2004-23-13: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD); applicable to certain Airbus Model A330, A340-200, and A340-300 series airplanes; that requires inspecting the ram air turbine (RAT) actuator to determine its serial number; and re-identifying the RAT actuator, inspecting the RAT actuator to determine whether the rotary solenoids are in the correct position, and replacing the RAT actuator, as applicable. This action is necessary to prevent failure of the RAT actuator to deploy when necessary during flight, which could result in reduced controllability of the airplane. This action is intended to address the identified unsafe condition.
2014-02-04: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Eurocopter France (Eurocopter) Model EC 155B and EC155B1 helicopters. This AD requires repetitively inspecting the lower and upper front and rear fittings (fittings) that attach the upper fin to the fenestron for a crack and, if there is a crack, removing all four fittings from service. This AD also requires, within a specified time, removing all fittings from service, and the fittings would not be eligible to be installed on any [[Page 5248]] helicopter. This AD was prompted by the loss of an upper fin in flight. The actions of this AD are intended to detect a crack in the fittings to prevent loss of the upper fin and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter.
62-23-04: 62-23-04 GENERAL DYNAMICS/CONVAIR: Amdt. 497 Part 507 Federal Register October 19, 1962. Applies to All Model 30 Aircraft. Compliance required as indicated. As a result of cracking of the main landing gear door upper forward attachment fitting, P/N 30-55153, the following shall be accomplished: (a) Within the next 100 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished within the preceding 250 hours' time in service, and at intervals thereafter not to exceed 350 hours' time in service following that initial inspection, conduct a close visual and dye penetrant inspection of P/N 30-55153 to detect any cracking of the fitting in the vicinity of the attachment of the door actuator. Particular attention shall be given to the radii between the leg and base of these tee-shaped fittings. (b) Any fitting inspected per (a) and found to exhibit a crack not exceeding 4 inches in length shall be replaced with an uncracked part or repaired inaccordance with General Dynamics/Convair Telegraphic Service Instructions dated August 10, 1962, or an equivalent method approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA Western Region, prior to further flight. (c) Fittings repaired per (b) shall be reinspected in accordance with the inspection provisions of (a) at intervals not to exceed 100 hours' time in service. (d) Any fitting inspected in accordance with (a) or (c) and found to exhibit a crack greater than 4 inches in length shall be replaced with an uncracked part prior to further flight. (e) When fitting, P/N 30-55153, is reworked in accordance with the provisions of General Dynamics/Convair Service Bulletin No. 32-38, or equivalent rework approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA Western Region, the inspections prescribed by (a) or (c) may be discontinued. (f) Upon request of the operator, an FAA maintenance inspector, subject to prior approval of the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA Western Region, may adjust the repetitive inspection intervals specified in this AD to permit compliance at an established inspection period of the operator, if the request is substantiated by technical data and/or other facts which justify the acceptability of such increased intervals. (General Dynamics/Convair Alert Service Bulletin No. A32-11, Telegraphic Service Instructions dated August 10, 1962, and Service Bulletin No. 32-38 pertain to this subject.) This directive effective October 19, 1962.
