52-29-01: 52-29-01 HILLER: Applies to All Models UH-12, -12A, -12B Helicopters. Compliance required by February 1, 1953, and thereafter following any unusually hard landing, or following any maintenance work requiring loosening of the cardan joint assembly attachment to fuselage, or removal of the forward tail rotor drive tube or tail boom assembly. Separation of the components of the forward tail rotor drive slip joint assembly, and eventual power loss to the tail rotor, may result from a severely hard landing, or from misalignment of the yoke, and cam followers of the "T" fitting following tail rotor drive system maintenance work of the nature described above. The condition may not be detected immediately, as it is possible to transmit torque to the tail rotor with the "T" fitting cam followers bearing on the outside of the yoke fingers. Failure of the "T" fitting under such conditions, however, will eventually result. The following procedure, or equivalent, is necessary to permit inspection for proper alinement at the times specified by the compliance requirements above. On the outboard surface of the fingers of the yoke, and adjacent to the slot, lightly scribe two marks; one at 0.72 inch and one at 0.78 inch aft of the closed end of the yoke slot. Then lightly scribe a mark through exact center of bearing cap on cam follower, at right angles to the yoke slot. With the helicopter at rest in a level attitude the line on the bearing cap of the cam follower must lie within the marks scribed on the yoke fingers. If correction is found necessary, refer to the Maintenance Manual, Section V, subsections 5-206-5-223. The following part numbers are given for reference: UH-12B (Military HTE-2, H-23B) Yoke P/N 24539-1. "T" Assembly P/N 24564-3. Fwd. Slip Joint Assy. P/N 24565. UH-12, -12A (Military HTE-1, H-23A): Yoke P/N 24523-1. "T" Fitting P/N 24526-1. Cam Followers P/N 24543-2. Fwd. Slip Joint Assy. P/N24500-9. The following Military Publications cover this subject: Navy BuAer Dispatch 131746Z September 13, 1952. Air Force TO 01-255HB-31, September 19, 1952. (Hiller Field Service Letter CD-2992 covers this procedure.)
2006-10-10: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Bombardier Model BD-100-1A10 airplanes. This AD requires an inspection for signs of arcing or heat damage of the electrical connections of the terminal blocks, ground studs, and the end of the wires and surrounding insulation for the windshield and side window anti-ice systems; and repairing any arced or damaged electrical connection. This AD also requires re-torquing electrical connections of the terminal blocks and ground studs for the windshield and side window anti-ice systems. This AD results from an in-service incident involving smoke and odor in the cockpit. We are issuing this AD to prevent loose electrical connections that could arc and overheat, and cause wiring damage of the windshield and side window anti-ice systems. Such wiring damage could result in smoke and/or fire in the flight compartment.
2020-19-12: The FAA is superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2018-21-04 for Glasflugel Models Club Libelle 205, H 301 ''Libelle,'' H 301B ''Libelle,'' Kestrel, Mosquito, Standard ''Libelle,'' and Standard Libelle-201B gliders. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) originated by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as jamming between the double two-ring end of the towing cable and the deflector angles of the center of gravity (C.G.) release mechanism. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
2000-01-11: This amendment supersedes an existing emergency priority letter airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to Eurocopter Deutschland GMBH (ECD) Model MBB-BK 117 helicopters, that currently requires, before further flight, creating a component log card or equivalent record and determining the age and number of flights on the tension-torsion (TT) strap. The AD also requires inspecting and removing, as necessary, certain unairworthy TT straps. This amendment requires the same actions as the emergency priority letter AD but clarifies the compliance requirements specified in the emergency priority letter AD. This amendment is prompted by an accident in which a main rotor blade (blade) separated from a helicopter due to fatigue failure of a TT strap. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent failure of a TT strap, loss of a blade, and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter.
56-16-04: 56-16-04 UNIVERSAL (Globe): Applies to Models GC-1A and GC-1B Aircraft. To be accomplished as soon as possible but not later than September 15, 1956. It has been reported that the landing gear was replaced with an E.L.I. type gear (air-oil) on a Globe Model GC-1B airplane with a serial number higher than 196. A subsequent failure of one of the aluminum alloy torque knees resulted in the loss of the left landing gear and damage to the airplane. It is probable that the Adel aluminum alloy knee was substituted for the regular P/N 64A40 forged steel knee. The Adel aluminum alloy knee is not a suitable replacement on the E.L.I. gear assembly, since it does not provide for the extension stop, P/N 64A31. To preclude similar occurrences, all aircraft not equipped with Adel main landing gear struts must replace the aluminum alloy torque knees with forged steel knees. 1. On aircraft equipped with Adel struts, the Adel forged aluminum torque knee assembly is satisfactory and may be retained. 2. Forged steel knees, E.L.I. P/N 64A40 are suitable as replacements on all types of landing gear units. This supersedes AD 46-33-01.
68-10-08: 68-10-08 CANADAIR: Amendment 39-601. Applies to CL-44 Type airplanes. Compliance required as indicated. To detect cracks in the main landing gear actuator attachment brackets, P/N 44-87571-2, which have accumulated 14,500 or more hours' time in service as of the effective date of this AD, accomplish the following: (a) Prior to each flight after the effective date of this AD visually inspect for cracks the upper and lower lugs of the four main landing gear actuator attachment brackets. (b) Within the next 50 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD unless accomplished within the last 200 hours' time in service and at intervals thereafter not to exceed 250 hours' time in service from the last inspection, remove the four brackets and inspect the upper and lower lugs for cracks using dye penetrant and a glass of at least 10-power or an FAA-approved equivalent inspection. (c) Within the next 500 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD unless already accomplished, install spacers, P/N 44-87639 or an FAA-approved equivalent part in accordance with Canadair Service Bulletin No. CL44-474 dated April 8, 1968 or later revisions approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA Eastern Region or perform an equivalent installation approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA Eastern Region. (d) Replace cracked parts with a part of the same part number or an FAA-approved equivalent part before further flight except that the airplane may be flown in accordance with FAR 21.197 to a base where the replacement part can be installed, provided the main landing gear remains in the down and locked position with the landing gear lock pins installed. (e) The compliance times may be increased by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA Eastern Region, upon receipt of substantiating data through an FAA Maintenance Inspector. (f) Equivalent parts and inspections must be approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA Eastern Region. (Canadair Ltd. Service Information Circular No. 370-CL44 dated April 8, 1968, pertains to this subject.) This amendment is effective May 21, 1968.
2000-01-06: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD) that applies to certain Rolladen Schneider Flugzeugbau GmbH (Rolladen Schneider) Model LS6-c sailplanes. This AD requires that you accomplish the following: - install a deflector on the cockpit instrument panel for sailplanes equipped with an instrument panel that is 40 centimeters (15.75 inches) wide; - inspect the canopy emergency jettison system on all sailplanes; and - adjust the system, as necessary, for all sailplanes, including installing a deflector for sailplanes equipped with an instrument panel that is not 40 centimeters (15.75 inches) wide if proper clearance is not met. This AD is the result of mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by the airworthiness authority for Germany. The actions specified by this AD are intended to assure that the instrument panel does not jam against the canopy frame of the emergency jettison system. This could restrict the pilot's ability to safely exit the sailplane.
99-27-13: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to all Fokker Model F27 Mark 050 series airplanes. This action requires using a torque wrench to repetitively tighten the screws for the attachment of the leading edges of the elevators, rudder, and ailerons. This amendment is prompted by issuance of mandatory continuing airworthiness information by a foreign civil airworthiness authority. The actions specified in this AD are intended to prevent loose attachment screws on the leading edges of the elevators, rudder, and ailerons due to vibration, which could result in interference with adjacent structure and consequent reduced controllability of the airplane.
81-22-51: 81-22-51 BOEING: Amendment 39-4291. Applies to all Boeing Model 747 series airplanes certificated in all categories with Rolls Royce RB.211 engines. To alert the flight crew to conditions which may precede engine failure, perform the following, unless previously accomplished: \n\n\tA.\tWithin 25 hours time in service after the receipt of this AD, or within 3 calendar days, whichever occurs later, revise the Boeing 747 FAA approved Airplane Flight Manual to add the following and provide to the flight crew: \n\nSECTION 1 - LIMITATIONS \n\nPowerplant Limitations \n\nAirborne Vibration Monitor (AVM) System \n\n\to\tAt least one channel (A or B) of the AVM system must be operative for each engine for all flight operations. \n\to\tThe operative AVM channel (A or B) must be the same for all engines. \n\to\tWhen both channels of the AVM system are operative, select channel A. If this channel becomes inoperative (indication goes to zero) in flight, select B. \n\to\tThe AVM filter selector must beset to the norm position at all times except during routine AVM monitoring checks. \n\nSECTION 2 - EMERGENCIES \n\nEngine Abnormal Vibration Indication \n\nDuring steady running conditions, if an airborne vibration monitor (AVM) system channel indicates a sudden increase of 1 (one) unit or more, or if the AVM warning light activates, even if the indicator returns to normal:\n \n\t\t\t\t\tIMMEDIATE ACTION \n\nTHRUST LEVER\nCLOSE\nSTART LEVER\nCUT OFF\n\n\tNOTE: During takeoff roll, a momentary fluctuation of the AVM indicator with no other indication of engine malfunction is not cause for shutdown. \n\n\tNOTE: When holding or descending in severe icing conditions, the AVM indication may gradually increase to above 2.5 units (warning light setting). This condition can be alleviated by increasing N1 to 90% for 5 seconds when ice accumulation (gradual vibration increase) is first detected. AVM indications may exceed 2.5 units during shedding. No action is required unless other indications ofengine malfunction are observed. \n\nSECTION 2 - EMERGENCIES \nEngine Oil Light Illuminated \nIf the engine oil light illuminates steadily or filter blockage is indicated:\n \n\t\t\t\t\tIMMEDIATE ACTION \n\nTHRUST LEVER\nCLOSE\nSTART LEVER\t\nCUT OFF \n\n\tB.\tWithin 60 days calendar time after effective date of this AD, install an amber repeater light (annunciator) for the vibration meter alarm lights on the pilot's panel in accordance with Boeing Service Bulletin 747-77-2061 dated November 4, 1981, or later revision approved by the Chief, Seattle Area Aircraft Certification Office, FAA Northwest Mountain Region. \n\n\tC.\tWhen the indications specified in paragraph A above occur, engines must undergo the following maintenance actions prior to further engine operation for flight: \n\n\t\t1.\tRolls Royce RB.211-77-A6424, Rev. 1, dated October 14, 1981, paragraph D.(4) for oil pressure and/or AVM indications. \n\t\t2.\tBoeing Maintenance Manual Chapter 71-00-47, High Indicated Vibration. \n\n\tD.\tSpecial flight permits may be issued in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to operate airplanes to a base in order to comply with the requirements of this AD. \n\n\tE.\tAlternate methods of compliance with this AD may be used when approved by the Chief, Seattle Area Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, Northwest Mountain Region. \n\n\tThe manufacturer's specifications and procedures identified and described in this directive are incorporated herein and made a part hereof pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(1). All persons affected by this directive who have not already received these documents from the manufacturer may obtain copies upon request to the address listed above. These documents may also be examined at FAA Northwest Mountain Region, 9010 East Marginal Way South, Seattle, Washington 98108. \n\n\tThis amendment becomes effective January 11, 1982, and was effective earlier to those recipients of telegraphic AD T81-22-51 dated October 16, 1981.
