2000-08-52: 2000-08-52 BELL HELICOPTER TEXTRON INC.: Docket No. 2000-SW-20-AD. Supersedes AD 98-24-15, Docket No. 97-SW-20-AD, Amendment 39-10900. \n\n\tApplicability: Model 204B, 205A, 205A-1, 205B, and 212 helicopters, certificated in any category. \n\n\tNOTE 1: This AD applies to each helicopter identified in the preceding applicability provision, regardless of whether it has been otherwise modified, altered, or repaired in the area subject to the requirements of this AD. For helicopters that have been modified, altered, or repaired so that the performance of the requirements of this AD is affected, the owner/operator must request approval for an alternative method of compliance in accordance with paragraph (f) of this AD. The request should include an assessment of the effect of the modification, alteration, or repair on the unsafe condition addressed by this AD; and, if the unsafe condition has not been eliminated, the request should include specific proposed actions to address it.Compliance: Required as indicated, unless previously accomplished. \n\n\t To prevent failure of a main rotor mast (mast) or main rotor trunnion (trunnion), separation of main rotor system, and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter, accomplish the following: \n\n\t(a) For Model 204B helicopters: \n\n\t(1) Before further flight, review the component history cards or equivalent records for mast, part number (P/N) 204-011-450-001, -007, or -105, and trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, and determine accumulated RIN as follows: \n\n\t(i) For mast, P/N 204-011-450-001, multiply the total hours time-in-service (TIS) to date by 50 (if result contains a decimal point, round off to the next higher whole number).\n \n\t(ii) For mast, P/N 204-011-450-007 or -105, and trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, multiply the total hours TIS to date by 20 (if the result contains a decimal point, round off to the next higher whole number). \n\n\tNOTE 2: Previous compliance with AD 98-24-15 constitutes accomplishment of requirements of paragraph (a)(1) of this AD. \n\n\t(2) Before further flight, replace any mast, P/N 204-011-450-001, -007, or -105, that has accumulated more than 265,000 RIN, with an airworthy mast. \n\n\t(3) Inspect the upper and lower snap ring grooves in the damper clamp splined area of mast, P/N 204-011-450-001, -007, or -105, for a minimum radius of 0.020 inches around the entire circumference (See Figures 1 through 3), using a 100X or higher magnification, according to the following schedule: \n\n\tNOTE 3: The mast S/N may include the prefix NFS or N9. \n\t(i) S/N 23002 and prior, with less than 100,000 RIN, before 100,000 RIN. \n\t(ii) S/N 23002 and prior, with more than 100,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\t(iii) S/N 23003 through 36752, with less than 170,000 RIN, before 170,000 RIN. \n\t(iv) S/N 23003 through 36752, with more than 170,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\n \n\n\nFigure 1\n\n\n\n\n\nFigure 2 Snap ring groove/spline intersection \n\n\n\n\n\nCutaway View Looking Down from Inside Snap Ring Groove \nTypical Burrs at Snap Ring Groove/Spline Intersection \nBurrs are to be Inspected at 200x Minimum Magnification \n\nFigure 3 \nTypical Burr at Snap Ring Groove \n\n\n\t(4) If any snap ring groove radius is less than 0.020 inches, replace the mast with an airworthy mast before accumulating 100,000 RIN or before further flight if RIN exceeds 100,000. \n\n\t(5) Inspect the upper and lower snap ring grooves of mast, P/N 204-011-450-001,-007, or -105 for a burr (See Figures 1 through 3), using a 200X or higher magnification, according to the following schedule: \n\n\t(i) S/N 23002 and prior, with less than 100,000 RIN, before 100,000 RIN. \n\t(ii) S/N 23002 and prior, with more than 100,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\t(iii) S/N 23003 through 36752, with less than 170,000 RIN, before 170,000 RIN. \n\t(iv) S/N 23003 through 36752, with more than170,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\n\t(6) If a burr is found in any snap ring groove radius, replace the mast with an airworthy mast before accumulating 170,000 RIN or before further flight if RIN exceeds 170,000. \n\n\t(7) Calculate the accumulated RIN for mast, P/N 204-011-450-001, for all future torque events as follows: \n\t(i) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 5 for each takeoff. \n\t(ii) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 10 for each external load lift.\n \n\t(8) Calculate the accumulated RIN for mast, P/N 204-011-450-007, or -105, for all future torque events as follows: \n\t(i) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 1 for each takeoff. \n\t(ii) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 2 for each external load lift. \n\t \n\t(9) Calculate the accumulated RIN for trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, for all future torque events as follows: \n\t(i) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 1 for each takeoff. \n\t(ii) Increase the accumulated RIN countby 2 for each external load lift. \n\n\t(10) Revise the Airworthiness Limitations sections of the maintenance manual by reducing the maximum allowable RIN life limit for masts P/N 204-011-450-001, -007, and -105 to 265,000. The maximum allowable life limit for masts, P/N 204-011-450-001, remains unchanged at 6,000 hours TIS. The maximum allowable life limit for masts, P/N 204-011-450-007, and -105, remains unchanged at 15,000 hours TIS. The maximum allowable life limit for trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, remains unchanged at 300,000 RIN or 15,000 hours TIS, whichever occurs first. \n\n\t(b) For Model 205A and 205A-1 helicopters: \n\n\t(1) Before further flight, determine and record on the component history cards or equivalent records the accumulated RIN to date on the mast and trunnion. For mast, P/N 204-111-450-007 or -105, and trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, multiply the factored flight hour total to date, determined in accordance with the Accomplishment Instructions, paragraph 1,2, or 3, of the Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. (BHTI) Alert Service Bulletin (ASB) No. 205-90-40, Revision A, dated March 21, 1991, by 20 (if the result contains a decimal point, round off to the next higher whole number). \n\n\tNOTE 4: Previous compliance with AD 98-24-15 constitutes accomplishment of the requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of this AD. \n\t(2) Before further flight, replace any mast, P/N 204-011-450-007 or -105, that has accumulated more than 265,000 RIN with an airworthy mast. \n\t(3) Inspect the upper and lower snap ring grooves in the damper clamp splined area of mast, P/N 204-011-450-007 or -105, for a minimum radius of 0.020 inches around the entire circumference (See Figures 1 through 3), using a 100X or higher magnification, according to the following schedule:\n\n\tNOTE 5: The mast S/N may include the prefix NFS or N9. \n\t(i) S/N 23002 and prior, with less than 100,000 RIN, before 100,000 RIN. \n\t(ii) S/N 23002 and prior, with more than 100,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\t(iii) S/N 23003 through 36752, with less than 170,000 RIN, before 170,000 RIN. \n\t(iv) S/N 23003 through 36752, with more than 170,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\n\t(4) If any snap ring groove radius is less than 0.020 inches, replace the mast with an airworthy mast before accumulating 100,000 RIN or before further flight if RIN exceeds 100,000. \n\n\t(5) Inspect the upper and lower snap ring grooves of mast, P/N 204-011-450-007, or -105 for a burr (See Figures 1 through 3), using a 200X or higher magnification, according to the following schedule: \n\t(i) S/N 23002 and prior, with less than 100,000 RIN, before 100,000 RIN. \n\t(ii) S/N 23002 and prior, with more than 100,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN whichever occurs first. \n\t(iii) S/N 23003 through 36752, with less than 170,000 RIN, before 170,000 RIN. \n\t(iv) S/N 23003 through 36752, with more than 170,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\n\t(6) If a burr is found in any snap ring groove radius, replace the mast with an airworthy mast before accumulating 170,000 RIN or before further flight if RIN exceeds 170,000. \n\n\t(7) Calculate the accumulated RIN for mast, P/N 204-011-450-007 or -105, for all future torque events as follows: \n\t(i) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 2 for each takeoff. \n\t(ii) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 4 for each external load lift. \n\n\t(8) Calculate the accumulated RIN for trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, for all future torque events as follows: \n\t(i) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 2 for each takeoff . \n\t(ii) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 4 for each external load lift.\n \n\t(9) Revise the Airworthiness Limitations sections of the maintenance manual by reducing the maximum allowable RIN life limit for masts, P/N 204-011-450-007 and -105, to 265,000. The maximum allowable RIN life limit for masts, P/N 204-011-450-007 and -105,remains unchanged at 15,000 hours TIS. The maximum allowable life limit for trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, remains unchanged at 300,000 RIN or 15,000 hours TIS, whichever occurs first. \n\t(c) For Model 205B helicopters: \n\t(1) Before further flight, determine and record on the component history cards or equivalent records the accumulated RIN to date on the mast and trunnion. For mast, P/N 204-011-450-007 or -105, and trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, multiply the factored flight hour total to date, determined in accordance with the Accomplishment Instructions, paragraph 1, 2, or 3, of BHTI ASB No. 205B-90-1, Revision A, dated March 21, 1991, by 20 (if the result contains a decimal point, round off to the next higher whole number). \n\n\tNOTE 6: Previous compliance with AD 98-24-15 constitutes accomplishment of the requirements of paragraph (c)(1) of this AD. \n\t(2) Before further flight, replace any mast, P/N 204-011-450-007 or -105, that has accumulated more than 265,000 RIN with an airworthy mast. \n\t(3) Inspect the upper and lower snap ring grooves in the damper clamp splined area of mast, P/N 204-011-450-007, or -105, for a minimum radius of 0.020 inches around the entire circumference (See Figures 1 through 3), using a 100X or higher magnification, according to the following schedule: \n\n\tNOTE 7: The mast S/N may include the prefix NFS or N9. \n\t(i) S/N 23002 and prior, with less than 100,000 RIN, before 100,000 RIN. \n\t(ii) S/N 23002 and prior, with more than 100,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\t(iii) S/N 23003 through 36752, with less than 170,000 RIN, before 170,000 RIN. \n\t(iv) S/N 23003 through 36752, with more than 170,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\t(4) If any snap ring groove radius is less than 0.020 inches, replace the mast with an airworthy mast before accumulating 100,000 RIN or before further flight if RIN exceeds 100,000. \n\n\t(5) Inspect the upper and lower snap ring grooves of mast, P/N 204-011-450-007 or -105, for a burr (See Figures 1 through 3), using a 200X or higher magnification, according to the following schedule: \n\t(i) S/N 23002 and prior, with less than 100,000 RIN, before 100,000 RIN. \n\t(ii) S/N 23002 and prior, with more than 100,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN whichever occurs first. \n\t(iii) S/N 23003 through 36752, with less than 170,000 RIN, before 170,000 RIN. \n\t(iv) S/N 23003 through 36752, with more than 170,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\n\t(6) If a burr is found in any snap ring groove radius, replace the mast with an airworthy mast before accumulating 170,000 RIN or before further flight if RIN exceeds 170,000. \n\n\t(7) Calculate the accumulated RIN for mast, P/N 204-011-450-007 or -105, for all future torque events as follows: \n\t(i) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 6 for each takeoff. \n\t(ii) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 12 for each external load lift.