47-30-02: 47-30-02 CESSNA: (Was Mandatory Note 12 of AD-722-5.) Applies to T-50 Aircraft.
Compliance required no later than next 100 hour inspection.
Inspect the ends of the brake pedal links, P/N 53046, for reinforcing doubler plates around the fitting holes. If the doubler is not in evidence, remove the links and rivet two 0.040 inch x 1/2-inch x approximately 2-inch length - 24ST aluminum alloy reinforcing doubler plates to each end of each link using two 1/8-inch A17ST rivets through both doublers and the link on the far side of the joggle from the fitting holes.
2012-09-07: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Airbus Model A319-111, -112, and -132 airplanes; Model A320-111, -211, -212, -214 and -232 airplanes; and Model A321-111, -211, -212, and -231 airplanes. This AD was prompted by reports that corrosion was found on the overwing refueling aperture on the top wing skin, and that for certain airplanes, repairs made using primer coating may prevent proper electrical bonding provision between the overwing refueling cap adaptor and the wing skin. This AD requires performing an electrical bonding test between the gravity fill re-fuel adaptor and the top skin panels on the left-hand and right-hand wings, and if necessary performing a general visual inspection for corrosion of the component interface and adjacent area, and repairing the gravity fuel adaptor if any corrosion is found. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct corrosion and improper bonding, which in combination with a lightning strike in this area, could create a source of ignition in a fuel tank, resulting in a fire or explosion, and consequent loss of the airplane.
2010-01-04: The FAA is superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for GE CF34-1A, CF34-3A, and CF34-3B series turbofan engines. That AD currently requires removing from service certain part number (P/N) and serial number (S/N) fan blades within compliance times specified in the AD, inspecting the fan blade abradable rub strip on certain engines for wear, inspecting the fan blades on certain engines for cracks, inspecting the aft actuator head hose fitting for correct position, and, if necessary, repositioning the hose fitting. This ad supersedure requires the same actions but corrects the effectivity for certain fan blades requiring corrective actions and changes the effective date of the current AD. This AD supersedure results from the FAA discovering that the existing AD has an incorrect effectivity for certain fan blades requiring corrective actions, and from a report of an under-cowl fire and a failed fan blade. We are issuing this AD to prevent failure of certain P/N and S/N fan blades and aft actuator head hoses, which could result in an under-cowl fire and subsequent damage to the airplane.
79-04-03 R2: 79-04-03 R2 EMPRESA BRASILEIRA DE AERONAUTICA, S.A. (EMBRAER): Amendment 39-3411 as amended by Amendment 39-3623 is further amended by Amendment 39-4557. Applies to Models EMB-110P1 and EMB-110P2 (all serial numbers) airplanes certificated in any category.
COMPLIANCE: Required as indicated unless already accomplished.
To preclude failure of the oleo strut assemblies, accomplish the following as indicated below.
1. Inspect and replace oleo strut assemblies (P/N 15164A, B, or C, and 15165A, B, or C), on shock struts (P/N 14570 and 14575) which have 2,000 landings or more in accordance with the following:
a. Prior to the first flight of each day, using a 10-power magnifying glass, conduct a visual inspection of the shock struts of the main landing gear at the weld that joins the torque link-to-shock strut attachment. If cracks are found, prior to further flight, replace the component with a serviceable part.
b. Within the next 200 landings and each 200 landings thereafter, using a dye-penetrant method, per the Accomplishment Instructions in Embraer Service Bulletin 110-32- 018 dated June 8, 1978, inspect the area outlined in 1.a. above. If cracks are found, prior to further flight, replace the component with a serviceable part.
c. Retire from service shock struts (P/N 14570 and 14575) which have 3,000 landings or more.
2. Inspect and replace upper half-drag struts (P/N 14284 and 14334) without shot- peening treatment in accordance with the following:
a. Prior to the first flight of each day, using a 10-power magnifying glass, conduct a visual inspection of the external side of the upper region of the half-drag strut, near the hydraulic actuator joint. If cracks are found prior to further flight, replace the component.
b. Prior to further flight, unless already accomplished within the previous 200 landings, and each 200 landings thereafter, using a dye-penetrant method, per the Accomplishment Instructions in Embraer Service Bulletin 110-32-018 dated June 8, 1978, inspect the external and internal side of the half-drag strut (P/N 14284 and 14334). If cracks are found, prior to further flight, replace the failed component.
c. Within the next 100 landings after the effective date of this revision, replace any half-drag struts that have logged 18,750 landings or more.
3. Unless accomplished within the last 400 landings, inspect and replace upper half- drag strut (P/N 14284A and 14334A) which have shot-peening treatment in accordance with the following:
a. For components with 9,700 landings or more on the effective date of this AD, prior to further flight, and at each 400 landings thereafter, comply with paragraph 3.c. of this AD.
b. For components with less than 9,700 landings on the effective date of this AD, comply with paragraph 3.c. of this AD before the accumulation of 9,700 landings and at each 400 landings thereafter.
c. Inspect the external and internal side ofthe half-drag strut using a dye- penetrant method, per the Accomplishment Instructions in Embraer Service Bulletin 110-32-018 dated June 8, 1978. If cracks are found, prior to further flight, replace the failed component.
d. Within the next 100 landings after the effective date of this revision, replace any half-drag struts that have logged 18,750 landings or more.
4. On components on which landings are not recorded, one landing per flying hour may be used to determine the number of landings.
5. Upon request of the operator, an FAA maintenance inspector, subject to prior approval of the Manager, Atlanta Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, 1075 Inner Loop Road, College Park, Georgia 30337, may adjust the inspection compliance times specified in this AD to permit compliance at an established inspection period of the operator if the request contains substantiating data to justify the increase for that operator.
6. Airplanes on which cracks are found may be flown to abase for replacement of the failed components in accordance with FAR 21.197.
7. Compliance with the provisions of this AD may be accomplished in an equivalent manner, when approved by the Manager, Atlanta Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, 1075 Inner Loop Road, College Park, Georgia 30337.
EMBRAER Service Bulletin No. 110-32-018 pertains to the subject matter of this AD.
Amendment 39-3411 became effective February 16, 1979.
Amendment 39-3623 became effective November 28, 1979.
This Amendment 39-4557 becomes effective February 7, 1983.
97-24-06: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD) that applies to Glasflugel Models Standard Libelle and Standard Libelle 201 B sailplanes. This action requires inspecting the aileron operating lever's actuating shaft welded seams for cracks; modifying or replacing the actuating shaft, if cracked; and, if no cracks are found, eventually modifying or replacing the shaft. Cracks found in the welded seams of the actuating shaft prompted this action. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent cracks in the aileron operating lever's actuating shaft welded seams, which, if not detected and corrected, could cause loss of control of the sailplane.
2022-05-06: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Airbus SAS Model A300 B2-1C, B2K-3C, B2-203, B4-2C, B4-103, and B4-203 airplanes. This AD was prompted by a determination that new or more restrictive airworthiness limitations related to pylon maintenance are necessary. This AD requires revising the existing maintenance or inspection program, as applicable, to incorporate new or more restrictive airworthiness limitations for pylon maintenance, as specified in a European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD, which is incorporated by reference. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
98-03-14: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD) that applies to EXTRA Flugzeugbau GmbH Models EA-300 and EA-300/S airplanes. This AD requires inspecting the upper longeron cutout bridge for cracks, repairing any cracks found, and modifying this area. This AD is the result of mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by the airworthiness authority for Germany. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent structural damage to the fuselage caused by cracks in the upper longeron cutout bridge, which, if not detected and corrected, could result in loss of control of the airplane.
91-03-14: 91-03-14 BRITISH AEROSPACE: Amendment 39-6872. Docket No. 90-NM-197-AD.
Applicability: Model BAe 146 series airplanes with Serial Numbers E2133, E3134, E3135, E3137, E2139, E3141, E3142, E3145, E2148, E3151, and E3155; certificated in any category.
Compliance: Required as indicated, unless previously accomplished.
To detect cracks and prevent failure of the butt strap and reduced structural capability of the wings, accomplish the following:
A. Prior to the accumulations of 12,000 landings, or within 30 days after the effective date of this AD, whichever occurs later, perform a detailed visual inspection of the right and left wing outer butt straps at Rib 2 lower wing skin joint, in accordance with British Aerospace Service Bulletin 57-36, dated June 8, 1990. Repeat this inspection thereafter at intervals not to exceed 9,000 landings or 4-1/2 years since last inspection, whichever occurs first.
B. If cracks are found as a result of the inspection required by paragraph A. of this AD, prior to further flight, repair in a manner approved by the Manager, Standardization Branch, ANM-113, FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate.
C. An alternate means of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time, which provides an acceptable level of safety, may be used when approved by the Manager, Standardization Branch, ANM-113, FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate.
NOTE: The request should be submitted directly to the Manager, Standardization Branch, ANM-113, and a copy sent to the cognizant FAA Principal Inspector (PI). The PI will then forward comments or concurrence to the Manager, Standardization Branch, ANM-113.
D. Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to operate airplanes to a base in order to comply with the requirements of this AD.
All persons affected by this directive who have not already received the appropriate service documents from the manufacturer may obtain copies upon request to British Aerospace, PLC, Librarian for Service Bulletins, P.O. Box 17414, Dulles International Airport, Washington, D.C. 20041-0414. These documents may be examined at the FAA, Northwest Mountain Region, Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601 Lind Avenue S.W., Renton, Washington.
This amendment (39-6872, AD 91-03-14) becomes effective on March 4, 1991.
2012-09-05: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain 2-Fokker Services B.V.2-Model F.28 Mark 0100 airplanes. This AD was prompted by reports of failure of the main fitting on Messier-Dowty main landing gear (MLG) units due to fatigue cracking in the area of the filler and bleeder holes, and failure of the sliding member due to fatigue cracking at the area of the chrome run-out/lower radius of the sliding tube portion of the sliding member. This AD requires modification and re-identification of the MLG units, or replacement of the MLG unit with a modified one. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct fatigue cracking of the main fitting or sliding member on the MLG, which could lead to failure of the MLG and possibly loss of control of the airplane during landing rollout.
88-03-05: 88-03-05 HAMBURGER FLUGZEUGBAU: Amendment 39-5834. Applies to Model HFB- 320-HANSA series airplanes, Serial Numbers 1021, 1023, 1026, 1030, 1033, 1035, 1040, 1045, and 1050-1057, certificated in any category. Compliance required as indicated, unless previously accomplished:
To prevent asymmetric configuration which may cause degradation of lateral control, accomplish the following:
A. Within 30 days after the effective date of this AD, inspect and replace, as necessary, the bolts, drive shafts, and rotary selectors for the wing flaps, slats, and speed brakes, in accordance with Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm GmbH Service Bulletin 27-74, dated July 1, 1986.
B. An alternate means of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time, which provides an acceptable level of safety and which has the concurrence of an FAA Principal Maintenance Inspector, may be used when approved by the Manager, Standardization Branch, ANM-113, FAA, Northwest Mountain Region.
C. Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to operate airplanes to a base for the accomplishment of inspections and/or modifications required by this AD.
All persons affected by this directive who have not already received the appropriate service documents from the manufacturer may obtain copies upon request to Messerschmitt- Bolkow- Blohm GmbH, Postfach 95 01 09, D-2103 Hamburg 95, Federal Republic of Germany. These documents may be examined at the FAA, Northwest Mountain Region, 17900 Pacific Highway South, Seattle, Washington, or at the Seattle Aircraft Certification Office, 9010 East Marginal Way South, Seattle, Washington.
This amendment becomes effective February 28, 1988.