92-02-14: 92-02-14 AIRBUS INDUSTRIE: Amendment 39-8150. Docket 91-NM-255-AD.
Applicability: Model A320 series airplanes through manufacturer's serial number 175, inclusive, certificated in any category.
Compliance: Required as indicated, unless accomplished previously.
To prevent failure of the overwing emergency escape slides to deploy, accomplish the following:
(a) Within 50 hours time-in-service after the effective date of this AD, perform an inspection of the flexible control cables on the right-hand and left-hand overwing emergency escape slides to ensure that the flexible control assembly on each overwing escape slide is correctly installed, in accordance with Airbus Industrie All Operator Telex (AOT) 25-02, dated May 16, 1991.
(1) If each flexible control assembly is correctly installed, no further action is required.
(2) If a flexible control assembly is incorrectly installed, prior to further flight, reconnect the assembly, in accordance with the AOT.(b) An alternative method of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time, which provides an acceptable level of safety, may be used when approved by the Manager, Standardization Branch, ANM-113, FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate. The request shall be forwarded through an FAA Principal Maintenance Inspector, who may concur or comment and then send it to the Manager, Standardization Branch, ANM-113.
(c) Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to operate the airplane to a location where the requirements of this AD can be accomplished.
(d) The inspections and reconnections of the flexible control assemblies and release cable assemblies required by this AD shall be done in accordance with Airbus Industrie All Operator Telex 25-02, dated May 16, 1991. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR Part 51. Copies may be obtained from Airbus Industrie, Airbus Support Division, Avenue Didier Daurat, 31700 Blagnac, France. Copies may be inspected at the FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate, Standardization Branch, ANM-113, 1601 Lind Avenue S.W., Renton, Washington; or at the Office of the Federal Register, 1100 L Street N.W., Room 8401, Washington, D.C.
(e) This amendment (39-8150, AD 92-02-14) becomes effective on March 2, 1992.
77-07-09: 77-07-09 AVIONS MARCEL DASSAULT/BREGUET AVIATION (AMD/BA): Amendment 39-2867. Applies to Falcon 10 airplanes, certificated in all categories, equipped with Grumman tailpipe, P/N F10A5B10003-7, installed without back-up ring, P/N F10A5B10606-11.
Compliance is required as indicated, unless already accomplished.
To prevent the possible loss of the tailpipe, accomplish the following:
(a) For tailpipes having more than 750 hours time in service on the effective date of this AD, comply with paragraph (c) of this AD within 90 days or 150 hours time in service after the effective date of this AD, whichever occurs first.
(b) For tailpipes having 750 hours or less time in service on the effective date of this AD, comply with paragraph (c) of this AD prior to the accumulation of 900 hours total time in service.
(c) Replace tailpipe, P/N F10A5B10003-7, with a new part of the same part number, or with a serviceable part of improved design, P/N F10A5RDB20217-3, and in either case install with back-up ring P/N F10A5B10606-11.
(Falcon 10 Service Bulletin No. 0129, dated December 21, 1976, covers this subject.)
This amendment becomes effective April 18, 1977.
96-26-03: This amendment supersedes an existing airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to all Fokker Model F28 Mark 0070 and 0100 series airplanes, that currently requires a revision to the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) that will enable the flightcrew to determine if the thrust reversers are properly stowed and locked prior to take-off. In addition, the existing AD requires a revision to the maintenance program to incorporate instructions to perform checks of the thrust reverser system and correct thrust reverser malfunctions. That AD was prompted by results of a review, which indicated that a potential latent failure of the secondary lock actuator switch 1 of the thrust reverser system in the open position may occur, in addition to the potential failure of the secondary lock relay 1 in the energized position. This new AD adds a requirement to accomplish new modifications that will serve as terminating actions for the revisions to the AFM and maintenance program, and new repetitivechecks of the thrust reverser system. The actions specified in this AD are intended to ensure protection against inadvertent deployment of the thrust reversers during flight.
