95-14-03: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to all British Aerospace Model BAC 1-11-200 and -400 series airplanes, that requires repetitive radiographic inspections to detect corrosion of the center torque shaft of the wing spoiler, and replacement, if necessary. This amendment is prompted by a report of the wing spoiler failing to retract fully after deployment, which caused the wing to drop significantly. Subsequent investigation revealed that the torque shaft assembly of the wing spoiler had failed due to severe corrosion. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent such failures, which can result in an adverse effect on controllability of the airplane.
2008-16-17: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the PZL Swidnik S. A. (PZL) Model W-3A helicopters. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), which is the Technical Agent for the Member States of the European Community. The MCAI states: "In PZL W-3A helicopter S/N 37.07.05, and previously also in the PZL W-3AS model helicopters, leakage was found in the pipe installed in the pressure line of hydraulic system 2, in the part between the hydraulic block and the ground hydraulic unit panel. The hydraulic system in the part between hydraulic blocks and the ground hydraulic unit panel is used only during periodical inspections, for the performance of which it is required to use the hydraulic power unit. This condition, if not corrected, could result in a fire hazard.'' The actions specified in this AD are intended to prevent this unsafe condition.
61-04-02: 61-04-02 DOUGLAS: Amdt. 250 Part 507 Federal Register February 10, 1961. Applies to All DC-6, DC-6A and DC-6B Aircraft; Fuselage Number 1 Up to and Including Fuselage Number 722, Having in Excess of 9,000 Hours' Time in Service. \n\n\tCompliance required as indicated. \n\n\tThere have been numerous cases reported of spar cap cracking on DC-6 Series aircraft. Cracking usually occurs in spar cap tangs in the area of the Station 60 attachments and progresses chordwise. In addition, service experience has shown that the temporary repair of the above service difficulties per Douglas Rework Drawing 5611387 does not have the service life originally anticipated. As a result of this service experience, the upper and lower, front and center spar caps in the area of wing Station 60, with special attention to the spar cap tangs between wing Stations 55 and 65, must be inspected for cracks as follows: \n\n\t(a)\tThe upper and lower, front and center spar caps must be inspected within the next 450 hours' time in service unless already accomplished. Aircraft inspected prior to issuance of this AD must also comply with the repetitive inspections rework and/or repairs specified in (b), (c), (d), and (e). \n\n\t(b)\tThe upper front and center spar caps on all DC-6, DC-6A, and DC-6B aircraft, Fuselage Nos. 1 through 722, must be reinspected at intervals not to exceed 1,600 hours' time in service. \n\n\t(c)\tThe lower front and center spar caps must be reinspected as follows: \n\n\t\t(1)\tModel DC-6 aircraft, Fuselage Nos. 1 through 172, which have not been reworked in accordance with DC-6 Service Bulletin Nos. 569 and 724, at intervals not to exceed 1,600 hours' time in service. \n\n\t\t(2)\tModel DC-6 aircraft, Fuselage Nos. 1 through 172, which have been reworked in accordance with DC-6 Service Bulletin Nos. 569 and 724, at intervals not to exceed 3,250 hours' time in service. \n\n\t\t(3)\tModel DC-6, DC-6A and DC-6B aircraft, Fuselage Nos. 174 through 722, at intervals not to exceed 3,250hours' time in service. \n\n\t(d)\tIf cracks are found, FAA approved permanent rework or temporary repair as recommended by the manufacturer or FAA approved equivalent is required prior to further flight except ferry flight in accordance with the provisions of CAR 1.76. Temporary repairs may be made per Douglas Rework Drawing 5611387, or FAA approved equivalent, providing crack limitations as established on this drawing have not been exceeded. \n\n\t(e)\tAircraft incorporating a temporary repair must be reinspected at intervals not to exceed 750 hours' time in service pending the accomplishment of the FAA approved manufacturer's recommended permanent rework or FAA approved equivalent. Such rework or equivalent must be accomplished within 4,200 hours' time in service after incorporating the temporary repair. \n\n\t(f)\tThe inspections required by this AD may be discontinued for any area reworked in accordance with FAA approved permanent repair instructions. \n\n\t(Douglas Alert Service Bulletin A-678 revised June 3, 1960, covers this subject.) \n\n\tThis supersedes AD 60-15-01. \n\n\tThis directive effective March 14, 1961.
93-20-05: 93-20-05 AYRES CORPORATION: Amendment 39-8713; Docket No. 93-CE-30-AD.
Applicability: The following model and serial number airplanes, certificated in any category:
Serial Numbers
5000 through 5099, 1380R, and 1416R through 2583R
R1340-001 through R1340-030 (with or without DC suffix)
R3S-001 through R3S-011 (with or without DC suffix)
R1820-001 through R1820-035 (with or without DC suffix)
T11-001 through T11-005 (with or without DC suffix)
T15-001 through T15-029 (with or without DC suffix); and T27-001 through T27-029 and T-27-031 (with or without DC suffix)
6000 through 6049, T34-001 through T34-180, T34-190, T34-191 and T34-192 (with or without DC suffix); T36-001 through T36-180 (with or without DC suffix); and T41-001 through T41-180 (with or without DC suffix)
T45-001 through T45-003 (with or without DC suffix)
T65-001 (with or without DC suffix)
T65-002 through T65-010 (with or without DC suffix)
G6-101 through G6-112
Compliance: Required as indicated, unless already accomplished.
NOTE 1: The compliance times specified in this AD take precedence over those referenced in Ayres Service Bulletin (SB) No. SB-AG-32, dated February 12, 1993.
To prevent structural damage to the vertical tail caused by a damaged vertical tail attachment bracket, which could result in loss of control of the airplane, accomplish the following:
(a) Within the next 50 hours time-in-service after the effective date of this AD, inspect the bracket that attaches the vertical tail front spar to the horizontal stabilizer for damage (cracks, broken lugs or bolts, or elongated holes) in accordance with the ACCOMPLISHMENT INSTRUCTIONS: I. Inspection, section of Ayres SB No. SB-AG-32, dated February 12, 1993.
(b) If any damage is found to the bracket during the inspection specified in paragraph (a) of this AD, prior to further flight, replace the bracket with an aluminum bracket, part number (P/N) 40301T007, and install a new close out plate, P/N 40309T003, in accordance with the ACCOMPLISHMENT INSTRUCTIONS: II. Repair, section of Ayres SB No. SB-AG-32, dated February 12, 1993.
(c) Within the next 100 hours TIS after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished in accordance with paragraph (b) of this AD, replace the bracket with an aluminum bracket, part number (P/N) 40301T007, and install a new close out plate, P/N 40309T003, in accordance with the ACCOMPLISHMENT INSTRUCTIONS: II. Repair, section of Ayres SB No. SB-AG-32, dated February 12, 1993.
(d) The replacement required by paragraph (c) of this AD may be accomplished instead of the inspection specified in paragraph (a) of this AD provided it is accomplished at or prior to the 50-hour TIS compliance time.
(e) Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to operate the airplane to a location where the requirements of this AD can be accomplished.
(f) An alternative method of compliance or adjustment of the initial or repetitive compliance times that provides an equivalent level of safety may be approved by the Manager, Atlanta Aircraft Certification Office, 1669 Phoenix Parkway, Suite 210C, Atlanta, Georgia 30349. The request shall be forwarded through an appropriate FAA Maintenance Inspector, who may add comments and then send it to the Manager, Atlanta Aircraft Certification Office.
NOTE 2: Information concerning the existence of approved alternative methods of compliance with this AD, if any, may be obtained from the Atlanta Aircraft Certification Office.
(g) The inspection and replacement required by this AD shall be done in accordance with Ayres Service Bulletin No. SB-AG-32, dated February 12, 1993. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR Part 51. Copies may be obtained from the Ayres Corporation, P.O. Box 3090, Albany, Georgia 31708. Copies may be inspected at the FAA, Central Region, Office of the Assistant Chief Counsel, Room 1558, 601 E. 12th Street, Kansas City, Missouri, or at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW., suite 700, Washington, DC.
(h) This amendment (39-8713) becomes effective on December 3, 1993.
60-11-09: 60-11-09 SUD AVIATION: Amdt. 154 Part 507 Federal Register May 18, 1960. Applies to All Alouette II SE 3130 Helicopters Equipped With Tail Rotor Blade Model Numbers 34.40.000 and 34.60.000.
Compliance required each five hours of time in service.
(a) Visually inspect the upper and lower blade surfaces to determine that the blade cuff at the attachment bolts and the skin around the entire reinforcement plate area are free from cracks.
(b) Check the end of the reinforcement plate for bonding separation by exerting light thumb pressure on the blade immediately outboard of the plate.
(c) If evidence of cracking or bonding separation is found blades must be replaced prior to further flight.
(d) All blade numbers 34.40.000 and 34.60.000 must be retired at 2,500 hours of service time.
(Sud Alouette Helicopter Service Bulletin No. 34.11.138B covers the same subject in Part D.)
Revised February 28, 1962.
2008-16-11: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain McDonnell Douglas Model DC-8-61, DC-8-61F, DC-8-63, DC-8-63F, DC-8-71F, and DC-8-73F airplanes. For certain airplanes, this AD requires non- destructive testing (NDT) to detect cracks of the door jamb corners of the forward and aft service doors, and doing applicable related investigative and corrective actions. For certain other airplanes, this AD requires inspecting and repairing if necessary or replacing previously repaired door jamb corners with an applicable repair. This AD results from reports of numerous cases of cracks in the skin at the door jamb corners of the forward and aft service doors. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct fatigue cracking of door jamb corners of the forward and aft service doors, which could adversely affect the structural integrity of the airplane.
60-08-03: 60-08-03 DOUGLAS: Amdt. 133 Part 507 Federal Register April 14, 1960. Applies to DC-8 Series Aircraft Serial Numbers 45281 to 45290 Inclusive, 45408 to 45413 Inclusive, 45422, 45423, 45588 to 45594 Inclusive. \n\n\tCompliance required as indicated. \n\n\t(a) Within the next 50 hours' time in service, unless already accomplished, visually inspect the upper and lower wing rib caps, P/N 5615316-1 (left hand) and -2 (right hand) and P/N 5615317-1 (left hand) and -2 (right hand) respectively, at wing station XRS 139.0 for any evidence of cracks. Use at least a 10-power magnifying glass or equivalent. If any doubt exists, utilize dye penetrant or other inspection methods for verification. Aircraft with cracks are not to be returned to service until the damaged parts are repaired in accordance with (c) or (f) or replaced in accordance with (d). \n\n\t(b) Parts which show no evidence of cracks shall be reinspected in accordance with (a) at periods not to exceed 200 hours' time in service until the provisions of (e) are accomplished. \n\n\t(c) Parts which are found to be cracked and which are not replaced per (d) nor permanently repaired per (f) are authorized a reinspection period not to exceed 2,500 hours' time in service, provided: \n\n\t\t(1) The crack in the vertical tang does not exceed a length of ten inches and does not terminate closer than 1/16 inch from the heavy section of the part. \n\n\t\t(2) A stop hole 1/4- to 1/2-inch diameter is drilled in the extreme end of the crack, or the attachment hole in which the crack terminates is enlarged to 1/2-inch diameter. \n\n\t\t(3) A minimum of twenty bulkhead web to cap lock bolts immediately forward of the rear spar are removed, the gap between the web and cap vertical tang is accurately measured, 7075-T6 shims, tapered as necessary in both directions, are installed to fill the gap, and the original type of bulkhead web to cap attachment are reinstalled. \n\n\t\t(4) No fuel or pay load is in the airplane during subsequent jacking operations in which the jack point at the bulkhead in question is utilized. \n\n\t(d) Parts found to be cracked beyond the limits of (c)(1) must be replaced prior to further flight. The replacement parts are subject to the 200 hour time in service inspection limitation of (b) unless, during installation, the gap measurement and shimming provisions of (c)(3) are accomplished. When properly shimmed during installation, the new parts will not be subject to any further special inspections or subsequent airplane jacking weight limitation. \n\n\t(e) Parts inspected and found to have no cracks will no longer be subject to special inspections or airplane jacking weight limitation after gap measurement, shimming and reattachment provisions of (c)(3) have been accomplished. \n\n\t(f) As an alternative to the repair specified in paragraph (c), cracked parts may be repaired per the FAA approved permanent repair recommended by the manufacturer providing crack limitations specified in(c)(1) have not been exceeded and cracks are processed per (c)(2). The special inspections and jacking procedures required by this AD may be discontinued for any part repaired in accordance with this paragraph. \n\n\t(Douglas DC-8 Service Bulletin 57-7 revised June 30 and July 25, 1960, covers this subject.) \n\n\tThis supersedes AD 60-07-04. \n\n\tRevised October 29, 1960.
2008-16-04: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for BHTC Model 222, 222B, and 222U helicopters. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The aviation authority of Canada, with which we have a bilateral agreement, states in the MCAI: "It has been determined that the existing rigging procedures for the tail rotor pitch change mechanism have to be changed due to possibility of parts interference.'' The cumulative effect of individual part tolerances resulting in the total assemblage of those parts being out of tolerance could result in the tail rotor yoke striking another part other than the flapping stop (parts interference) cited in the MCAI. Also, the misalignment of the tail rotor counterweight bellcrank may result in higher tail rotor pedal forces and a higher pilot workload after failure of the No. 1 hydraulic system. Both parts interference and the misaligned counterweight bellcrank create an unsafe condition.
We are issuing this AD to require actions that are intended to address these unsafe conditions.
2008-02-04: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) that supersedes AD 2007-13-11, which applies to all Eclipse Aviation Corporation (Eclipse) Model EA500 airplanes. AD 2007-13-11 was prompted by reports of loss of primary airspeed indication due to freezing condensation within the pitot system. AD 2007-13-11 requires operational limitations consisting of operation only in day visual flight rules (VFR), allowing only a VFR flight plan, and maintaining operation with two pilots. Since we issued AD 2007-13-11, Eclipse developed a design modification to the pitot/angle-of-attack (AOA) system to eliminate the possibility of freezing condensation within the pitot/AOA system. Eclipse is incorporating this modification during production on Model EA500 airplanes starting with serial number (S/N) 000065. Consequently, this AD limits the applicability to airplanes under S/N 000065 and requires incorporating the modification. This AD also retains the operating limitations in AD 2007-13-11until the modification is incorporated. We are issuing this AD to prevent long- term reliance on special operating limitations when a design change exists that will eliminate the need for the operating limitations. Incorporating the modification will prevent loss of air pressure in the pitot system, which could cause erroneous AOA and airspeed information with consequent loss of control.
60-03-07: 60-03-07 PIPER: Amdt. 88 Part 507 Federal Register January 26, 1960. Applies to PA- 23 Aircraft Serial Numbers 23-747 To 23-1534 Inclusive.
Compliance required not later than March 1, 1960.
To preclude recurrence of short circuiting of the control circuits of the engine starter solenoids, electric cables Nos. P2B, P20A and P20B in the starter solenoid circuits shall be increased in size to 16 gage and a 15 ampere trip-free circuit breaker installed in the circuit at the point where lead P2B connects into the electric system. An appropriate placard must be installed adjacent to the new circuit breaker to provide adequate identification.
(Piper Service Bulletin No. 175 dated June 9, 1959, covers this subject.)