2024-15-11: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Leonardo S.p.a. Model A109C, A109E, A109K2, A109S, and AW109SP helicopters. This AD was prompted by reports of loose tail rotor duplex bearing locking nuts, possibly caused by improper installation. This AD requires disassembling certain tail rotor duplex bearings and reassembling them in accordance with updated procedures. This AD also prohibits installing certain tail rotor duplex bearing housings and pitch change slider assemblies. These actions are specified in a European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD, which is incorporated by reference. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
2017-05-05: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Pratt & Whitney Division (PW) PW4074, PW4074D, PW4077, PW4077D, PW4084D, PW4090, and PW4090-3 turbofan engines. This AD was prompted by an uncontained failure of a high-pressure turbine (HPT) hub during takeoff. This AD requires an inspection to measure the surface condition of the aft side web/rim fillet of HPT 1st stage hubs and removal from service of hubs that fail inspection. We are issuing this AD to correct the unsafe condition on these products.
58-22-04: 58-22-04 SUD AVIATION: Applies to All Alouette II SE 3130 Helicopters Except Serial Numbers 1168, 1169, 1170, 1175, 1176 and 1177. Compliance required (1) inspection prior to next flight and (2) rivet replacement by November 15, 1958. Due to sudden engine and rotor synchronization which may result upon completion of clutch engagement, stresses applied to the overall drive may be considerably increased. This can cause the shearing of rivets which hold the tail rotor inclined drive shaft tube to the yokes of the universal joints. Sud Aviation issued the following corrective measures which French SGACC considers mandatory: A. Prior to Next Flight: (1) Remove the tail rotor inclined drive shaft assembly as directed in instruction sheet P.I. 4404 of periodic inspection manual; (2) Check that the center lines of the bores in the yokes at each end of the shaft are parallel and lie in the same plane; (3) If drive shaft assembly is satisfactory, index the relative positions of the tube and yoke by means of a line of paint; (4) Repeat inspection after any sudden clutch engagement until compliance is shown with B. B. Prior to November 15, 1958: Replace the two diametrically opposite rivets on both ends of the tail rotor inclined drive shaft assembly. Sud Aviation P/N 67.20.000 which attaches to the universal joint fork with bolt, Sud Aviation P/N 67.21.103. (Sud Aviation Service Bulletin AL 67.11.140 and Modification Proposal V-42 cover this same subject.) (CAA telegraphic instructions of October 20, 1958, contained this information.)
2024-15-04: The FAA is superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2023-22- 13, which applied to certain Dassault Aviation Model FALCON 7X airplanes. AD 2023-22-13 required revising the existing maintenance or inspection program, as applicable, to incorporate new or more restrictive airworthiness limitations. This AD was prompted by a determination that new or more restrictive airworthiness limitations are necessary. This AD continues to require certain actions in AD 2023- 22-13 and requires revising the existing maintenance or inspection program, as applicable, to incorporate new or more restrictive airworthiness limitations, as specified in a European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD, which is incorporated by reference (IBR). The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
2017-05-01: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Airbus Model A300 series airplanes. This AD was prompted by an evaluation by the design approval holder (DAH) that indicates that a section of the wing and aft fuselage is subject to widespread fatigue damage (WFD). This AD requires an inspection to determine if certain modifications have been done. We are issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
2017-04-06: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain United Instruments, Inc. 5934 series altimeters that were manufactured between January 2015 and February 2016 and installed in airplanes and helicopters. This AD was prompted by reports of certain altimeters displaying higher than actual altitude due to a slow diaphragm leak, which would affect the accuracy of the altimeters. This AD requires replacing the affected altimeters. We are issuing this AD to correct the unsafe condition on these products.
57-13-01: 57-13-01 COLONIAL: Applies to All Model C-1 Aircraft. Compliance required within next 10 hours of operation or July 15, 1957, whichever occurs first unless already accomplished, and every 100 hours' operation thereafter. Inspect with 10-power glass the engine pylon side strut attaching fittings (P/N 3208-10) for cracks in the weld areas. (Inspection may be readily accomplished after removal of the fairing cuff, P/N 5400-33.) Fittings with cracks originating across the edge may be salvaged for use if the crack can be removed by grinding to a maximum depth of 1/16 inch measured in from the edge. Fittings with cracks located in areas other than the edge or in excess of the salvage limits must be replaced. (Colonial Service Bulletin No. 4 revision 1 dated May 22, 1957, covers this same subject.)
75-05-05: 75-05-05 GOODYEAR AEROSPACE CORPORATION: Amendment 39-2101. Applies to main wheel assemblies P/N's 5000757-1 and -2 typically used on, but their use is not limited to, McDonnell-Douglas DC-10-30 and DC-10-40 series aircraft. \n\n\tCompliance is required at the next tire change or wheel re-assembly after the effective date of this Airworthiness Directive, unless already accomplished, and thereafter at each tire change or wheel re-assembly or during replacement of any wheel half attaching bolts in a tire/wheel assembly. New wheels or spare wheel assemblies with previously magnetic-particle inspected bolts are exempt only from the initial inspection. \n\n\tTo prevent failures of the MS 21250-10060 bolts attaching the wheel halves, accomplish the following: \n\n\t(a)\tPerform magnetic-particle inspection for cracks of all wheel-half attaching bolts, paying particular attention to the radius under the bolt head and to the threads. Replace cracked bolts and those having stripped, crossed ordamaged threads. No reworking of wheel bolts is permitted. Defective bolts shall be scrapped. \n\n\tThis amendment becomes effective March 26, 1975.
2017-05-06: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all The Boeing Company Model 767-200 and -300 series airplanes. This AD was prompted by an evaluation by the design approval holder (DAH) indicating that the frame-to-floor-beam joints and frames common to shear ties at certain locations of fuselage structure are subject to widespread fatigue damage (WFD). This AD requires inspections for cracking of certain frame inner chords and webs common to the floor beam joint and at frames common to the shear ties at certain sections, and corrective action if necessary. We are issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
75-27-09 R2: 75-27-09 R2 BEECH: Amendment 39-2482 as amended by Amendment 39-2591 is further amended by Amendment 39-3878. Applies to all Beech 18 series airplanes including military counterparts and other counterparts approved by Supplemental Type Certificates (STCs), regardless of the category or categories of airworthiness certification. \n\n\tCOMPLIANCE: Required as indicated. To prevent possible failure of wing structure, accomplish the following for the left and for the right sides of each affected airplane. \n\n\tA)\tWithin 75 hours' time-in-service after August 22, 1980, either accomplish Subparagraphs A)1. through A)2., below, or accomplish Subparagraphs C)2. through C)9., below. \n\n\t\t1.\tUnless previously accomplished, if Dee Howard STC SA832SW or SA1581SW center section strap is installed, inspect for cracking of the strap in accordance with Dee Howard Service Bulletin SB18-2, either "no" revision or Revision A. Alternatively, to inspect for said cracking, remove paint (other thanzinc-chromate primer) from strap portions specified below, apply 68 foot-pounds torque to strap tensioning nuts, then load wings in accordance with Subparagraph C)6., below, and then use penetrant materials as specified by Subparagraph C)8., below. During the latter inspection, examine all portions of the underside, forward edge, and aft edge of the strap that are accessible while the strap is installed. \n\n\t\t2.\tUnless previously accomplished or unless a crack detector is used as specified by Subparagraph C)1., below, inspect for cracking of wing structure at wing station (WS) 60 and 62 sites in accordance with Paragraph C), below, except that removal of steel straps is unnecessary if satisfactory results are achieved without said removal. \n\n\tNOTE: After one-time inspection(s) as specified above, the same sites must be repetitively inspected along with others as required by Paragraph C), below. \n\n\tB)\tAt the time of the next inspection of wing structure that is required by this directive, unless previously accomplished, incorporate inspection access provisions in accordance with Figure 2, below, or a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-approved equivalent. If additional access provisions are necessary for inspection of sites specified by reports per Subparagraph C)7., below, follow instructions from Beech Aircraft Corporation, and incorporate these provisions. \n\n\tC)\tInspect wing structure and strap components as follows: \n\n\t\t1.\tConduct repetitive inspections at times which do not exceed the following: \n\n\nAirplane\nConfigurations\nInitial\nInspection\nInspection\nInterval\nApplicable\n Subparagraphs\n\n\n(Hours time-in-service)\n\nStrapped\nAt time strap is installed\n1500*\nC)2 through C)9 \nNot Strapped\n1500, total\n500\nC)3 through C)9 \n\n\nand 100\nC)8 at WS 73, 81, 90 \n\n\t*Upon operator's request, FAA Maintenance Inspector may extend this interval (or 3,600-hour interval specified below) by not more than 100 hours to permit compliance at an inspection period established for the operator. If crack detector system is installed, maintained, and used as specified by STC SA1151CE through SA1155CE or other STC which refers to this subparagraph, the 1,500-hours interval becomes 3,600 hours.\n \n\t\t2.\tTemporarily remove steel straps and inspect strap components for corrosion, fretting, cracking, and other defects in accordance with the applicable STC holder's instructions as follows:\n \n\nSTC Holder\nInstructions \n\n\nAerospace Products, Inc\n5536 Satsuma Ave.\nNorth Hollywood, CA 91601\nNumber 1869, dated \nMay 1980\n\n\nAirline Training, Inc.\nP.O. Box 22833\nFt. Lauderdale, FL 33335\nSection 7, Document 7132,\ndated August 1974\n\n\nCanadian Aerocon, Ltd.\nAttn: Mr. Dave Saunders\n2450 Derry Road East\nMississauga, Ontario,\nCanada L5S1B2\nMaintenance Manual \nSupplement, dated\nJuly 1973\n\n\nThe Dee Howard Company\nP.O. Box 17300\nSan Antonio, TX 78217\nRev. A, Service \nBulletin SB 18- 2,\ndated July 1980\n\n\nHamilton Aviation\nP.O. Box 11746\nTucson, AZ 85734\nDocument D4- 74, \ndated July 1974\n\n\nJourdan Aircraft\n11001 E. 59th Street\nRaytown, MO 64133\nService Bulletin SB 18-1,\ndated July 1980 \n\n\t3.\tInspect the front spar of the wing center section and outer wing panel at sites and by methods specified below. \n\n\nWing Station (WS)\nSite*\nMethod**\n 32\nTip of welds at wing splice\nplate, fore and aft surfaces of\ncap\nVisual, X-ray and either magnetic \nparticle or penetrant\n\n\n\n43 to 45\nTip of weld around cluster\nupper surface of cap\nVisual and either magnetic \nparticle or penetrant\n\n\n\n46\nOutboard ends of splice in cap,\nupper and lower surface of cap\nVisual, X-ray and either magnetic \nparticle or penetrant\n\n\n\n57, 64, 63 & 81\nTips of welds at gussets upon\nsurface of cap\nVisual, X-ray and either magnetic\nparticle or penetrant\n\n\n\n60 and 62\nTips of welds as shown in Figure 4\nX-ray \n\n\n\n61\nLower surface of spar cap below\ntube cluster, as seen from\nwheel wellVisual and either magnetic \nparticle or penetrant\n\n\n\n90\nTips of welds at clevis tangs,\nupper and lower surface\nVisual, X-ray and either magnetic \nparticle or penetrant\n\n\n\n90U\nTips of welds at clevis tangs,\nupper and lower surface\nX-ray \n\n\n\n102 & 111\nTips of welds as shown in Figure 4\nX-ray \n\n\t*90U is in upper spar cap. All other sites are in lower spar cap. WS 57 and 64 need not be separately X-rayed if these sites are shown by WS 60 and 62 radiographs. Refer to figures of this AD for more detailed information. \n\n\t**A tube (not isotope) source is required for x-raying unless otherwise requested and authorized under Paragraph H), below. \n\n\t\t4.\tTemporarily remove steel straps, inspection access covers and other equipment as necessary to eliminate interference with required inspections. Also, drain inboard fuel tanks prior to X-ray WS 60 and 62 sites. \n\n\t\t5.\tTemporarily or permanently install metallic tape, wire or "hose" clamps squarely around the spar cap (existing clamps, etc., may be used) as necessary to provide two X- ray beam alignment indicators near WS 32, 73, and 81 sites, and near WS 57 and 64 sites if the latter are to be separately x-rayed. Each indicator must be at lease one inch from the nearest inspection site, at least two inches from the companion indicator, and perceptible in the related radiograph. \n\n\t\t6.\tTaking only one radiograph at a time, accomplish X-ray inspection in accordance with MIL-STD-453 or -00453A and the following instructions: \n\n\t\t\ta)\tUse steel "MIL-STD" penetrameters of sizes specified by figures of this directive except at WS 90U and 62 sites where no penetrameter is required. Secure penetrameters to source-side surface of the spar cap, except film-side placement is permitted at WS 102 and 111 sites if access does not allow source-side placement. \n\n\t\t\tb)\tAt each site, use GAF 800, DuPont NDT-65, Kodak AA, or equivalent film, sandwiched between lead screens of 0.005-inch thickness. Additionally, at WS 60, 62, and 111 sites, use a second film in multi-film technique which provides film speed ratio of Kodak M/Kodak AA. With each film pack, use small identification symbols for at least the site (e.g., LWS 81, RWS 90U, LWS 60A, etc.), date, and airplane registration number. Position each film pack close to the site, using figures of this directive for guidance. Note: It is advisable to secure a "back-up" lead plate of 0.12-inch thickness at all sites, especially where film is beneath the spar cap. \n\n\t\t\tc)\tLoad the wing by applying an upward force at the junction of the number 10 wing rib and the lower forward spar cap of the outer wing panel. Use lumber or other material along and under the rib so as to distribute the force. Apply force equal to the sum of half of the weight of any fuel in outboard wing tanks, plus the weight of fixtures such as lumber, plus 75 to 100 pounds. \n\n\t\t\td)\tAfter the wing is loaded, ascertain that the X-ray source is secured against the upper wing skin for WS 60 and 62 sites and approximately 36 inches from the film at all other sites, at chordwise and spanwise angles specified by Figure 3 of this directive. \n\n\t\t\te)\tAscertain that neither the airplane nor the source will be moved by wind or other influences, and expose the film so as to obtain 1.5 to 2.8 radiographic density near inspection sites specified in Figure 4 of this directive. Use the same kinds of film and exposure time for WS 62 sites as for WS 60 sites. \n\n\t\t\tf)\tRetake any radiograph which evidences unsharpness, missed or obscured site, improper density, improper beam alignment, or in which at least two penetrameter holes are not perceptible. Note: Beam alignment indicators are either structural features such as top and bottom tangs, or indicators specially installed. The latter will appear as thin ellipses, the thinner being closest to the site. \n\n\t\t7.\tUsing a low power magnifying device, examine each radiograph under viewing conditions which showpenetrameter holes. Look for evidence of corrosion pitting and transverse cracking in unwelded spar cap material. Pay particular attention to unwelded spar cap material adjacent to discontinuities such as screw holes, corrosion pits, and tips and edges of welds. Submit a report to maintenance facility accomplishing the AD showing the location of each indication of cracking and corrosion pitting in unwelded spar cap material. \n\n\t\t8.\tAfter sites are cleaned, inspect by visual and either penetrant or magnetic particle methods, using materials and procedures as specified below. Inspect for cracking, external corrosion pitting, and holes through spar caps. Pay particular attention to locations specified by the x-ray report. Prior removal of original finish is not necessary, but paint applied in service must be removed unless it is as brittle as original finish. \n\n\t\t\ta)\tConduct visual inspection while wing is flexed by applying and relieving a 75 to 100 pound upward force near the wing tip. Use flashlight or other illumination and low power magnifying device for visual inspection. \n\n\t\t\tb)\tConduct penetrant inspection, if this method is used, while the wing is flexed as for visual inspection. Use materials shown by the penetrant manufacturer's publications to be eligible for detection of fatigue cracks in steel tubing. Strictly follow the penetrant manufacturer's instructions. \n\n\t\t\tc)\tConduct magnetic inspection, if this method is used, while the wing is either flexed as for visual inspection or loaded as for x-ray inspection. Position Magnaflux Corporation Y-5 or YM-5 yoke or equivalent equipment so that magnetic flux will parallel the spanwise centerline of the spar cap. Strictly follow instructions published by the equipment manufacturer for detection of fatigue cracks in steel tubing. \n\n\t\t9.\tKeep all radiographs at an accessible location apart from the airplane. \n\n\tD)\tWithin three (3) days after discovery, send a written report to FAA on Form 8330-2, or equivalent, showing the length and location of each crack and the location of corrosion or other adverse condition discovered during inspections required by this directive. (Reporting approved by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB No. 04-R0174.) \n\n\tE)\tObtain (unless previously done) and follow the cognizant (aircraft or strap, as appropriate) manufacturer's instructions for repair and/or continued service of each defect that is found during inspections required by this directive. If continued service with corroded wing structure has been previously authorized, field comparison of old and new radiographs must show that no subsequent deterioration has occurred, or remaining strength must be re-evaluated by the aircraft manufacturer. \n\n\tF)\tWithin 200 hours' time-in-service after January 5, 1976, but prior to the next flight after October 1, 1980, unless previously accomplished, incorporate an STC-approved strap installation which reinforces the lower forward cap between at least left and right wing stations 181. Note: Eligible strap installations are SA643CE with SA1206CE, SA832SW with SA895SW, SA1581SW with SA1582SW, SA2000WE, SA962EA, SA814SO, SA1533WE with SA2737WE, SA1192WE with SA3229WE, SA3009WE, SA3010WE, SA3021WE, and any future STC that includes a notation that refers to this directive. \n\n\tG)\tAircraft may be flown in accordance with FAR 21.197 to a location where alterations and inspections required by this directive can be performed. \n\n\tH)\tAlternate methods of compliance with this directive must be approved by the Chief, Aircraft Certification Program, Room 238, Terminal Building 2299, Mid-Continent Airport, Wichita, Kansas 67209, telephone (316) 942-4219. \n\n\tI)\tX-ray inspections herein required must be accomplished by: \n\n\t\t1.\tA certificated repair station holding a "limited airframe - Beech 18 series aircraft -wing and center section spar X-ray inspections" rating and \n\n\t\t2.\tEither a certificated mechanic or repairman in the employ of the above repair station, who is currently authorized to accomplish said X-ray inspections pursuant to a letter of authorization issued by the FAA GADO or FSDO having certificate authority over that repair station. \n\n\tJ)\tThe authorized person performing any X-ray inspection required by this AD shall, in addition to the information required by FAR 43.9 and 91.173, list the date of the letter of authorization under which he performed said inspection in the aircraft maintenance records specified in FAR 91.173(a)(2). \n\n\tCurrently effective Beech Aircraft Corporation's Service Bulletins 64-15, 64-16, 64-17 and 66-10 and Strap STC-Holder's Publications consider this subject but this AD takes precedence in any conflicting detail. \n\n\tThis AD supersedes AD 64-01-01, (correction 64-21-01) Amdt. 810 of Part 507 and any other amendments applicable to said AD, AD 64-21-03 (Amdt. 812 of Part 507 and any other amendments applicable to said AD). AD 64-21-03 (Amdt. 812 of Part 507 and any other amendments applicable to said AD), AD 73-18-04 (Amdt. 39-1708 and any other amendments applicable to said AD), and AD 75-09-18 (Amdt. 39-2241 and any other amendments applicable to said AD). \n\n\tAmendment 39-2482 became effective January 5, 1976. \n\n\tAmendment 39-2591 became effective May 3, 1976. \n\n\tThis Amendment 39-3878 becomes effective August 21, 1980.