2000-08-52: 2000-08-52 BELL HELICOPTER TEXTRON INC.: Docket No. 2000-SW-20-AD. Supersedes AD 98-24-15, Docket No. 97-SW-20-AD, Amendment 39-10900. \n\n\tApplicability: Model 204B, 205A, 205A-1, 205B, and 212 helicopters, certificated in any category. \n\n\tNOTE 1: This AD applies to each helicopter identified in the preceding applicability provision, regardless of whether it has been otherwise modified, altered, or repaired in the area subject to the requirements of this AD. For helicopters that have been modified, altered, or repaired so that the performance of the requirements of this AD is affected, the owner/operator must request approval for an alternative method of compliance in accordance with paragraph (f) of this AD. The request should include an assessment of the effect of the modification, alteration, or repair on the unsafe condition addressed by this AD; and, if the unsafe condition has not been eliminated, the request should include specific proposed actions to address it.Compliance: Required as indicated, unless previously accomplished. \n\n\t To prevent failure of a main rotor mast (mast) or main rotor trunnion (trunnion), separation of main rotor system, and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter, accomplish the following: \n\n\t(a) For Model 204B helicopters: \n\n\t(1) Before further flight, review the component history cards or equivalent records for mast, part number (P/N) 204-011-450-001, -007, or -105, and trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, and determine accumulated RIN as follows: \n\n\t(i) For mast, P/N 204-011-450-001, multiply the total hours time-in-service (TIS) to date by 50 (if result contains a decimal point, round off to the next higher whole number).\n \n\t(ii) For mast, P/N 204-011-450-007 or -105, and trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, multiply the total hours TIS to date by 20 (if the result contains a decimal point, round off to the next higher whole number). \n\n\tNOTE 2: Previous compliance with AD 98-24-15 constitutes accomplishment of requirements of paragraph (a)(1) of this AD. \n\n\t(2) Before further flight, replace any mast, P/N 204-011-450-001, -007, or -105, that has accumulated more than 265,000 RIN, with an airworthy mast. \n\n\t(3) Inspect the upper and lower snap ring grooves in the damper clamp splined area of mast, P/N 204-011-450-001, -007, or -105, for a minimum radius of 0.020 inches around the entire circumference (See Figures 1 through 3), using a 100X or higher magnification, according to the following schedule: \n\n\tNOTE 3: The mast S/N may include the prefix NFS or N9. \n\t(i) S/N 23002 and prior, with less than 100,000 RIN, before 100,000 RIN. \n\t(ii) S/N 23002 and prior, with more than 100,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\t(iii) S/N 23003 through 36752, with less than 170,000 RIN, before 170,000 RIN. \n\t(iv) S/N 23003 through 36752, with more than 170,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\n \n\n\nFigure 1\n\n\n\n\n\nFigure 2 Snap ring groove/spline intersection \n\n\n\n\n\nCutaway View Looking Down from Inside Snap Ring Groove \nTypical Burrs at Snap Ring Groove/Spline Intersection \nBurrs are to be Inspected at 200x Minimum Magnification \n\nFigure 3 \nTypical Burr at Snap Ring Groove \n\n\n\t(4) If any snap ring groove radius is less than 0.020 inches, replace the mast with an airworthy mast before accumulating 100,000 RIN or before further flight if RIN exceeds 100,000. \n\n\t(5) Inspect the upper and lower snap ring grooves of mast, P/N 204-011-450-001,-007, or -105 for a burr (See Figures 1 through 3), using a 200X or higher magnification, according to the following schedule: \n\n\t(i) S/N 23002 and prior, with less than 100,000 RIN, before 100,000 RIN. \n\t(ii) S/N 23002 and prior, with more than 100,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\t(iii) S/N 23003 through 36752, with less than 170,000 RIN, before 170,000 RIN. \n\t(iv) S/N 23003 through 36752, with more than170,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\n\t(6) If a burr is found in any snap ring groove radius, replace the mast with an airworthy mast before accumulating 170,000 RIN or before further flight if RIN exceeds 170,000. \n\n\t(7) Calculate the accumulated RIN for mast, P/N 204-011-450-001, for all future torque events as follows: \n\t(i) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 5 for each takeoff. \n\t(ii) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 10 for each external load lift.\n \n\t(8) Calculate the accumulated RIN for mast, P/N 204-011-450-007, or -105, for all future torque events as follows: \n\t(i) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 1 for each takeoff. \n\t(ii) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 2 for each external load lift. \n\t \n\t(9) Calculate the accumulated RIN for trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, for all future torque events as follows: \n\t(i) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 1 for each takeoff. \n\t(ii) Increase the accumulated RIN countby 2 for each external load lift. \n\n\t(10) Revise the Airworthiness Limitations sections of the maintenance manual by reducing the maximum allowable RIN life limit for masts P/N 204-011-450-001, -007, and -105 to 265,000. The maximum allowable life limit for masts, P/N 204-011-450-001, remains unchanged at 6,000 hours TIS. The maximum allowable life limit for masts, P/N 204-011-450-007, and -105, remains unchanged at 15,000 hours TIS. The maximum allowable life limit for trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, remains unchanged at 300,000 RIN or 15,000 hours TIS, whichever occurs first. \n\n\t(b) For Model 205A and 205A-1 helicopters: \n\n\t(1) Before further flight, determine and record on the component history cards or equivalent records the accumulated RIN to date on the mast and trunnion. For mast, P/N 204-111-450-007 or -105, and trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, multiply the factored flight hour total to date, determined in accordance with the Accomplishment Instructions, paragraph 1,2, or 3, of the Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. (BHTI) Alert Service Bulletin (ASB) No. 205-90-40, Revision A, dated March 21, 1991, by 20 (if the result contains a decimal point, round off to the next higher whole number). \n\n\tNOTE 4: Previous compliance with AD 98-24-15 constitutes accomplishment of the requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of this AD. \n\t(2) Before further flight, replace any mast, P/N 204-011-450-007 or -105, that has accumulated more than 265,000 RIN with an airworthy mast. \n\t(3) Inspect the upper and lower snap ring grooves in the damper clamp splined area of mast, P/N 204-011-450-007 or -105, for a minimum radius of 0.020 inches around the entire circumference (See Figures 1 through 3), using a 100X or higher magnification, according to the following schedule:\n\n\tNOTE 5: The mast S/N may include the prefix NFS or N9. \n\t(i) S/N 23002 and prior, with less than 100,000 RIN, before 100,000 RIN. \n\t(ii) S/N 23002 and prior, with more than 100,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\t(iii) S/N 23003 through 36752, with less than 170,000 RIN, before 170,000 RIN. \n\t(iv) S/N 23003 through 36752, with more than 170,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\n\t(4) If any snap ring groove radius is less than 0.020 inches, replace the mast with an airworthy mast before accumulating 100,000 RIN or before further flight if RIN exceeds 100,000. \n\n\t(5) Inspect the upper and lower snap ring grooves of mast, P/N 204-011-450-007, or -105 for a burr (See Figures 1 through 3), using a 200X or higher magnification, according to the following schedule: \n\t(i) S/N 23002 and prior, with less than 100,000 RIN, before 100,000 RIN. \n\t(ii) S/N 23002 and prior, with more than 100,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN whichever occurs first. \n\t(iii) S/N 23003 through 36752, with less than 170,000 RIN, before 170,000 RIN. \n\t(iv) S/N 23003 through 36752, with more than 170,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\n\t(6) If a burr is found in any snap ring groove radius, replace the mast with an airworthy mast before accumulating 170,000 RIN or before further flight if RIN exceeds 170,000. \n\n\t(7) Calculate the accumulated RIN for mast, P/N 204-011-450-007 or -105, for all future torque events as follows: \n\t(i) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 2 for each takeoff. \n\t(ii) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 4 for each external load lift. \n\n\t(8) Calculate the accumulated RIN for trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, for all future torque events as follows: \n\t(i) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 2 for each takeoff . \n\t(ii) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 4 for each external load lift.