81-04-06: 81-04-06 FAIRCHILD: Amendment 39-4039. Applies to Fairchild Industries Products: Cockpit Voice Recorder Model A100 series, having serial numbers 4733 through 5260 inclusive. To prevent the possibility of destruction of the recording tape in an aircraft accident involving fire, due to the omission of the thermal insulation assembly, P/N 9300-A18, accomplish the following: (a) Within 180 days after the effective date of this AD, unless previously accomplished, inspect the cockpit voice recorders in accordance with the accomplishment instructions of Fairchild Industrial Products Alert Field Service Bulletin No. CVR A140, dated December 10, 1979, paragraph 2B, Installation of Thermal Insulation 1 through 3. Missing insulation assemblies shall be installed in accordance with the above installation instructions, or approved equivalent instructions. (b) Equivalent installation instructions must be approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA, Eastern Region. (c) Compliance times may be increased by Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA, Eastern Region, upon receipt of substantiating data submitted through an FAA inspector. This amendment becomes effective April 1, 1981.
99-26-19 R1: We are revising Airworthiness Directive (AD) 99-26-19 that applies to certain The New Piper Aircraft, Inc. Model J-2 airplanes equipped with wing lift struts. AD 99-26-19 required repetitively inspecting the wing lift struts for dents and corrosion; repetitively inspecting the wing lift strut forks for cracks; replacing any dented or corroded wing lift strut; replacing any cracked wing lift strut fork; and repetitively replacing the wing lift strut forks at specified times for certain airplanes. AD 99-26-19 also required incorporating a ``NO STEP'' placard on the wing lift strut. Since we issued AD 99-26- 19, we were informed that paragraph (c) had been misinterpreted and caused confusion. This AD clarifies the intent of the language in paragraph (c) of AD 99-26-19 and retains all other requirements of AD 99-26-19. We are issuing this AD to correct the unsafe condition on these products.
79-18-10: 79-18-10 PIPER (TED SMITH): Amendment 39-3535. Applies to Aerostar Model 600 and 601 airplanes certificated in all categories. Compliance required within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished. To prevent inflight loss of the upper cabin door and to prevent the disengagement of door locking pins accomplish the following: (a) Install in the upper cabin door latching mechanism, spacers and the locking position visual indicators in accordance with Aerostar Service Bulletin 600-35, dated August 28, 1973. (b) Replace the rod end fittings made from tubing with solid steel rod end fittings in accordance with Aerostar Service Bulletin 600-61, dated January 26, 1977. (c) Alternate modifications or other actions which provide an equivalent level of safety may be used when approved by the Chief, Aircraft Engineering Division, FAA Western Region. (d) Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to operate airplanes to a base for the accomplishment of inspections required by this AD. This amendment becomes effective August 29, 1979.
79-17-02 R2: 79-17-02 R2 BOEING: Amendment 39-3526 as amended by Amendment 39-3563 is further amended by Amendment 39-3867. Applies to all Model 747 series airplanes certificated in all categories listed in Boeing Service Bulletin 747-53-2200. Compliance required within 300 hours time-in-service after the effective date of this AD unless already accomplished. \n\n\tTo prevent failure of the 7079-T6 truss and related 7079-T6 latch support fittings on the lower sill of the forward and aft lower cargo doorway, accomplish the following: \n\tA.\tWithin 300 hours time-in-service after the effective date of this AD unless already accomplished, visually inspect the 7079-T6 truss and related 7079-T6 latch support fittings on the lower sill of forward and aft lower cargo doorways for corrosion, cracking and blocked drainage paths in accordance with Boeing Service Bulletin 747-53-2200 dated May 8, 1979, or methods approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, Northwest Region. \n\tB.\tClear all blocked drainage paths, replace cracked latch support fittings, replace or repair corroded or cracked truss fittings in accordance with Boeing Service Bulletin 747-53-2200 Revision 1, before further flight. Cracked truss fittings may continue in service provided: cracks do not exceed limits in Service Bulletin 747-53-2200 Revision 1, no adjacent fittings are cracked, and provided the cracked fittings are visually inspected at intervals not to exceed 300 hours time- in-service. \n\tC.\tRepeat the inspection in accordance with paragraph A at intervals not to exceed 1,200 flight hours, until all affected fittings are replaced with 7075-T73 fittings. Apply BMS-3- 23 or equivalent to the internal lower sill areas after each inspection. Operators may make one more inspection at an interval not exceeding 2,000 flight hours (as required by AD 79-17-02, Amendment 39-3526, 44FR46782), measured from the last inspection conducted prior to the effective date of this amendment, before complyingwith the 1200 hour repetitive inspection. \n\tD.\tUpon request of an operator, an FAA Maintenance Inspector, subject to the prior approval by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA Northwest Region, may adjust the repetitive inspection intervals specified in this AD if the request contains substantiating data to justify such adjustment. \n\tThe manufacturer's specifications and procedures identified and described in this directive are incorporated herein and made a part hereof pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(1). \n\tAll persons affected by this directive who have not already received these documents from the manufacturer, may obtain copies upon request to Boeing Commercial Airplane Company, P.O. Box 3707, Seattle, Washington 98124. These documents may also be examined at FAA Northwest Region, 9010 East Marginal Way South, Seattle, Washington 98108. \n\n\tAmendment 39-3526 became effective August 15, 1979. \n\tAmendment 39-3563 became effective October 1, 1979. \n\tThis Amendment 39-3867 becomes effective September 13, 1980.
63-15-04: 63-15-04 GENERAL DYNAMICS: Amdt. 584 Part 507 Federal Register July 16, 1963. Applies to All Models 340 and 440 Aircraft. Compliance required as indicated. Cracks have been found in the nose landing gear actuating cylinder rod end eyebolt, Peacock P/N C50137-2. To assure that all cracked eyebolts are replaced, accomplish either (a) or (b) as applicable: (a) If the nose landing gear actuating cylinder rod end eyebolt Peacock P/N C50137- 2, has not been modified in accordance with Convair Service Engineering Report No. 6820-240- 23/340-45/440-45 dated August 24, 1962, or an FAA Western Region, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch approved equivalent modification, within the next 225 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished within the last 775 hours' time in service, and thereafter at periods not to exceed 1,000 hours' time in service from the last inspection, inspect the unmodified eyebolt, where the threaded area is machined for the relief radius, by a dye penetrant method or an FAA approved equivalent method for any indication of cracking. Replace a cracked eyebolt with an uncracked eyebolt, Peacock P/N C50137-2, before further flight and continue the repetitive inspections. (b) If the nose landing gear actuating cylinder rod end eyebolt, Peacock P/N C50137-2, has been modified in accordance with Convair Service Engineering Report No. 6820- 240-23/340-45/440-45 dated August 24, 1962, or an FAA Western Region, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch approved equivalent modification, within the next 1,000 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished within the last 4,500 hours' time in service, and thereafter at periods not to exceed 5,500 hours' time in service from the last inspection, inspect the eyebolt, where the threaded area is machined for the relief radius, by a dye penetrant method or an FAA approved equivalent method for any indication of cracking. Replace a cracked eyebolt with an uncracked eyebolt, Peacock P/N C50137-2, before further flight and continue the repetitive inspections. (c) When unmodified eyebolts are used as replacement bolts, the inspection periods of (a) are applicable, and if modified eyebolts are used as replacements, the inspection periods of (b) are applicable. (Convair Service Engineering Report No. 6820-240-23/340-45/440-45 dated August 24, 1962, pertains to this same subject.) This directive effective August 15, 1963.
2013-23-14: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain General Electric Company model GEnx-2B67 and GEnx-2B67B turbofan engines. This AD was prompted by the original equipment manufacturer's disclosure that certain critical rotating life-limited parts (LLPs) used in Boeing 747-8 flight tests had consumed more cyclic life than they would have in revenue flight cycles. These parts were then installed into engines and introduced into revenue service without adjustment to remaining cyclic life. This AD requires a one-time adjustment to the cycle counts of those LLPs to account for the additional low cycle fatigue (LCF) life consumed during flight tests. We are issuing this AD to prevent the failure of critical rotating LLPs, uncontained engine failure, and damage to the airplane.
2013-24-10: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain The Boeing Company Model 757 and Model 767 airplanes. This AD was prompted by a standby power relay failure and subsequent illumination of the ''STANDBY BUS OFF'' light, which led the flightcrew to set the standby power switch to the ''BAT'' position, isolating the battery and standby buses, disabling the battery charger, and eventually causing the main battery to be depleted. This AD requires doing wiring changes and installing a new air/ground relay to the battery charger system. We are issuing this AD to prevent discharge of the main battery, which could result in multiple system degradation, reduced airplane controllability, and runway excursion upon landing.
65-12-04: 65-12-04 MORRISEY: Amdt. 39-76 Part 39 Federal Register June 2, 1965. Applies to Models 2150 and 2150A Aircraft. Compliance required as indicated. To prevent further elevator horn cracks as a result of improper fabrication, accomplish the following: (a) Visually inspect the 180 degrees bend of the elevator horn, P/N 6000-9, for cracks within the next 25 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD, and thereafter at intervals not to exceed 100 hours' time in service from the last inspection. (b) If cracks are found, replace the elevator horn before further flight with a new horn, P/N 6000-9, manufactured after February 1, 1965, or an equivalent approved by the Chief, Aircraft Engineering Division, FAA Western Region. (c) The repetitive inspections required by (a) may be discontinued when the elevator horn is replaced in accordance with (b). NOTE: Elevator horn, P/N 6000-9, may be obtained from Shinn Engineering, Inc., 320 Dyer Road, Santa Ana, California. This directive effective June 2, 1965.
2013-23-10: We are superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2010- 21-01 for Eurocopter France (Eurocopter) Model AS350B, BA, B1, B2, B3, D, AS355E, F, F1, F2, and N [[Page 70203]] helicopters. AD 2010-21-01 required an inspection to determine whether a cross-member is installed at station X 2165 and doublers at X 2325 and Y 269, and installing them if they are missing. This new AD retains the requirements of AD 2010-21-01 but clarifies the inspection procedures and limits the applicability to only those helicopters with collective-to-yaw control coupling. This AD is prompted by a crack discovered in the area of the center cross-member at station X 2325, at the attachment point of the yaw channel ball-type control sheath stop, of a Model AS355N helicopter fitted with the collective-to-yaw control coupling. The actions of this AD are intended to prevent reduced yaw control and subsequent loss of helicopter control.
2013-22-17: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Eurocopter France (Eurocopter) Model AS332C, AS332L, AS332L1, AS332L2, and EC225LP helicopters. This AD requires inspecting the intermediate gearbox (IGB) fairing for a crack and inspecting the IGB fairing gutter (gutter), if installed, for a crack, separation, or interference. This AD is prompted by reports of cracks, separation of the IGB fairing from the gutter and attachment supports, and subsequent interference with the tail rotor (T/R) inclined drive shaft. These actions are intended to detect a crack and prevent separation of the IGB fairing, which could result in interference with the T/R inclined drive shaft and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter.