93-03-14: 93-03-14 BOEING: Amendment 39-8518. Docket 92-NM-235-AD. Supersedes AD 93-01-05, Amendment 39-8459. \n\n\tApplicability: All Model 747 series airplanes, certificated in any category. \n\n\tCompliance: Required as indicated, unless accomplished previously. \n\n\tTo prevent failure of the engine support structure and the inability of the strut to carry required engine operational loads, accomplish the following: \n\n\t(a)\tFor all Model 747 series airplanes, except JT9D-70-equipped airplanes: Inspect the forward bottle bore fuse pins in the rear diagonal brace of the inboard nacelle struts in accordance with paragraph (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this AD. \n\n\t\t(1)\tWithin 100 landings after August 5, 1981 (the effective date of AD 79- 22-03 R3, Amendment 39-4176), unless accomplished already within the last 250 landings, but not to exceed 1,200 landings from the previous inspection: Remove the retainer bolt and end caps from the fuse pins, part numbers 65B94182-3, 69B90410-1, -3, -4, -600, and 69B89612-3, and perform a visual inspection of the fuse pins to detect cracks in the machined shear section, in accordance with Boeing Service Bulletin 747-54-2066, dated November 7, 1979; Revision 1, dated October 10, 1980; or Revision 2, dated July 16, 1982. Repeat that inspection thereafter at intervals not to exceed 350 landings until the inspection required by paragraph (e) of this AD is accomplished. \n\n\t\t(2)\tWithin 100 landings after August 5, 1981 (the effective date of AD 79- 22-03 R3, Amendment 39-4176), unless accomplished already within the last 1,100 landings, but not to exceed 1,200 landings from the previous inspection: Remove the retainer bolt and end caps from the fuse pins, part numbers 65B94182-3, 69B90410-1, -3, -4, -600, and 69B89612-3, and perform an ultrasonic inspection of the fuse pins to detect cracks in the machined shear section, in accordance with Boeing Service Bulletin 747-54-2066, dated November 7, 1979; Revision 1, dated October 10, 1980; or Revision 2, dated July 16, 1982. Repeat that inspection thereafter at intervals not to exceed 1,200 landings until the inspection required by paragraph (e) of this AD is accomplished. \n\n\t(b)\tAfter February 5, 1993 (the effective date of AD 93-01-05, Amendment 39- 8459), perform the repetitive inspections required by paragraph (a) of this AD only in accordance with the ultrasonic inspection method referenced in paragraph (a) of this AD. \n\n\t(c)\tFor Model 747 series airplanes listed in Boeing Service Bulletin 747-54-2101, dated April 11, 1983: Prior to the accumulation of 5,000 landings, or within 350 landings after January 9, 1984 (the effective date of AD 83-24-05, Amendment 39-4775), whichever occurs later, perform a visual or an ultrasonic inspection for cracks in the aft bottle bore fuse pin bore in recessed shear plane areas, in accordance with Boeing Service Bulletin 747-54-2101, dated April 11, 1983; or Revision 1, dated June 1, 1984. Repeat that inspection thereafter at intervals not to exceed 350 landings (if the previous inspection was visual) or 1,200 landings (if the previous inspection was ultrasonic) until the inspection required by paragraph (f) of this AD is accomplished. \n\n\t(d)\tAfter February 5, 1993 (the effective date of AD 93-01-05, Amendment 39- 8459), perform the repetitive inspections required by paragraph (c) of this AD only in accordance with the ultrasonic inspection method referenced in paragraph (c). \n\n\t(e)\tFor diagonal brace forward bottle bore fuse pins: Perform an ultrasonic inspection to detect cracks and a detailed visual inspection to detect corrosion in the forward bottle bore fuse pins located in the diagonal braces on the inboard and outboard engine struts from each end of the pin, in accordance with Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 747-54A2153, dated December 23, 1992, at the time specified in paragraph (e)(1) of this AD. Accomplishment of this inspection terminates the repetitive inspection requirements of paragraph (a) of this AD. Thereafter, repeat these inspections at intervals not to exceed 1,000 landings.\n\n\t\t(1)\tInspect all engine positions at the later of the times specified in paragraphs (e)(1)(i) and (e)(1)(ii) of this AD: \n\n\t\t\t(i)\tPrior to the accumulation of 3,000 landings after February 5, 1993 (the effective date of AD 93-01-05, Amendment 39-8459), or within 3 years since pin installation, whichever occurs first. Or \n\n\t\t\t(ii)\tWithin 90 days after February 5, 1993 (the effective date of AD 93-01-05, Amendment 39-8459). \n\n\tNOTE: This AD does not require that these inspections be performed on forward 15-5 steel fuse pins or forward H-11 steel bolts in the diagonal brace. \n\n\t\t(2)\tIf any crack or corrosion is found as a result of the inspections required by paragraph (e) of this AD, prior to further flight, replace the cracked or corroded pin with a forward 15-5 steel fuse pin, in accordance with Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 747-54A2153, dated December 23, 1992. Installation of a forward 15-5 steel fuse pin constitutes terminating action for the repetitive inspections required by paragraph (e) of this AD. \n\n\t(f)\tFor diagonal brace aft bottle bore fuse pins and aft bulkhead fuse pins: Perform an ultrasonic inspection to detect cracks, and a detailed visual inspection to detect corrosion, in the aft bottle bore and aft bulkhead fuse pins in the diagonal brace on the inboard and outboard engine struts from each end of the pin, in accordance with Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 747- 54A2153, dated December 23, 1992, at the time specified in paragraph (f)(1) of this AD. Accomplishment of this inspection terminates the repetitive inspection requirements of paragraph (c) of this AD. \n\n\t\t(1)\tInspect all engine positions at the later of the times specified in paragraphs (f)(1)(i) and (f)(1)(ii) of this AD: \n\n\t\t\t(i)\tPrior to the accumulation of 3,000 landings February 5, 1993 (the effective date of AD 93-01-05, Amendment 39-8459), or within 3 years since pin installation, whichever occurs first. Or \n\n\t\t\t(ii)\tWithin 90 days after February 5, 1993 (the effective date of AD 93-01-05, Amendment 39-8459). \n\n\t\t(2)\tIf any crack is found as a result of the inspections required by paragraph (f) of this AD, prior to further flight, replace the cracked pin with an aft bulkhead fuse pin, in accordance with Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 747-54A2153, dated December 23, 1992. Thereafter, accomplish the initial inspection required by paragraph (f) of this AD on the newly- installed aft bulkhead fuse pin. \n\n\t\t(3)\tIf any corrosion is found as a result of the inspections required by paragraph (f) of this AD, prior to further flight, accomplish paragraph (f)(3)(i) or (f)(3)(ii) of this AD, as applicable. \n\n\t\t\t(i)\tIf corrosion is found in any aft bottle bore fuse pin: Replace with an aft bulkhead fuse pin, in accordance with Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 747-54A2153, dated December 23, 1992. \n\n\t\t\t(ii)\tIf corrosion is found in any aft bulkhead fuse pin: Accomplish paragraph (f)(3)(ii)(A), (f)(3)(ii)(B), or (f)(3)(ii)(C) of this AD, as applicable. \n\n\t\t\t\t(A)\tIf the amount of corroded material that must be removed exceeds the limit specified in Figure 8 of the service bulletin, replace the corroded fuse pin with an aft bulkhead fuse pin, in accordance with the service bulletin. Thereafter, accomplish the initial inspection required by paragraph (f) of this AD on the newly-installed aft bulkhead fuse pin. \n\n\t\t\t\t(B)\tIf the amount of corroded material that must be removed is more than light, and equal to or less than the limit specified in Figure 8 of the service bulletin, rework the corroded fuse pin, or replace the corroded fuse pin with an aft bulkhead fuse pin, in accordance with the service bulletin. "Light" corrosion is characterized by discoloration or pitting to a depth of not more than 0.001-inch maximum. This type of corrosion can be removed normally by light hand sanding. A fuse pin that has been reworked in accordance with Figure 8 of the service bulletin must be replaced with an aft bulkhead fuse pin prior to the accumulation of 3,000 landings on the pin, or 3 years since the pin was reworked and reinstalled, whichever occurs first. \n\n\t\t\t\t(C)\tIf the corrosion is light, remove the corroded material from the fuse pin in accordance with the service bulletin. Thereafter, accomplish the repetitive inspections required by paragraph (f)(4) of this AD. \n\n\t\t(4)\tRepeat the inspections required by paragraph (f) of this AD at the intervals specified in paragraph (f)(4)(i) or (f)(4)(ii) of this AD, as applicable: \n\n\t\t\t(i)\tFor aft bottle bore fuse pins: Repeat at intervals not to exceed 1,000 landings. \n\n\t\t\t(ii)\tFor aft bulkhead fuse pins: Repeat at intervals not to exceed 2,000 landings. \n\n\t(g)\tAn alternative method of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time that provides an acceptable level of safety may be used if approved by the Manager, Seattle Aircraft Certification Office (ACO), FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate. Operators shall submit their requests through an appropriate FAA Principal Maintenance Inspector, who may add comments and then send it to the Manager, Seattle ACO. \n\n\tNOTE: Information concerning the existence of approved alternative methods of compliance with this AD, if any, may be obtained from the Seattle ACO. \n\n\t(h)\tSpecial flight permits may be issued in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to operate the airplane to a location where the requirements of this AD can be accomplished. \n\n\t(i)\tThe inspections, replacement, and repair shall be done in accordance with the following Boeing service bulletins, as applicable, which contain the specified effective pages: \n\n\nService Bulletin\nReferenced and Date\n\nPage Number\nRevision Level\nShown on Page \nDate\nShown on Page\n 747-54-2066,\nNovember 7, 1979 \n1-7\nOriginal\nNovember 7, 1979 \n\n\n\n\n747-54-2066,\nRevision 1, \nOctober 10, 1980 \n1-27\t\n1\nOctober 10, 1980\n\n\n\n\n747-54-2066,\nRevision 2,\nJuly 16, 1982\n1-17, 20, 27\n\n18-19, 21-26\n2\n\n1\nOctober 10, 1980 \n\nJuly 16, 1982\n\n\n\n\n747-54-2101,\nApril 11, 1983\n1-27\nOriginal\nApril 11, 1983\n\n\n\n\n747-54-2101\nRevision 1, \nJune 1, 1984 \n1-23\n1\nJune 1, 1984 \n\n\n\n\n747-54A2153,\nDecember 23, 1992\n1-56\nOriginal\nDecember 23, 1992\n\nThis incorporation by reference was previously approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR Part 51, as of February 5, 1993 (58 FR 480, January 6, 1993). Copies may be obtained from Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, P.O. Box 3707, Seattle, Washington 98124-2207. Copies may be inspected at the FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington; or at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW., suite 700, Washington, DC. \n\n\tThis AD, 93-03-14, Amendment 39-8518 supersedes AD 93-01-05, Amendment 39- 8459, which superseded AD 79-22-03 R3, Amendment 39-3598 as amended by Amendments 39- 3634 and 39-4001, 39-4176 and AD 83-24-05, Amendment 39-4775. \n\n\t(j)\tThis amendment becomes effective on March 18, 1993.
93-15-04: 93-15-04 PRATT AND WHITNEY: Amendment 39-8650. Docket No. 90-ANE-20.
Applicability: Pratt and Whitney (PW) JT9D-59A, -70A, -7Q, and -7Q3 turbofan engines installed on, but not limited to, Boeing 747, Airbus A300, and McDonnell Douglas DC10 aircraft.
Compliance: Required prior to June 30, 1994, unless accomplished previously.
To prevent fuel nozzle distress which can result in an uncontained lenticular seal failure, and an inflight engine shutdown, accomplish the following:
(a) Modify the fuel nozzle and support assembly, Part Numbers 795094, 5004189-01, 795090, and 5003981-01, in accordance with Part 1 and Part 2 of the Accomplishment Instructions, contained in PW Service Bulletin (SB) No. 5566, Revision 4, dated June 23, 1988.
(b) An alternative method of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time that provides an acceptable level of safety may be used if approved by the Manager, Engine Certification Office. The request should be forwarded through an appropriate FAA Principal Maintenance Inspector, who may add comments and then send it to the Manager, Engine Certification Office. NOTE: Information concerning the existence of approved alternative methods of compliance with this airworthiness directive, if any, may be obtained from the Engine Certification Office.
(c) Special flight permits may be issued, in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199, to operate the airplane to a location where the requirements of this AD can be accomplished.
(d) The modifications for the fuel nozzle and support assembly shall be done in accordance with the following Pratt & Whitney service bulletin:
Pratt & Whitney
Service Bulletin No. 5566
June 23, 1988
December 10, 1986
December 10, 1987
June 23, 1988
December 10, 1986
6 and 7
December 10, 1987
8 through 12
December 10, 1986
13 through 15
December 10, 1987
16 through 21
December 10, 1986
June23, 1988
This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register, in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR Part 51. Copies may be obtained from Pratt and Whitney, Publication Department, P.O. Box 611, Middletown, Connecticut 06457. Copies may be inspected at the FAA, New England Region, Office of the Assistant Chief Counsel, 12 New England Executive Park, Burlington, Massachusetts 01803-5299; or at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street NW., suite 700, Washington, DC.
(f) This amendment becomes effective on November 19, 1993