48-19-01: 48-19-01 BELL: Applies to All Models 47B, 47B3, and 47D Helicopters.
Compliance required by June 15, 1948.
To provide continuous oil submersion of stabilizer bar damper replenishing valves, the dampers should be rotated 30 degrees down from their present position. This is accomplished by replacing the existing damper support frames, 47-140-132-1, with redesigned frames, 47-140- 013.
(Bell Service Bulletin 64 covers this subject.)
2008-18-04: The FAA is superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD), which applies to certain Bombardier Model DHC-8-400 series airplanes. That AD currently requires inspecting all barrel nuts to determine if the barrel nuts have a certain marking, inspecting affected bolts to determine if the bolts are pre-loaded correctly, and replacing all hardware if the pre-load is incorrect. For airplanes on which the pre-load is correct, the existing AD requires doing repetitive visual inspections for cracking of the barrel nuts and cradles and replacing all hardware for all cracked barrel nuts. The existing AD also requires replacing all hardware for certain affected barrel nuts that do not have cracking, which would end the repetitive inspections for those airplanes. The existing AD also provides an optional replacement for all affected barrel nuts. This new AD requires replacing all affected barrel nuts and applying a certain compound to the affected barrel nuts and bolts. This AD results from reports of cracking in the barrel nuts at the four primary front spar wing-to- fuselage attachment joints. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct cracking of the barrel nuts at the wing front spar wing-to- fuselage joints, which could result in reduced structural integrity of the wing-to-fuselage attachments and consequent detachment of the wing.
DATES: This AD becomes effective October 14, 2008.
The Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by reference of a certain publication listed in the AD as of October 14, 2008.
On February 13, 2008 (73 FR 8187, February 13, 2008), the Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by reference of Bombardier Alert Service Bulletin A84-57-19, Revision A, dated February 6, 2008.
49-40-02: 49-40-02 PRATT & WHITNEY: Applies to Double Wasp CA Series (-3, -5, -15, -18) and Military R-2800-C Series (-22, -22W, -34, -34W, -57, -73, -77, -81, -83, -85) Engines.
To be accomplished at next overhaul but in no case later than March 1, 1950.
To preclude the possibility of complete loss of power as a result of failure of the supercharger impeller thrust bearing, the engine must be modified to incorporate a new thrust plate P/N 127770 with larger (No. 51) oil feed holes. Also P/N 84012 thrust spacer must be reworked to incorporate circumferential oil skates. Details off this modification and rework are given in Pratt & Whitney Service Bulletin No. 892, Revision B.
As a precautionary measure, it is recommended that the engine be operated with minimum use of high ratio supercharger and that particular attention be directed toward keeping oil sludge to a minimum until the above modification has been accomplished.
49-28-01: 49-28-01 NAVION: Applies to All Airplanes Equipped With Product Techniques, Inc., Propeller Spinners.
To be accomplished as specified below:
In order to preclude the possibility of continued use of any unsatisfactory spinners which may be in existence, the following steps must be taken:
1. Spinners not previously installed on an aircraft must be inspected before installation for the thickness of the bulkhead. This may be accomplished by measuring the thickness of the bulkhead at the perimeter; measurements should be taken about 1/2 inch from the edge for best accuracy. The manufacturing process used in fabricating the bulkheads reduces the gage of the material about 0.012 inch at the perimeter. Bulkheads measuring less than 0.045 inch at this point must be replaced with heavier gage steel bulkheads.
2. Spinners which have partially completed the inspections previously required by AD 49-01-01 may continue in service until the next 10-hour inspection at which time thebulkhead should be gaged as specified above and replace if under 0.045-inch thickness.
3. Spinners having satisfactorily passed the five inspection periods required by AD 49-01-01 must be inspected for bulkhead thickness, as specified above, within the next 50 hours of flight, and replaced if under 0.045-inch thickness.
It has been determined that bulkheads of 0.058-inch and 0.064-inch cadmium plated steel are satisfactory and do not require the periodic inspections previously specified in AD 49-01-01. However, bulkheads made of thinner gage steel, or of aluminum, are unsatisfactory.
This supersedes AD 49-01-01.
46-40-02: 46-40-02 FAIRCHILD: (Was Mandatory Note 2 of AD-667-2; 3 of AD-633-2; 3 of AD- 535-2; 3 of AD-564-2; 3 of AD-600-2.) Applicable to Models 22 and 24 Series Aircraft Serial Numbers 3300 to 3319, Inclusive, and 3350 to 3358, Inclusive, Except Seaplanes.
Compliance required at next 100-hour inspection.
Unless previously accomplished, reinforce the oleo tubes at the piston end by installing sleeve. Fairchild part SK-1636. Sleeve may be attached by using two AN 435-5-4 rivets or by welding through four 5/16-inch holes drilled in the piston tube. All damaged parts should be replaced. Fairchild Service Bulletin 40-5, revised July 3, 1945, and 44-6-C dated May 8, 1944, cover this same subject.)
2008-16-18: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the products listed above. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as:
Recently an RB211 HP turbine disc has been found with a crack which had propagated further than expected from the risk model that was used to establish the original inspection.
We are issuing this AD to detect cracks that could cause the high pressure (HP) turbine disc to fail and result in uncontained failure of the engine.
71-19-01: 71-19-01 SCHLEICHER: Amendment 39-1283. Applies to Model K8 Gliders.
Compliance is required within the next 25 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD unless already accomplished.
To prevent failure of the airbrake bellcrank inboard bearing bracket to main fuselage attachment welds, modify the bracket attachment in accordance with Schleicher Modification No. 10, dated October 25, 1962 or an FAA-approved equivalent.
This amendment becomes effective September 7, 1971.
46-30-01: 46-30-01 LUSCOMBE: (Was Mandatory Note 1 of AD-694-4.) Applies Only to Model 8A Serial Numbers 2201 to 2614 Inclusive; 2616 to 2632 Inclusive; 2635, 2637, 2639, 2642, and 2645.
Compliance required prior to completion of next 10 hours of operation.
Replace the adjustment screw now installed in the lower end of the control stick horn, which is located beneath the floor boards with an AN 520-10-44 screw in order to prevent interference with the lower fuselage skin on the forward flange of the landing gear bulkhead.
(Luscombe Service Bulletin No. 2-46 covers this same subject.)
49-47-02: 49-47-02 BELL: Applies to All Models 47B, 47B3, 47D, and Model 47D1 Serial Numbers 145 Through 164.
Compliance as indicated.
As a result of recent failures occurring to the tail rotor drive system the following inspections and replacements must be accomplished:
1. Not later than the next 25 hours of operation and at each 50-hour period thereafter the following inspection procedure must be accomplished until the tail rotor drive shaft parts as described below are incorporated:
(a) Remove and disassemble tail boom extension for complete inspection.
(b) Visually inspect bearings for wear, cracks, chips, and brinelling.
(c) Inspect surfaces of shaft for dents, cuts, and signs of fatigue.
(d) Conduct a magnaflux inspection of the tail boom extension drive shaft, examining particularly the shaft surface for approximately 3 inches of length from each end of the shaft.
(e) Magnaflux 47-644-C14 sleeve inspecting for cracks at thread roots closestto flange.
2. To compensate for shaft misalignment and flight distortion of the shaft assembly, the following modifications shall be accomplished not later than February 15, 1950:
(a) Installation of a redesigned extension drive shaft P/N 47-644-126 and 47- 644-181.
(b) Installation of a spline coupling in tail rotor drive shaft forward of the universal joint P/N 47-644-177 and 47-644-130.
(Bell Service Bulletin No. 69, dated November 11, 1949, covers this subject.)
2008-17-17: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Boeing Model 747 airplanes. This AD requires a one-time inspection of certain fuselage skins at section 41 to find any external doublers that cover the inspection areas and to identify the external doublers that end on a stringer and those that do not, and related investigative and corrective actions if necessary. This AD results from reports of cracks found at fastener locations in the fuselage skins at section 41. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct fuselage skin cracks at fastener locations along the skin-to-stringer attachments, which could join together and become large and consequently result in rapid decompression of the cabin.