\n \n\t(9) Revise the Airworthiness Limitations sections of the maintenance manual by reducing the maximum allowable RIN life limit for masts, P/N 204-011-450-007 and -105, to 265,000. The maximum allowable RIN life limit for masts, P/N 204-011-450-007 and -105,remains unchanged at 15,000 hours TIS. The maximum allowable life limit for trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, remains unchanged at 300,000 RIN or 15,000 hours TIS, whichever occurs first. \n\t(c) For Model 205B helicopters: \n\t(1) Before further flight, determine and record on the component history cards or equivalent records the accumulated RIN to date on the mast and trunnion. For mast, P/N 204-011-450-007 or -105, and trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, multiply the factored flight hour total to date, determined in accordance with the Accomplishment Instructions, paragraph 1, 2, or 3, of BHTI ASB No. 205B-90-1, Revision A, dated March 21, 1991, by 20 (if the result contains a decimal point, round off to the next higher whole number). \n\n\tNOTE 6: Previous compliance with AD 98-24-15 constitutes accomplishment of the requirements of paragraph (c)(1) of this AD. \n\t(2) Before further flight, replace any mast, P/N 204-011-450-007 or -105, that has accumulated more than 265,000 RIN with an airworthy mast. \n\t(3) Inspect the upper and lower snap ring grooves in the damper clamp splined area of mast, P/N 204-011-450-007, or -105, for a minimum radius of 0.020 inches around the entire circumference (See Figures 1 through 3), using a 100X or higher magnification, according to the following schedule: \n\n\tNOTE 7: The mast S/N may include the prefix NFS or N9. \n\t(i) S/N 23002 and prior, with less than 100,000 RIN, before 100,000 RIN. \n\t(ii) S/N 23002 and prior, with more than 100,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\t(iii) S/N 23003 through 36752, with less than 170,000 RIN, before 170,000 RIN. \n\t(iv) S/N 23003 through 36752, with more than 170,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\t(4) If any snap ring groove radius is less than 0.020 inches, replace the mast with an airworthy mast before accumulating 100,000 RIN or before further flight if RIN exceeds 100,000. \n\n\t(5) Inspect the upper and lower snap ring grooves of mast, P/N 204-011-450-007 or -105, for a burr (See Figures 1 through 3), using a 200X or higher magnification, according to the following schedule: \n\t(i) S/N 23002 and prior, with less than 100,000 RIN, before 100,000 RIN. \n\t(ii) S/N 23002 and prior, with more than 100,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN whichever occurs first. \n\t(iii) S/N 23003 through 36752, with less than 170,000 RIN, before 170,000 RIN. \n\t(iv) S/N 23003 through 36752, with more than 170,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\n\t(6) If a burr is found in any snap ring groove radius, replace the mast with an airworthy mast before accumulating 170,000 RIN or before further flight if RIN exceeds 170,000. \n\n\t(7) Calculate the accumulated RIN for mast, P/N 204-011-450-007 or -105, for all future torque events as follows: \n\t(i) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 6 for each takeoff. \n\t(ii) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 12 for each external load lift.(8) Calculate the accumulated RIN for trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, for all future torque events as follows: \n\t(i) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 5 for each takeoff. \n\t(ii) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 10 for each external load lift. \n\n\t(9) Revise the Airworthiness Limitations sections of the maintenance manual by reducing the maximum allowable RIN life limit for masts, P/N 204-011-450-007 and -105 to 265,000. The maximum allowable RIN life limit for masts, P/N 204-011-450-007 and -105, remains unchanged at 15,000 hours TIS. The maximum allowable life limit for trunnion, P/N 204-011- 105-001, remains unchanged at 300,000 RIN or 15,000 hours TIS, whichever occurs first. \n\t(d) For Model 212 helicopters: \n\t(1) Before further flight, determine and record on the component history cards or equivalent records the accumulated RIN to date on the mast and trunnion as follows: \t \n\t(i) For mast, P/N 204-011-450-007 or -105, and trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, multiply the factored flight hour total to date, determined in accordance with the Accomplishment Instructions, paragraph 1, 2, or 3, of BHTI ASB No. 212-90-64, Revision B, dated March 11, 1992, by 20 (if the result contains a decimal point, round off to the next higher whole number). \n\t(ii) For masts, P/N 204-011-450-113 or -119, and trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-103, multiply the factored flight hour total to date, determined in accordance with the Accomplishment Instructions, paragraph 1, 2, or 3, of BHTI ASB No. 212-90-64, Revision B, dated March 11, 1992, by 21.2 (if the result contains a decimal point, round off to the next higher whole number). \n\n\tNOTE 8: Previous compliance with AD 98-24-15 constitutes accomplishment of the requirements of paragraph (d)(1) of this AD. \n\t(2) Before further flight, replace any mast, P/N 204-011-450-007 or -105, that has accumulated more than 265,000 RIN with an airworthy mast. Before further flight, replace any mast, P/N 204-011-450-113, or -119, that has accumulated more than 240,000 RIN with an airworthy mast. \n\t(3) Inspect the upper and lower snap ring grooves in the damper clamp splined area of mast, P/N 204-011-450-007, -105, -113, or -119, for a minimum radius of 0.020 inches around the entire circumference (See Figures 1 through 3), using a 100X or higher magnification, according to the following schedule: \n\n\tNOTE 9: The mast S/N may include the prefix NFS or N9. \n\t(i) S/N 23002 and prior, with less than 100,000 RIN, before 100,000 RIN. \n\t(ii) S/N 23002 and prior, with more than 100,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\t(iii) S/N 23003 through 36752, with less than 170,000 RIN, before 170,000 RIN. \n\t(iv) S/N 23003 through 36752, with more than 170,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\t(4) If any snap ring groove radius is less than 0.020 inches, replace the mast with an airworthy mast before accumulating 100,000 RIN or before further flight if RIN exceeds 100,000. \n\t(5) Inspect the upper and lower snap ring grooves of mast, P/N 204-011-450-007, -105, -113, or -119, for a burr (See Figures 1 through 3), using a 200X or higher magnification, according to the following schedule: \n\t(i) S/N 23002 and prior, with less than 100,000 RIN, before 100,000 RIN. \n\t(ii) S/N 23002 and prior, with more than 100,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\t(iii) S/N 23003 through 36752, with less than 170,000 RIN, before 170,000 RIN. \n\t(iv) S/N 23003 through 36752, with more than 170,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\n\t(6) If a burr is found in any snap ring groove radius, replace the mast with an airworthy mast before accumulating 170,000 RIN or before further flight if RIN exceeds 170,000. \n\n\t(7) Calculate the accumulated RIN for each mast, P/N 204-011-450-007, -105, -113, or -119, for all future torque events as follows: \n\t(i) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 5 foreach takeoff. \n\t(ii) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 10 for each external load lift. \n\n\t(8) Calculate the accumulated RIN for trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001 or -103, for all future torque events as follows: \n\t(i) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 5 for each takeoff. \n\t(ii) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 10 for each external load lift. \n\n\t(9) Revise the Airworthiness Limitations sections of the maintenance manual by reducing the maximum allowable RIN life limit for masts, P/N 204-011-450-007 and -105, to 265,000. Reduce the maximum allowable RIN life limit for masts, P/N 204-011-450-113 and -119, to 240,000. The maximum allowable RIN life limit for masts, P/N 204-011-450-001, -007, and - 105, remains unchanged at 15,000 hours. The maximum allowable life limit for masts, P/N 204-011-450-113, and -119, remains unchanged at 13,000 hours TIS. The maximum allowable life limit for trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, remains unchanged at 300,000 RIN or 15,000 hours TIS, whichever occurs first. The maximum allowable life limit for trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-103, remains unchanged at 275,000 RIN or 13,000 hours TIS, whichever occurs first. \n\n\t(e) Within 10 days after completing the inspections required by this AD, complete the AD compliance inspection report form, Appendix 1, with the requested information, and send it to the attention of the Manager, Rotorcraft Certification Office, Federal Aviation Administration, Fort Worth, Texas, 76193-0170, USA. Reporting requirements have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget and assigned OMB control number 2120-0056. \n\n\t(f) An alternative method of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time that provides an acceptable level of safety may be used if approved by the Manager, Rotorcraft Certification Office, FAA. Operators shall submit their requests through an FAA Principal Maintenance Inspector, who may concur or comment and then send it to the Manager, Rotorcraft Certification Office. \n\n\tNOTE 10: Information concerning the existence of approved alternative methods of compliance with this AD, if any, may be obtained from the Manager, Rotorcraft Certification Office. \n\n\t(g) Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with sections 21.197 and 21.199 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR 21.197 and 21.199) to operate the helicopter to a location where the requirements of this AD can be accomplished. \n\n\t(h) Copies of the applicable service information may be obtained from Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc., P.O. Box 482, Fort Worth, Texas 76101, telephone (817) 280-3391, fax (817) 280- 6466. This information may be examined at the FAA, Office of the Regional Counsel, Southwest Region, 2601 Meacham Blvd., Room 663, Fort Worth, Texas. \n\n\tNOTE 11: BHTI has advised that the following facilities have received special training to perform the inspections required by this AD: \n\nMast Inspection Centers \n\nNORTH AMERICA - UNITED STATES/CANADA \n\nBell Helicopter Textron, Inc. \nLogistics Center, Plant 8 \nATTN: CPR Administration \n3000 S. Norwood Dr. Hurst, TX 76053 \n\nOnce the mast is shipped to BHTI, please provide the name of the carrier, Air Way Bill Number, Mast Part Number and Serial Number, and ensure that the historical record accompanies the mast inside the crate. \nFAX 817.280.2516 or 817-280-3224 or 817-280-8898 \nEmail: #Warranty/ \n\nAir Logistics - Louisiana \nDoug Forslund, \nDirector of Maintenance \n4605 Industrial Drive \nNew Iberia, LA 70560 \n318.365.6771 Fax 318.364-B222 \nEmail: difors/ \n\nPHI - Louisiana \nR. P. Mouton \n113 Borman Drive \nLafayette, LA 70508 \n337-235-2452 Fax 337-235.1361/7312 \nEmail: \n\nBell Helicopter Textron - Canada \nMark Coste \n12,800 rue de l-Avenir \nMirabel (Quebec) \nCanada J7J 1R4 450-437-8201 Fax 450.433.0272 \nEmail: \n\nHelipro International - CanadaBill Davis \n4551 Agar Dr. \nRichmond, BC, Canada V7B 1A4 604.514.5271 \nFax 604.514.1734 \nEmail: \n\nLATIN AMERICA \n\nAerotechnica - Venezuela \nCarlos Dugarte \nAv. La Estancia \nTorre Las Mercedes \nPiso 2, Ofic. 210 \nCaracas, Venezuela 1060 \n58-2-575-0965 Fax 992.7390 \nEmail: \n\nHelicentro - Colombia \nHarold F. Martinez, Maintenance director \nAutopista Medelin KM2 \nCarrera 7 No. 83-73 \nSantafe de Bogota, Colombia \n571.433.5970 fax 571.433.5988 \nEmail: \n\nSACSA - Mexico \nEduardo Mendex \nTerminal de Aviacion General \nHangar 2, Zona D \nAeropuerto Int'l de Mexico \nC. P. 15620 Mexico City D.F., Mexico \n525.32509.89 Fax 525.76302.41 \nEmail: \n\nPACIFIC RIM \n\nFuji heavy Industries \nNobuhisa Nakagawa, General Manager \n1418 Kamiyokota - cho \nUtsunomiya City, Tochigi \nJapan 321-0106 \n81.28.659.4833 Fax 81.28.659.4853 \nEmail: \n\nSingapore Technologies Aerospace Ltd \nHo Yuen Sang \n540 Airport rd. \nPaya Lebar \nSingapore 539938 \n65-287-1111 Fax 65.280.8213 \nEmail \n\nEUROPE/MIDDLE EAST \n\nPatria Ostermans Aero AB \nRolf Gauffin Helikoptervagen 1 \nStockholm-Arlanda \nSweden SE-190 46 \n46.8.593.787.59 Fax 46.8.593787.90 \nEmail: \n\nAbu Dhabi Aviation LTD. -UAE \nPO Box 2723 \nAbu Dhabi \nUnited Arab Emitrates \n97-124-449-100 \nFax 97-124-449-081 \nEmail: \n\n\t(i) Emergency AD 2000-08-52, issued April 21, 2000, becomes effective upon receipt. \n\n\n\nAPPENDIX 1 \n\nAD COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT FORM \nP/N 204-011-450-001/-007/-105/-113/-119 MAIN ROTOR MAST \n\n\nComplete the following information and mail or fax this form to: \n\nManager, Rotorcraft Certification Office \nFederal Aviation Administration \nFort Worth, Texas, 76193-0170, USA. \nFax: 817-222-5783 \n\nOperator Name: \n\nAircraft Registration No. \n\nHelicopter Model: \n\nHelicopter S/N: \n\nMast P/N: \n\nMast S/N: \n\nMast RIN: \n\nMast Total TIS: \n\nInspection Results: \n\n1. Were any radii during inspection of this mast determined to be less than 0.020 inches? If yes, what was the dimension measured? \n\n2. Was a burr found in the inspected snap ring grooves? \n\n3. Who performed this inspection? \n\n4. Provide any other comments?