76-07-05: 76-07-05 BOEING: Amendment 39-2569. Applies to all Boeing Model 727 series airplanes, certificated in all categories, which are equipped with Boeing P/N 65-18949-1 nose landing gear release mechanism torsion shafts not affected by AD 73-26-06. Compliance required as indicated. \n\tTo prevent failure of the nose landing gear release mechanism torsion shaft and a resulting possible gear-up landing, accomplish the following: \n\tA.\tWithin the next 750 landings after the effective date of this AD, unless accomplished within the last 750 landings, and thereafter at intervals not to exceed 1,500 landings for shafts inspected in accordance with the ultrasonic inspection procedures or 2,400 landings for shafts inspected in accordance with the magnetic particle inspection procedures, inspect the P/N 65- 18949-1 shafts, reworked and nonreworked, which have accumulated 8,000 or more total landings since reworked or new, respectively, on or after the effective date of this AD, per paragraph Bbelow until the shaft is replaced per paragraph C. \n\tB.\tInspect the torsion shaft bearing surface in accordance with the ultrasonic or magnetic particle inspection procedures specified in paragraph III of Boeing Service Bulletin No. 727-32-238, or later FAA approved revisions, or inspect in a manner approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA Northwest Region. Shafts found cracked must be replaced prior to further flight, per paragraph C or with either one of the following: \n\t\t1.\tA nonreworked P/N 65-18949-1 shaft which has accumulated less than 8,000 landings. (Upon accumulation of 8,000 landings the inspection requirements of paragraph A above apply); or \n\t\t2.\tAn uncracked shaft, P/N 65-18949-1, which has been reworked once in accordance with Boeing Service Bulletin No. 727-32-203, Revision 3, or later FAA approved revisions, or in a manner approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA Northwest Region. These shafts are subject to the inspection provisions of paragraph A upon accumulation of 8,000 landings after initial rework. Additional rework will not thereafter exempt the shaft from the inspection requirements. \n\tC.\tInstallation of a new improved shaft, P/N 65-86496-1, and associated parts in accordance with Boeing Service Bulletin Nos. 727-32-205, or 727-32-223, or later FAA approved revisions, or an equivalent installation approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA Northwest Region, constitutes terminating action of this AD. \n\tD.\tFor the purpose of this AD, when conclusive records are not available to show the number of landings accumulated by a particular shaft, the number of landings may be computed by dividing the airplane time in service since the shaft was installed in the airplane by the operator's fleet average time per flight for his Model 727 airplanes. \n\tThe manufacturer's specifications and procedures identified and described in this directive are incorporated herein and made apart hereof pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(1). \n\tAll persons affected by this directive, who have not already received these documents from the manufacturer, may obtain copies upon request to Boeing Commercial Airplane Company, P.O. Box 3707, Seattle, Washington 98124. The documents may also be examined at FAA Northwest Region, 9010 East Marginal Way South, Seattle, Washington 98124. The documents may also be examined at FAA Northwest Region, 9010 East Marginal Way South, Seattle, Washington.\n \n\tThis amendment becomes effective May 11, 1976.
90-02-11: 90-02-11 PIPER: Amendment 39-6455.
Applicability: Models PA-42, PA-42-720, and PA-42-720R (all serial numbers) airplanes certificated in any category.
Compliance: Required within the next 25 hours time-in-service after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished.
To preclude premature deterioration of the engine which could result in possible engine failure, accomplish the following:
(a) Insert a copy of this AD in the Pilots Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual (POH/AFM) for the applicable airplane and operate in accordance with the revised limitation:
(1) For the Model PA-42 POH/AFM, revise the POH/AFM as follows:
Insert Revision 8 of LK 1213 into the POH/AFM.
(2) For the Models PA-42-720 and PA-42-720R, revise the POH/AFM as follows:
(i) For the Model PA-42-720, insert Revision 7 of LK 1394 or VB 1314 into the POH/AFM.
(ii) For the Model PA-42-720R, insert Revision 6 of LK 1485 into the POH/AFM.
(b) The following annotation of the applicable pages of the POH/AFM may be accomplished in lieu of complying with paragraph (a). Locate the paragraph entitled "Fuel Specifications" or "Fuel" in the Limitations Section of the POH/AFM. In the first sentence of this paragraph, block out with permanent black ink the words "hot section inspections." Place 1/6 inch wide white self-adhesive correction tape over these blocked out words and type the following words "engine overhaul periods" on the correction tape.
(c) The requirements of this AD may be accomplished by the holder of a pilot certificate issued under Part 61 of the Federal Aviation Regulations on any airplane owned or operated by this person. The person accomplishing these actions must make the appropriate airplane maintenance record entry as prescribed by FAR 43.9 and FAR 91.173.
(d) Airplanes may be flown in accordance with FAR 21.197 to a location where this AD may be accomplished.
(e) An alternate method of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time which provides an equivalent level of safety, may be approved by the Manager, Atlanta Certification Office, Federal Aviation Administration, 1669 Phoenix Parkway, Suite 210C, Atlanta, Georgia 30349.
NOTE: The request should be forwarded through an FAA Maintenance Inspector, who will may add comments and send it to the Manager, Atlanta Aircraft Certification Office.
All persons affected by this directive may obtain copies of the documents referred to herein upon request to the Piper Aircraft Corporation, 2926 Piper Drive, Vero Beach, Florida 32960, or may examine these documents at the FAA, Central Region, Office of the Assistant Chief Counsel, Room 1558, 601 East 12th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64106.
This amendment (39-6455, AD 90-02-11) becomes effective on February 8, 1990.
2008-13-02: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the products listed above. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) originated by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as:
Cracks have been found in the propeller blades and propeller hubs, for which ongoing controlling actions issued by the propeller TC [type certificate] holder (McCauley Propeller Systems) have been mandated by FAA Airworthiness Directive (AD) action.
Current FAA ADs related to this subject are 2003-17-10 (which superseded AD 2003-15-01), 2004-23-16, 2005-24-08 and 2006-15-13.
Cracking of the blade or hub can ultimately lead to blade release with potentially catastrophic consequences. * * *
* * * * *
We are issuing this AD to require actions to correct the unsafe condition on these products.
Applicability: Honeywell AH-600 Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) Strapdown Attitude and Heading Reference Unit (AHRU), part numbers 7003360-931, -932, -933, -934, -935, and -936, with serial numbers 0100 through 0277.
Compliance: Required as indicated, unless previously accomplished.
NOTE: These systems are known to be installed in, but not limited to, de Havilland Model DHC-8, British Aerospace Model BAe 125-800, Cessna Model 650, and Aerospatiale Model ATR42-300 series airplanes.
To eliminate the possibility of the primary attitude and heading displays on both sides of the instrument panel failing simultaneously, accomplish the following:
A. Within 10 days after January 9, 1989 (the effective date of Amendment 39-6093), inspect airplanes with Honeywell AH-600 AHRSinstalled to determine the part number, serial number, and Mod Level of the strapdown AHRU installed in the pilot's (Number 1) AHRS. Prior to further flight after inspection, remove all AHRU part numbers 7003360-931, -932, -933, -934, -935, and -936 with serial numbers 0100 through 0277, without Mod Level "F", from service in the pilot's (Number 1) AHRS. Install the same part number with Mod Level "F" incorporated, or modify the AHRU in accordance with Honeywell Inc., Service Bulletin 7003360-34-32, dated August 2, 1988.
NOTE: Serial numbers of the strapdown AHRU are eight digit numbers; the first four are date code and the last four are the individual unit identifier. Serial numbers referred to in this AD are the last four numbers of the serial number.
B. Within 60 calendar days after the effective date of this amendment, inspect airplanes with Honeywell AH-600 AHRS installed to determine the part number, serial number, and Mod Level of the strapdown AHRU installed in copilot's (Number 2) AHRS and the auxiliary (Number 3) AHRS. Within 45 days after the inspection, remove all AHRU part numbers 7003360-931, -932, -933, -934, -935, and -936, with serial numbers 0100 through 0277, without Mod Level "F", from service in the copilot's (Number 2) AHRS and the auxiliary (Number 3) AHRS. Install the same part number with Mod Level "F" incorporated, or modify the AHRU in accordance with Honeywell, Inc., Service Bulletin 7003360-34-32, dated August 2, 1988.
C. An alternate means of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time, which provides an acceptable level of safety, may be used when approved by the Manager, Los Angeles Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, Northwest Mountain Region.
NOTE: The request should be forwarded through an FAA Principal Maintenance Inspector (PMI), who will either concur or comment, and then send it to the Manager, Los Angeles Aircraft Certification Office.
D. Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to operate airplanes to a base in order to comply with the requirements of this AD.
All persons affected by this directive who have not already received the appropriate service documents from the manufacturer may obtain copies upon request to Honeywell Inc., Sperry Commercial Flight Systems Group, Business and Commuter Aviation Systems Division, 5353 West Bell Road, Glendale, Arizona 85308. These documents may be examined at the FAA, Northwest Mountain Region, Transport Airplane Directorate, 17900 Pacific Highway South, Seattle, Washington, or at the Los Angeles Aircraft Certification Office, 3229 East Spring Street, Long Beach, California.
This AD supersedes AD 88-26-05, Amendment 39-6093.
This amendment (39-6442, AD 90-01-03) becomes effective on February 5, 1990.
87-08-08 R3:
90-15-12 R1: This amendment revises an existing airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to Boeing Model 727 series airplanes modified by the installation of Pratt and Whitney JT8D-217C or -219 engines in accordance with Valsan STC SA4363NM, that currently requires repetitive inspections of the through-bolt nut for proper torque and for certain other conditions of the through-bolt and nut, and replacement, if necessary. That AD also requires the installation of anti-rotation plates, which constitutes terminating action for the repetitive inspections. This amendment changes the responsible office for approval of an alternative method of compliance. This amendment is prompted by the transfer of the supplemental type certificate. The actions specified in this AD are intended to prevent the nut coming off the through-bolt allowing the through-bolt to migrate out of the engine mount flange and cone bolt and possible separation of the engine.
76-06-05: 76-06-05 BRITTEN NORMAN LTD: Amendment 39-2555. Applies to BN-2A and BN-2A Mark III airplanes certificated in all categories.
Compliance is required as indicated, unless already accomplished.
To prevent inadvertent release of the pilots' seats in the seat tracks, accomplish the following:
(a) Within the next 50 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD, inspect the pilots' seats locking mechanism (Alar P/N NB-99-H-007, or Jetseats P/N JS114) for damage and for short pawls, in accordance with paragraph Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the section titled "Inspection" of Britten Norman Ltd. Service Bulletin No. BN-2/SB.71, dated June 12, 1974, or an FAA-approved equivalent.
(b) If seats with damaged locking parts are found, before further flight, remove damaged parts and install serviceable parts of the same part numbers, or FAA-approved equivalents.
(c) If seats with short pawls are found, before further flight, lock the seats in place in accordance with paragraph 5a. of the section titled "Inspection" of Britten Norman Ltd. Service Bulletin No. BN-2/SB.71, dated June 12, 1974, or an FAA-approved equivalent, until compliance with paragraph (d) of this AD is accomplished.
(d) Within the next 100 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD, modify seats with short pawls in accordance with paragraph 5b. of section titled "Inspection" of Britten Norman Ltd. Service Bulletin No. BN-2/SB.71, dated June 12, 1974, or an FAA-approved equivalent.
This amendment becomes effective on April 19, 1976.