52-03-01: 52-03-01\tRANGER: Applies to All 6-440-C Series Engine Models. \n\tTo be accomplished as indicated. \n\tTo preclude the failure of cast pistons, the following inspections and modifications should be accomplished at engine overhaul or when installing new or replacement pistons. \n\t1.\tInspection. \n\t\t(a)\tInspect pistons by the fluorescent penetrant inspection method, or an equivalent, for cracks especially in areas around the piston pin boss and on the reinforcing web inside the piston. If cracks are found in these locations, the piston should be discarded. \n\t\t(b)\tInspect pistons to ascertain if a 3/32-inch radius has been added at the inner ends of the ID of the piston pin bosses. Pistons which do not incorporate this radius should be modified as shown in Figure 1 in order to relieve stress concentrations. Pistons with cracks in this location which cannot be removed by the following modification should be discarded also. \n\n\n\n\t2.\tModification. \n\tAfter thoroughly cleaning the piston, place it head down on the bench; insert cutter No. AT-390, or an equivalent, between the piston pin bosses, facing in the direction of the boss to be cut. Insert handle No. AT-391, or an equivalent, through the opposite boss and engage with cutter. Cut radius by rotating cutter in a clockwise direction until the outer end of the 3/32-inch radius blends into the surface at the end of the piston pin boss. \n\tRepeat this procedure for the opposite piston pin boss. \n\tBlending tools No. AT-390 and AT-391 are no longer available from the engine manufacturer. \n\t(Drawings for these tools may be obtained from Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corp., Farmingdale, Long Island, N.Y.)
2011-09-16: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the products listed above. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by the aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as:
It has been reported by DG-808 C owners that the bolt at the landing gear control bellcrank was found mounted in the wrong direction. Further investigations have shown that in such situation, the bolt could interfere and damage:
--The air brake control pushrod, and --The wing flap control pushrod if the landing gear is operated with negative flap settings.
This condition, if not detected and corrected, may lead to reduce the controllability of the powered sailplane.
This AD requires actions that are intended to address the unsafe condition described in the MCAI.
68-15-03: 68-15-03 BRITISH AIRCRAFT CORPORATION: Amendment 39-621. Applies to Viscount 744 and 745D airplanes.
Compliance required as indicated, unless already accomplished.
To prevent fatigue damage to the horizontal stabilizer top spar root joint fittings, P/N 70118-231/232 (Pre Mod. D. 3190) and P/N 70118-671/672 (Post Mod. D. 3190), accomplish the following:
(a) Inspect the horizontal stabilizer top spar root joint fittings for cracks in accordance with British Aircraft Corporation PTL No. 264, Issue 2, dated February 12, 1968 (700 Series) or later ARB-approved issue, or an FAA-approved equivalent, as follows:
(1) For fittings which have been involved in 11,500 or more landings on the effective date of this AD, within the next 500 landings, unless already accomplished within the last 2,500 landings, and thereafter at intervals not to exceed 3,000 landings for the last inspection.
(2) For fittings which have been involved in less than 11,500 landings on the effective date of this AD, prior to the accumulation of 12,000 landings and thereafter at intervals not to exceed 3,000 landings from the last inspection.
(b) After each inspection under paragraph (a), replace all cracked fittings with new fittings of the same part number before further flight.
(c) For the purpose of complying with this AD, subject to acceptance by the assigned FAA maintenance inspector, the number of landings may be determined by dividing each airplane's hours' time in service by the operator's fleet average time from takeoff to landing for the airplane type.
This superseded Amendment 39-371 (32 F.R. 4306), AD 67-9-5.
This amendment becomes effective August 15, 1968.
2011-08-03: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the products listed above. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) originated by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as:
An operator has reported cracks on the aft hinge FWD [forward] fittings of the NLG [nose landing gear] aft doors (Right Hand (RH) side or Left Hand (LH) side). The cracks extended by approximately 15 millimetres from the upper hole to the edge of the fittings.
* * * Cracks on the NLG aft door fittings, if not corrected, could lead to the loss in flight of the door, possibly resulting in injury to persons on the ground or aeroplane damages.
* * * * *
This AD requires actions that are intended to address the unsafe condition described in the MCAI.
59-21-02: 59-21-02 LOCKHEED: Applies to All Model 188 Series Aircraft.
Compliance required as indicated.
Due to repeated loosening of wing leading edge attachment screws between the fuselage and the outboard nacelles, the following inspections shall be conducted:
(a) At each 50 hours of service time, visually inspect the leading edge attachment screws, top and bottom, from the fuselage to the outboard nacelles, paying particular attention to screws adjacent to nacelles. Tighten any screws found loose.
(b) At 300-hour intervals retighten all affected screws to 25 to 40 inch-pounds torque.
The above inspection program may be discontinued upon the removal of the NAS 517-3 screws from all leading edge attachments, top and bottom, and the installation of LPHT 517-3 screws. Torque all new leading edge attaching screws to 45-55 inch-pounds.
(Lockheed Service Bulletin 88/SB-334 covers this same subject.)
NOTE: LPHT-517 refers to Lockheed Specification for a Long-Lok, Polyvinyl insert, High torque screw.
2011-07-05: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the products listed above. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) originated by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as: \n\n\n\tCracks have been found on seat backrest links P/N (part number) 90-000200-104-1 and 90-000200-104-2. These cracks can significantly affect the structural integrity of seat backrests. * * * \n\n\n\tFailure of the backrest links could result in injury to an occupant during emergency landing conditions. We are issuing this AD to require actions to correct the unsafe condition on these products.
75-07-01: 75-07-01 BELL: Amendment 39-2131. Applies to Bell Model 212 helicopters, S/N 30501 through S/N 30658 and 30671, certificated in all categories.
Compliance required as indicated, unless already accomplished.
Within the next 25 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD, or before next flight if an unusual high frequency vibration is detected.
a. Gain access to and remove the main drive shaft assembly in accordance with Section 65-30-01 of the Model 212 helicopter maintenance manual.
b. Inspect the exposed nut, P/N 212-040-631-1, for serial number. Nuts with the following serial numbers are improperly manufactured and must be removed from service:
A20-00427, A20-00469, A20-00472, A20-00475, A20-00476, A20-00477, A20-00478
Nuts which have no serial number and nuts with serial numbers other than those listed are acceptable.
c. Reinstall the drive shaft with an acceptable nut in accordance with instructions in Section 65-30-01 of the Model212 maintenance manual. Notify Bell Helicopter Company or the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, Flight Standards Division, Southwest Region, Federal Aviation Administration, if nuts identified in paragraph b. are found following inspection.
(Reporting approved by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB No. 04- R0174).
d. Bell Service Bulletin No. 212-75-1 dated February 19, 1975, pertains to this inspection and replacement procedure.
e. Equivalent methods of compliance with this airworthiness directive must be approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, Flight Standards Division, Southwest Region, Federal Aviation Administration, 4400 Blue Mound Road, Fort Worth, Texas 76101.
This amendment becomes effective April 21, 1975.
2011-06-03: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the products listed above. This AD requires measuring the electrical bond resistance between the motor operated valve (MOV) actuators and airplane structure for the main, center, auxiliary, and horizontal stabilizer fuel tanks, as applicable, and corrective action if necessary; revising the maintenance program to incorporate airworthiness limitation (AWL) No. 28-AWL-21 or AWL No. 28-AWL-27, as applicable; and replacing production-installed laminate phenolic spacers with metallic spacers between the fuel jettison MOV and the airplane structure, as applicable. This AD was prompted by fuel system reviews conducted by the manufacturer. We are issuing this AD to prevent electrical current from flowing through an MOV actuator into a fuel tank, which could create a potential ignition source inside the fuel tank. This condition, in combination with flammable fuel vapors, could result in a fuel tank explosion and consequent loss ofthe airplane.
2011-07-01: We are superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for General Electric Company (GE) CF6-45 and CF6-50 series turbofan engines. That AD currently requires replacing certain forward and aft centerbodies of the long fixed core exhaust nozzle (LFCEN) assembly. This AD adds certain new forward and aft centerbody part numbers (P/Ns) to the list requiring replacement. This AD was prompted by the discovery of more LFCEN forward and aft centerbody P/Ns that require replacement. We are issuing this AD to prevent the forward and aft centerbody of the LFCEN assembly from separating from the engine, causing damage to the engine, and damage to the airplane.
70-04-03: 70-04-03\tBOEING: Amdt. 39-941 as amended by Amendment 39-1020. Applies to Model 737 series airplanes. \n\n\tCompliance required as indicated unless already accomplished. \n\n\tTo prevent possible damage to airplane structure, systems and components due to failure of the APU bleed air duct or failure of the APU fire extinguisher bottle to discharge safely, or from exposure to an overheat condition following ground operation of the pneumatic system with bleed air from the APU or external ground service, accomplish the following: \n\n\t(a)\tWithin 25 hours time in service after the effective date of this directive, \n\n\t\t(1)\tInstall a placard in full view of the pilot to read: "Discharge APU fire extinguisher bottle whenever left bleed air overheat light illuminates", or "Discharge APU fire extinguisher bottle whenever left bleed air wing-body overheat light illuminates." \n\n\t\t(2)\tInstall a placard in the cockpit in full view of the pilot and install an external placard adjacent to thepneumatic ground service connection to read: "Monitor cockpit bleed air overheat system during all operations of the pneumatic system", or "Monitor cockpit bleed air wing-body overheat system during all operations of the pneumatic system." \n\n\t(b)\tIn lieu of the placard installations required by para. (a)(2), the cockpit bleed air wing- body overheat system and master caution light must be checked prior to further flight for an overheat condition following ground operation of the pneumatic system with bleed air from the APU or external pneumatic ground service. If an overheat condition exists, the source of the overheat condition must be established. Inspect the airplane structure, systems and components for overheat damage and repair if necessary. \n\n\t(c)\tWithin 50 hours time in service after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished within the last 500 hours time in service prior to the effective date of this AD, and thereafter at intervals not to exceed 500 hours time in service, inspect the APU bleed air duct, part number 69/37931-3, -4, or -6 for cracks and replace cracked ducts in accordance with Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 36/1003 dated 17 January 1970 or later FAA approved revision, or method approved by the Chief, Aircraft Engineering Division, FAA Western Region.\n \n\t(d)\tIn lieu of the placards and procedures required in paragraphs (a) and (b), remove APU fire extinguisher container, Part Number 806000-21 and install Part Number 806000-31 container in accordance with Boeing Service Bulletin 26-1011, dated June 9, 1970, or later FAA approved revision or an equivalent method approved by the Chief, Aircraft Engineering Division, FAA Western Region.\n \n\tNOTE: Do not insert operational procedure specified in revision 1, dated 19 January 1970, to step E of Boeing S.B. 36/1003." \n\n\tAmendment 39-941 effective upon publication in the Federal Register for all persons except those to whom it was made effective immediately by telegram dated 31 January 1970. \n\n\tThis Amendment (39-1020) becomes effective July 9, 1970.