73-21-01: 73-21-01\tMOONEY: Amdt. 39-1729. Applies to Mooney Models M20, M20A, M20B, M20C, M20D, M20E, M20F and M20G airplanes. \n\tCompliance required as indicated. \n\tTo prevent corrosion and/or misrigging in the flight control and landing gear systems which may result in binding or seizure of the joints and loss of flight control or collapse of the landing gear, accomplish the following: \n\t(a)\tWithin 25 hours time in service after July 10, 1972, unless already accomplished within the last 25 hours time in service, and thereafter at intervals not to exceed 12 calendar months from the last inspection or 100 hours time in service from the last inspection, whichever comes first, lubricate all flight control systems and landing gear system rod end bearings with a silicone spray lubricant or with an FAA approved equivalent lubricant. \n\t(b)\tWithin the next 50 hours time in service after July 10, 1972, unless already accomplished, install retracting links, P/N 530003-13 (1 ea.) and 510011-13 (2 ea.) on all M20B, C, E, F, and G aircraft and on M20D models converted to a retractable gear, or equivalent parts approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, Flight Standards Division, Southwest Region, FAA, Fort Worth, Texas. The new links incorporate grease fittings and improved overcenter travel resulting in lower preload rigging. New links are not required if the existing installations use -13 links which have grease fittings. (Reference Mooney Service Bulletin M20-155 dated 6-15-67, or later FAA approved revision.) \n\n\nAD 73-21-01 \n\n\tNOTE: For M20 and M20A models the present retract links are to be modified by the addition of grease fittings as shown in figures 1 and 2 attached. Follow procedures in Mooney M20/M20A Service and Maintenance Manual or other FAA approved procedure, for removal and replacement of links. Service Bulletins, Service Letters and Service Instructions referenced in this AD may be obtained from Mooney Aircraft, Louis Schreiner Field, Kerrville, Texas. \n\t(c)\tAt the next lubrication as required in (a) and thereafter at the same interval as specified in (a), perform a landing gear retraction test and check the landing gear rigging. Information regarding rigging and torque preload may be found in Mooney Service Bulletin No. M20-35A dated 7-11-60 for Models M20 and M20A, Mooney Service Instruction No. M20-32 dated 11-3-72 for other models or later FAA approved revisions. Special tools supplied by Mooney Aircraft as noted in the reference documents or FAA approved equivalent tools are required for proper preload rigging. \n\tThis supersedes Amendment 39-1455 (37 F.R. 11462), AD 72-12-02 as amended by Amendment 39-1482 (37 F.R. 13336). \n\tThis amendment becomes effective October 10, 1973.
76-04-08: 76-04-08 MESSERSCHMITT-BOLKOW-BLOHM: Amendment 39-2526. Applies to all Model BO 209 "Monsun" airplanes, certificated in all categories, except those having engine mount, P/N 209-61016-b, installed.
Compliance is required as indicated, unless already accomplished.
To prevent possible failure of the engine mount, accomplish the following:
(a) Within the next 10 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD and, thereafter, at intervals not to exceed 100 hours' time in service from the last inspection, until modified in accordance with paragraph (b) of this AD, visually inspect the connection point of all three bent tubes of the engine mount, P/N 209-61016, for cracks in accordance with Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm Service Bulletin No. 209-15/71-20, dated July 1975, or an FAA-approved equivalent.
(b) If a crack is found during an inspection required by paragraph (a) of this AD, before further flight, except that the airplane may be flown in accordance with FAR Section 21.197 and 21.199 to a base where the work can be performed, replace the engine mount with an engine mount of new design, P/N 209-61016-b, in accordance with Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm Service Bulletin No. 209-15/71-20, dated July 1975, or an FAA-approved equivalent.
This amendment becomes effective March 4, 1976.
2012-16-08: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain
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BAE SYSTEMS (OPERATIONS) LIMITED Model BAe 146 and Avro 146-RJ series airplanes. This AD was prompted by reports of cracking and surface anomalies of the fuselage skin at the water trap/air dryer unit of the forward discharge valve due to corrosion. This AD requires repetitive detailed inspections for bulging, surface anomalies, and cracking of the fuselage skin adjacent to the discharge valves, repair if necessary, and application of additional sealant in the affected area if necessary. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct bulging, surface anomalies, and cracking that could propagate towards the forward discharge valve outlet, which could result in the failure of the fuselage skin, leading to a possible sudden loss of cabin pressure.
2011-12-09: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the products listed above. This AD requires, depending on airplane configuration, doing certain wiring changes, replacing the fuel pump power control relays for the main, center, and auxiliary tanks, as applicable, with new relays having a ground fault interrupter (GFI) feature, performing certain bonding resistance measurements, and modifying relay module assemblies. This AD also requires revising the maintenance program to incorporate certain Airworthiness Limitations. This AD was prompted by fuel system reviews conducted by the manufacturer. We are issuing this AD to prevent damage to the fuel pumps caused by electrical arcing that could introduce an ignition source in the fuel tank, which, in combination with flammable fuel vapors, could result in a fuel tank explosion and consequent loss of the airplane.
74-22-03: 74-22-03 PAN AVION: Amendment 39-1996. Applies to Pan Avion Model C-30A Life Rafts Serial Numbers 81 through 716.
Compliance required as indicated.
To prevent loss of pressure in the inflation system on the rafts, accomplish the following:
(a) Within 2 months time in service after the effective date of this AD, unless the modification described in paragraph (c) below has been accomplished, perform a pressure check of the gas regulator assembly, P/N 11402-11, and gas bottle.
(1) When pressure measures less than 2750 psig at 70 degrees F, or an equivalent pressure at other temperatures, before return to service, comply with paragraph (c).
(2) When pressure measures more than 2750 psig at 70 degrees F, or an equivalent pressure at other temperatures, within the next 30 days, comply with paragraph (c).
(b) Upon request of the operator, an FAA Maintenance Inspector, subject to prior approval of the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA Southern Region, may adjust the inspection and/or modification times specified in this AD to permit compliance at an established inspection period of the operator if the request contains substantiating data to justify the increase for the operator.
(c) Modify the inflation system in accordance with paragraph 4 of Pan Avion Service Department Bulletin No. 26-74 dated March 25, 1974 or later FAA approved revision, or in an equivalent manner approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA Southern Region.
This amendment becomes effective November 1, 1974.
75-17-01: 75-17-01 BRITISH AIRCRAFT CORPORATION: Amendment 39-2301. Applies to Viscount Model 744, 745D, and 810 Series airplanes, with Modification D.1860 incorporated.
Compliance is required within the next 125 hours time in service after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished.
To prevent interference with the movement of the aileron control in-flight, accomplish the following:
(a) Remove the two A25-1C attachment bolts on the false trailing edge member access door adjacent to the gust lock unit lever, if they are presently installed, and replace with rivets, or an FAA-approved equivalent as shown in Figure 1 of BAC Alert Preliminary Technical Leaflet No. 160, Issue 2, dated December 8, 1972, for 810 series airplanes or Figure 1 of BAC Alert Technical Leaflet No. 292, Issue 2, dated December 8, 1972, for 700 series airplanes.
(b) For false trailing edge member access doors not having the two A25-1C attachment bolts adjacent to the gust lock unit lever presently installed, block off the two bolt- holes with rivets, or an FAA-approved equivalent.
This amendment becomes effective September 1, 1975.
2012-15-07: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Glasflugel Models Standard Libelle-201B, Club Libelle 205, Mosquito, and Kestrel gliders. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as corrosion damage to the elevator control rod that could lead to failure of the elevator control rod, possibly resulting in loss of control of the glider. We are issuing this AD to require actions to address the unsafe condition on these products.
74-02-02: 74-02-02 SL INDUSTRIES, INC: Amendment 39-1770. Applies to all Models B-1 and B-1A airplanes, certificated in all categories, and originally manufactured by either CallAir, Intermountain Company, Aero Commander or North American Rockwell Corporation.
Compliance required within the next 100 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished.
To prevent failure of the front wing spar, accomplish the following:
(a) Inspect both front wing spars by the following procedures:
(1) Remove the P/N 16161 wing leading edge panels between the wing-body junction and the MLG shock strut by drilling out the necessary rivets.
(2) Remove the wing fairing covering the front spar attach bolt.
(3) Hoist the wing and jack the landing gear to relieve the load on the front spar attach bolt and remove the front spar attach bolt.
(4) Remove the P/N 16045-1 and -2 spar fittings by removal of (10) AN4 bolts attaching fittings to thespar web.
(5) Visually and with dye penetrant methods, inspect the spar web in the area of the P/N 16045-1 and -2 fittings for cracks. Give particular attention to the upper and lower fastener locations in the pattern of (10) fasteners attaching the P/N 16045-1 and -2 fittings to the spar web. Inspect these holes for elongation beyond .254 inches.
(6) Visually inspect the inboard 24 inches of the spar web for corrosion.
(b) Repair discrepancies found during the inspections of paragraph (a) as follows:
(1) For cracks or elongated fastener holes in the spar web, replace the damaged spar with a new spar.
(2) For corrosion on the spar web, repair as follows:
(i) Remove corrosion in accordance with AC 43.13-1.
(ii) If corrosion is less than 10% of spar web thickness locally and reduces the spar web cross-section area by less than 2%, treat the corroded spar web area with two coats of zinc chromate primer in accordance with MIL-P-6889 or MIL-P-8585A.
(iii) If corrosion exceeds 10% of local spar web thickness or 2% of spar web cross- section area, replace the spar or repair with a repair approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA, Southwest Region.
(c) Reinstall the 16045-1 and -2 spar fittings.
(d) Install the 16246 and 16247 spar fittings in accordance with Service Bulletin A- 15.
(e) Reinstall the wing fairings and leading edge panels removed during paragraph (a) inspections.
NOTE: (SL Industries Service Bulletin A-24 covers this same subject.)
The manufacturer's specifications and procedures identified and described in this directive are incorporated herein and made a part hereof pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(1). All persons affected by this directive who have not already received these documents from the manufacturer may obtain copies upon request to the General Manager, SL Industries, Inc., 7020 West Wilshire, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73132. These documents may also beexamined at the office of the Regional Counsel, Southwest Region, FAA, 4400 Blue Mound Road, Fort Worth, Texas and at FAA headquarters, 800 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. A historical file on this AD which includes the incorporated material in full is maintained by the FAA at its headquarters in Washington, D.C., and at the Southwest Regional Office in Fort Worth, Texas.
This amendment becomes effective January 18, 1974.
75-22-16: 75-22-16 GLASFLUGEL: Amendment 39-2406. Applies to the following gliders, certificated in all categories:
1. Standard Libelle and Standard Libelle 201B;
2. Club Libelle 205, serial numbers 107 and below; and
3. H301 Libelle and H301B Libelle serial numbers 2 and subsequent equipped with an elevator actuator bracket having welded assembly guides.
Compliance is required as indicated.
To detect cracks in the welded seam of the elevator assembly guide on the elevator actuator bracket and distortion of the elevator assembly guide and to prevent possible loss of elevator control, accomplish the following:
(a) Within the next 10 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD unless already accomplished, visually inspect -
(i) The elevator assembly guide for distortion: and
(ii) The welded seam of the elevator assembly guide, using a 5 power magnifier, for cracks.
(b) If, during the inspection required by paragraph (a) of this AD, a crack or distortion of the elevator assembly guide is found, before further flight, comply with paragraph (d).
(c) If, during the inspection required by paragraph (a) of this AD, a crack or distortion of the elevator assembly guide is not found, within the next 100 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished, comply with paragraph (d).
(d) When compliance is required by paragraph (b) or (c), replace the elevator actuator bracket with a serviceable elevator actuator bracket reinforced with two sheet metal strips in accordance with paragraph 4 of the "Method" section of Glasflugel Technical Note No. 201-20, 205-6, 206-1, 301-30 dated July 11, 1975, or an FAA-approved equivalent.
This amendment becomes effective November 4, 1975.
70-20-02: 70-20-02 MORANE SAULNIER: Amdt. 39-1083. Applies to Moels MS. 880B, MS.885, and MS.894A airplanes.
To maintain correct alignment of the airspeed limit markings on the cover glass of the airspeed indicator with the face of the dial, within the next 50 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished, align the cover glass and mark its correct position in accordance with Socata Service Bulletin No. 73 dated March 1970, or later SGAC- approved issue or an FAA-approved equivalent.
This amendment becomes effective October 26, 1970.