84-01-04: 84-01-04 GARRETT TURBINE ENGINE COMPANY (GTEC, formerly AiResearch Manufacturing Company of Arizona): Amendment 39-4792. Applies to GTEC Engine Models TSE331-3 and TPE331-1, -2, -3, -5, and -6 series engines. Compliance required as indicated, unless already accomplished. To reduce the possibility of rapid destruction of the engine turbine, accomplish the following: (a) Inspect in accordance with the following schedule, P/N 868630-1, -2, -3, -4, and -7 third stage turbine wheels, identified by serial number (S/N) below, in accordance with paragraph 2 of GTEC Service Bulletin (SB) No. TPE/TSE331-72-0351, dated April 14, 1982, or equivalent approved by the Manager, Western Aircraft Certification Field Office. Remove from service, prior to further flight, third stage turbine wheels not meeting the inspection criteria. Third stage turbine wheels meeting the inspection criteria may be continued in service to the life limits of paragraph (d) herein. WHEEL TOTAL CYCLES INSPECT Less than 900 Before accumulation of 1000 cycles. 900 or more, and less than 1000 Within the next 100 cycles. 1000 or more, and less than 1200 Within the next 50 cycles. More than 1200 Within the next 10 cycles. NOTES: For purposes of this AD, a cycle is defined as any operating sequence involving an engine start, aircraft takeoff and landing, followed by engine shutdown, and one cycle shall be counted for each such operational sequence. For purposes of this AD, turbine wheels which comply with paragraph 2 of GTEC SB No. TPE/TSE/331-72-0351 or an equivalent approved by the Manager, Western Aircraft Certification Field Office, must have the SB annotated on the life limited parts log card which is located either with the third stage wheel assembly or with the engine log book. Serial Numbers: 0-01345-419 0-01345-1313 0-01345-2372 9-01345-15426 420 1314 2374 15427 421 1315 2375 15428 422 1316 2376 15429 423 1317 237715432 424 1318 2378 15433 425 1319 2379 18246 426 1320 2380 18247 428 1321 2381 18248 430 1322 2382 18250 431 1323 2383 18251 432 1324 2384 18252 433 1325 2385 18253 435 1326 2386 18256 436 1328 2387 18258 437 1329 2388 18259 438 1330 2529 18260 439 1331 3106 18262 440 1332 3107 18263 441 1335 3109 18264 442 1336 3110 18265 443 1338 3111 18266 444 2336 3112 18286 446 2337 3113 18287 447 2338 3114 18288 448 2339 3118 18289 449 2340 3119 18302 450 2341 3121 18304 451 2342 3122 18305 452 2343 3123 18310 453 2344 3124 18311 454 2345 3125 18316 455 2346 3126 18317 456 2347 3127 18318 458 2348 3128 18320 459 2349 3129 18321 461 2350 3130 18323 463 2351 3131 18324 1296 2352 3121 18325 1298 2353 3133 18326 1299 2354 3124 18328 1301 2355 3135 18329 1302 2356 3136 18330 1304 2357 3140 18414 1305 2358 3141 18415 1306 2359 3145 13072364 3146 1308 2365 3147 1309 2366 3149 1311 2367 3150 1312 2369 3152 2371 3153 3737 (b) Remove from service according to the following schedule, P/N 868630-1, -2, -3, -4, and -7 third stage turbine wheels identified by S/N below: WHEEL TOTAL CYCLES REMOVE* Less than 1300. Before accumulation of 1500 cycles. 1300 or more and less than 2550. Before accumulation of 2600 cycles or within the next 200 cycles whichever occurs first. 2550 or more. Within the next 50 cycles. *No wheel listed below may exceed 1500 total cycles in service after June 1, 1983. Serial Numbers: 0-01345-18350 0-01345-20025 0-01345-21873 18623 20026 21874 18659 20130 21875 18660 20588 21876 18663 20589 21877 18669 20590 21878 18672 20591 21879 18673 20592 21880 18674 20593 21881 18676 20594 21882 18677 20595 21883 18678 20596 21884 19294 20597 21885 19295 20598 21886 19321 20599 21887 19980 20600 2188819983 20601 21889 19984 20602 21890 19985 20603 21891 19986 20604 21892 19987 20605 21893 19988 20606 21894 19989 20607 21895 19990 20608 21896 19991 20609 21897 19992 20611 21898 19993 20612 21899 19994 20613 21900 19995 20614 21903 20615 19996 20616 21904 19997 20617 21905 19998 20618 21906 19999 20619 21907 20000 20620 21908 20001 20621 21909 20002 20622 21910 20003 20623 21911 20004 20624 21914 20008 20625 22332 20009 20626 22333 20010 20627 20011 20628 20012 20629 20013 20630 20014 20631 20015 20632 20016 20633 20017 20634 20018 20635 20019 20637 20020 20779 20021 21869 20022 21870 20023 21871 20024 21872 (c) Inspect, prior to accumulating 2600 total wheel cycles, P/N 868630-1, -2, -3, -4, and -7 third stage turbine wheels introduced into service on or after March 24, 1978, and not listed by S/N in paragraph (a) or (b) herein, in accordancewith paragraph 2 of GTEC SB No. TPE/TSE/331-72-0351, dated April 14, 1982, or equivalent approved by the Manager, Western Aircraft Certification Field Office. Remove from service prior to further flight third stage turbine wheels not meeting the inspection criteria. Third stage turbine wheels meeting the inspection criteria may be continued in service to the life limits of paragraph (d) herein. (d) Remove from service the following turbine wheels within the cyclic life limits specified below: WHEEL STAGE PART NUMBER CYCLE LIFE First 867569-1, -3, -7 5700 cycles Second 868272-1, -2, -3, -4 5400 cycles Third 868630-1, -2, -3, -4, -7 3600 cycles Third 868630-8 4300 cycles Third 895539-1, -2, -3, -4 2000 cycles Turbine wheels listed in this paragraph introduced into service prior to March 24, 1978, were not required to have their cyclic lives recorded. As of the effective date of this AD, lives of these wheels shall be converted to cycles by crediting each hour of operation 9 with 1.5 cycles (i.e.: 3500 hrs x 1.5 = 5250 cycles). Actual cycles, if known, may be used in lieu of this conversion. Thereafter, wheel operating life shall be accrued in cycles. Remove from service in accordance with the following schedule P/N 895539-1, -2, -3, and -4 third stage turbine wheels which exceed the above-listed cyclic limits after converting from hours to cycles: WHEEL TOTAL CYCLES REMOVE 2,000 to 3,750 Within the next 300 cycles. 3,751 to 4,500 Within the next 175 cycles. 4,501 to 5,250 Within the next 75 cycles. Remove from service within the next 300 cycles or 10 months in service, whichever comes first after the effective date of this amendment, P/N 867569-1, -3, -7, P/N 868272-1, -2, -3, -4, and P/N 868630-1, -2, -3, -4, -7 turbine wheels which exceed the above-listed cyclic limits after converting from hours to cycles. (e) Prior to accumulating an additional 2700 cycles after February 11, 1982, onall affected engines containing P/N 868630-1, -2, -3, or -4 or P/N 895539-1, -2, -3, or -4 third stage turbine wheels, or upon next removal of the third stage turbine wheel, after September 9, 1982, whichever occurs earlier, either: (1) Remove curvic coupling gasket, P/N 868892-2, located forward of third stage turbine wheel, and replace it with a serviceable P/N 868892-9 curvic coupling gasket or subsequently approved part number gasket as prescribed in paragraph 2 of GTEC SB No. TPE331-72-0300, dated September 9, 1981, or an equivalent approved by the Manager, Western Aircraft Certification Field Office; or, (2) Replace the third stage turbine wheel with a P/N 868630-7, P/N 868630-8, or an equivalent approved by the Manager, Western Aircraft Certification Field Office. NOTE: The P/N 868630-1, -2, -3, or -4 turbine wheel may be modified to the P/N 868630-7 third stage turbine wheel design by compliance with instructions provided in GTEC SB No. TPE331-72-0327, dated December 14, 1981, or an equivalent approved by the Manager, Western Aircraft Certification Field Office. (f) Remove the third stage turbine seal P/N 868259-1 and replace with a serviceable P/N 868259-2 or subsequently approved part number seal as prescribed in paragraph 2 of GTEC SB No. TPE331-72-0380, dated November 17, 1982, or an equivalent approved by the Manager, Western Aircraft Certification Field Office, upon next removal of the third stage turbine wheel from all affected engines after February 1, 1983. (g) Remove third stage turbine stators P/N 868379-1 from all affected engines and replace with a serviceable P/N 868379-3 or subsequently approved part number stator, as prescribed in paragraph 2 of GTEC SB No. TPE331-72-0384, dated November 17, 1982, or an equivalent approved by the Manager, Western Aircraft Certification Field Office, no later than next removal of the third stage turbine wheel after 2000 hours stator third stage total time, or time since new, or timesince overhaul. NOTE: Operating time and cycles are to be recorded in the Engine Log Book for P/N 868379-3 and subsequent P/N turbine stators. (h) Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to operate aircraft to a base for the accomplishment of inspections or modifications required by this AD. (i) Alternative inspections, modifications, or other actions which provide an equivalent level of safety may be used when approved by the Manager, Western Aircraft Certification Field Office, FAA Northwest Mountain Region. The manufacturer's specifications and procedures identified and described in this directive are incorporated herein and made a part hereof pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(1). All persons affected by this directive who have not already received these documents from the manufacturer may obtain copies upon request to Garrett Turbine Engine Company, Attn: Customer Service Engineering, Department 77-4, P.O. Box 5217, Phoenix,Arizona 85010. These documents also may be examined at FAA Rules Docket, Federal Aviation Administration, New England Region, Office of the Regional Counsel, Burlington, Massachusetts 01803. This AD supersedes AD 82-27-07, Amendment 39-4528, which became effective January 7, 1983. This amendment becomes effective January 25, 1984.
2023-01-05: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Learjet, Inc., Model 45 airplanes. This AD was prompted by a determination that new or more restrictive airworthiness limitations are necessary. This AD requires revising the existing inspection program to incorporate reduced inspection intervals for the anti-ice manifold assembly. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
2004-23-12: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to certain Boeing Model 757-200 and -300 series airplanes. This AD requires inspection of the guide arm assembly on passenger door number 1 left for a part mark to determine whether the guide arm assembly contains an adjuster rod, which was incorrectly manufactured, and replacement of any such adjuster rod. This action is necessary to prevent failure of the adjuster rod in the passenger door guide arm assembly, which could prevent the door from opening or closing during normal or emergency operations, resulting in the inability to evacuate the crew and passengers in an emergency. This action is intended to address the identified unsafe condition.
2023-01-03: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Airbus SAS Model A330-200, A330-200 Freighter, A330-300, A330-800, A330-900, A340-200, and A340-300 series airplanes. This AD was prompted by a determination that certain landing gear parts have been manufactured with improper material or using a deviating manufacturing process. This AD requires replacing each affected part with a serviceable part, and for certain airplanes, re-assessing any previously repaired main landing gear (MLG) sliding piston, as specified in a European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD, which is incorporated by reference. This AD also limits the installation of affected parts under certain conditions. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
2000-02-33: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD) applicable to certain Boeing Model 747-400 series airplanes that requires various inspections and functional tests to detect discrepancies of the thrust reverser control and indication system, and correction of any discrepancy found. This amendment is prompted by reports indicating that several center drive units (CDU) were returned to the manufacturer of the CDU's because of low holding torque of the CDU cone brake. The actions specified by this AD are intended to ensure the integrity of the fail safe features of the thrust reverser system by preventing possible failure modes in the thrust reverser control system that can result in inadvertent deployment of a thrust reverser during flight.
2004-23-08: This amendment supersedes an existing airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to Airbus Model A300 B4-600R and A300 F4-600R series airplanes, that currently requires a one-time detailed inspection for damage of the center tank fuel pumps and fuel pump canisters, and replacement of damaged fuel pumps and fuel pump canisters with new or serviceable parts. That AD also requires repetitive detailed inspections of the fuel pumps and repetitive eddy current inspections of the fuel pump canisters, and replacement of damaged fuel pumps and fuel pump canisters with new or serviceable parts. This amendment mandates modification of the canisters of the center tank fuel pumps, which would terminate the repetitive inspections required by the existing AD. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent damage to the fuel pump and fuel pump canister, which could result in loss of flame trap capability and could provide a fuel ignition source in the center fuel tank. This action isintended to address the identified unsafe condition.
2000-02-32: This amendment supersedes an existing airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to Eurocopter France Model SA. 315B helicopters, that currently requires initial and repetitive visual inspections and modification, if necessary, of the horizontal stabilizer spar tube (spar tube). This amendment requires the same corrective actions as the existing AD and would require an additional dye-penetrant inspection of the half-shell attachment clamps (clamps). This amendment is prompted by an in-service report of fatigue cracks that initiated from corrosion pits. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent fatigue failure of the spar tube, separation of the horizontal stabilizer and impact with the main or tail rotor, and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter.