals not to exceed 9,000 flight cycles. If any crack is found, prior to further flight, accomplish the requirements of paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this AD, as applicable. \n\n\t\t(1)\tIf any crack is found that does not exceed the limits specified in the Boeing 737 Structural Repair Manual (SRM), repair the crack in accordance with the Boeing 737 SRM. Repeat the internal detailed visual inspection at intervals not to exceed 9,000 flight cycles.\n \n\t\t(2)\tIf any crack is found that exceeds the limits specified in the Boeing 737 SRM, repair the crack in an accordance with a method approved by the Manager, Seattle ACO, FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate. Repeat the internal detailed visual inspection at intervals not to exceed 9,000 flight cycles. \n\n\t(c)\tInstallation of the preventative modification in accordance with Boeing Service Bulletin 737-53A1160, Revision 1, dated April 29, 1993, constitutes terminating action for the repetitive inspections required by paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this AD.\n \n\t(d)\tAn alternative method of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time that provides an acceptable level of safety may be used if approved by the Manager, Seattle ACO, FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate. Operators shall submit their requests through an appropriate FAA Principal Maintenance Inspector, who may add comments and then send it to the Manager, Seattle ACO. \n\n\tNOTE: Information concerning the existence of approved alternative methods of compliance with this AD, if any, may be obtained from the Seattle ACO. \n\n\n\t(e)\tSpecial flight permits may be issued in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to operate the airplane to a location where the requirements of this AD can be accomplished. \n\n\t(f)\tThe inspections and modification shall be done in accordance with Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 737-53A1160, dated October 24, 1991; or Boeing Service Bulletin 737-53A1160, Revision 1, dated April 29, 1993. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR Part 51. Copies may be obtained from Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, P.O. Box 3707, Seattle, Washington 98124-2207. Copies may be inspected at the FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington; or at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW., suite 700, Washington, DC. \n\n\t(g)\tThis amendment becomes effective on August 9, 1993.
79-01-03: 79-01-03 PIPER: Amendment 39-3383. Applies to Piper Model PA-36-285, Serial Nos. 36-7360001 thru 36-7560003 certificated in all categories except those aircraft incorporating wing spar carry through assembly Piper P/N 76824-02. \n\n\tTo prevent hazards in flight associated with damage cumulating in the wing spar carry through assembly, accomplish the following: \n\n\t(a)\tWithin the next 25 hours in service from the effective date of this AD or upon the attainment of 2000 hours in service, whichever is later, unless previously accomplished within the previous 100 hours in service, and thereafter, at intervals not to exceed 100 hours in service from the last inspection, inspect the wing spar carry through assembly P/N 97370-00 in accordance with the "Instructions Section - Paragraph A" of Piper Service Bulletin No. 552 or equivalent. \n\n\t(b)\tIf damage is observed, repair in accordance with "Instructions Section - Paragraph B" of Piper Service Bulletin No. 552, or equivalent, prior to further flight, except the aircraft may be flown in accordance with FAR 21.197 to a base where a repair can be made. \n\n\t(c)\tEquivalent inspections and repairs must be approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA, Eastern Region. \n\n\t(d)\tUpon the incorporation of wing spar carry through assembly Piper P/N 76824- 02, compliance with the requirements of this AD may be dispensed with. \n\n\t(e)\tUpon submission of substantiating data by an owner or operator through an FAA Maintenance Inspector, the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA, Eastern Region may adjust the inspection intervals specified in this AD. \n\n\tThis amendment is effective January 2, 1979.
98-25-07: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to certain Airbus Model A300-600 series airplanes, that requires repetitive inspections to detect cracks in the angle fitting at frame 40 of the center wing box, and corrective actions, if necessary; and eventual modification of that angle fitting, which terminates the repetitive inspections. This amendment is prompted by issuance of mandatory continuing airworthiness information by a foreign civil airworthiness authority. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent cracks in the center wing box angle fitting, which could result in the failure of the center wing box at frame 40, and consequent reduced structural integrity of the airplane.
2019-03-11: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Airbus SAS Model A350-941 and -1041 airplanes. This AD was prompted by a determination that more restrictive maintenance requirements and airworthiness limitations are necessary. This AD requires revising the existing maintenance or inspection program, as applicable, to incorporate new or more restrictive maintenance requirements and airworthiness limitations. We are issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
95-17-11: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD) that is applicable to certain McDonnell Douglas Model MD-11 series airplanes. This action requires an inspection and other specified actions to ensure that the ground stud assemblies at three locations of the airplane are installed properly and torqued to certain specifications, to verify the integrity of the components of the ground stud assemblies, and to detect heat damage in adjacent areas; and correction of any discrepancy. This amendment is prompted by reports indicating that arcing occurred across the pins in the galley external power receptacle due to loose attach hardware on the ground stud. The actions specified in this AD are intended to ensure that the ground stud assemblies are attached correctly so that arcing will not occur. Such arcing, if not corrected, could result in heat damage to adjacent structure and a fire in the forward cargo compartment, the center accessory compartment, or the aft fuselagecompartment.
2006-11-09: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Bombardier Model CL-600-2B19 (Regional Jet Series 100 & 440) airplanes. This AD requires revising the Airworthiness Limitations section of the Instructions for Continuing Airworthiness of the Maintenance Requirements Manual to include revised threshold and repeat inspection intervals for the cargo door skin cut-out. This AD results from a report that a crack was discovered at the lower forward corner of a cargo door skin cut-out during fatigue testing. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct cracking in the lower forward corner of the cargo door skin cut-out, which could result in reduced structural integrity of the airplane.
99-02-18 R1: This amendment corrects information in an existing airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to certain EMBRAER Model EMB-120 series airplanes, that currently requires removing the thermal insulating blankets from the upper rear nacelle structure; re-positioning the engine exhaust duct; and replacing the engine exhaust bracket with a new engine exhaust bracket, if necessary. For certain airplanes, that amendment also currently requires installing new stainless steel plates onto the upper rear nacelle structure. The actions specified in that AD are intended to prevent fretting of the titanium thermal insulating blankets, which could result in an increased risk of fire in the engine exhaust duct of the tail pipe. This amendment corrects the requirements of the existing AD by correcting affected spare part numbers of thermal insulating blankets. This amendment is prompted by review of the requirements of the existing AD.
2019-03-10: We are superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2017-07-05, which applied to all Airbus SAS Model A300 series airplanes; and Model A300 B4-600, B4-600R, and F4-600R series airplanes, and Model A300 C4- 605R Variant F airplanes (collectively called Model A300-600 series airplanes). AD 2017-07-05 required repetitive detailed visual inspections of the main landing gear (MLG) leg components and replacement of the MLG leg if cracked components are found. This AD retains the requirements of AD 2017-07-05 and removes the credit for doing an MLG overhaul in lieu of the initial inspection of the MLG leg components. This AD was prompted by further investigation after AD 2017-07-05 was issued, which revealed that overhaul of the MLG does not alleviate the need for inspecting the MLG hinge arm/barrel pin for cracking. We are issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.