(8) Calculate the accumulated RIN for trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, for all future torque events as follows: \n\t(i) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 5 for each takeoff. \n\t(ii) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 10 for each external load lift. \n\n\t(9) Revise the Airworthiness Limitations sections of the maintenance manual by reducing the maximum allowable RIN life limit for masts, P/N 204-011-450-007 and -105 to 265,000. The maximum allowable RIN life limit for masts, P/N 204-011-450-007 and -105, remains unchanged at 15,000 hours TIS. The maximum allowable life limit for trunnion, P/N 204-011- 105-001, remains unchanged at 300,000 RIN or 15,000 hours TIS, whichever occurs first. \n\t(d) For Model 212 helicopters: \n\t(1) Before further flight, determine and record on the component history cards or equivalent records the accumulated RIN to date on the mast and trunnion as follows: \t \n\t(i) For mast, P/N 204-011-450-007 or -105, and trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, multiply the factored flight hour total to date, determined in accordance with the Accomplishment Instructions, paragraph 1, 2, or 3, of BHTI ASB No. 212-90-64, Revision B, dated March 11, 1992, by 20 (if the result contains a decimal point, round off to the next higher whole number). \n\t(ii) For masts, P/N 204-011-450-113 or -119, and trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-103, multiply the factored flight hour total to date, determined in accordance with the Accomplishment Instructions, paragraph 1, 2, or 3, of BHTI ASB No. 212-90-64, Revision B, dated March 11, 1992, by 21.2 (if the result contains a decimal point, round off to the next higher whole number). \n\n\tNOTE 8: Previous compliance with AD 98-24-15 constitutes accomplishment of the requirements of paragraph (d)(1) of this AD. \n\t(2) Before further flight, replace any mast, P/N 204-011-450-007 or -105, that has accumulated more than 265,000 RIN with an airworthy mast. Before further flight, replace any mast, P/N 204-011-450-113, or -119, that has accumulated more than 240,000 RIN with an airworthy mast. \n\t(3) Inspect the upper and lower snap ring grooves in the damper clamp splined area of mast, P/N 204-011-450-007, -105, -113, or -119, for a minimum radius of 0.020 inches around the entire circumference (See Figures 1 through 3), using a 100X or higher magnification, according to the following schedule: \n\n\tNOTE 9: The mast S/N may include the prefix NFS or N9. \n\t(i) S/N 23002 and prior, with less than 100,000 RIN, before 100,000 RIN. \n\t(ii) S/N 23002 and prior, with more than 100,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\t(iii) S/N 23003 through 36752, with less than 170,000 RIN, before 170,000 RIN. \n\t(iv) S/N 23003 through 36752, with more than 170,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\t(4) If any snap ring groove radius is less than 0.020 inches, replace the mast with an airworthy mast before accumulating 100,000 RIN or before further flight if RIN exceeds 100,000. \n\t(5) Inspect the upper and lower snap ring grooves of mast, P/N 204-011-450-007, -105, -113, or -119, for a burr (See Figures 1 through 3), using a 200X or higher magnification, according to the following schedule: \n\t(i) S/N 23002 and prior, with less than 100,000 RIN, before 100,000 RIN. \n\t(ii) S/N 23002 and prior, with more than 100,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\t(iii) S/N 23003 through 36752, with less than 170,000 RIN, before 170,000 RIN. \n\t(iv) S/N 23003 through 36752, with more than 170,000 RIN, within 10 hours TIS or 500 RIN, whichever occurs first. \n\n\t(6) If a burr is found in any snap ring groove radius, replace the mast with an airworthy mast before accumulating 170,000 RIN or before further flight if RIN exceeds 170,000. \n\n\t(7) Calculate the accumulated RIN for each mast, P/N 204-011-450-007, -105, -113, or -119, for all future torque events as follows: \n\t(i) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 5 foreach takeoff. \n\t(ii) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 10 for each external load lift. \n\n\t(8) Calculate the accumulated RIN for trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001 or -103, for all future torque events as follows: \n\t(i) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 5 for each takeoff. \n\t(ii) Increase the accumulated RIN count by 10 for each external load lift. \n\n\t(9) Revise the Airworthiness Limitations sections of the maintenance manual by reducing the maximum allowable RIN life limit for masts, P/N 204-011-450-007 and -105, to 265,000. Reduce the maximum allowable RIN life limit for masts, P/N 204-011-450-113 and -119, to 240,000. The maximum allowable RIN life limit for masts, P/N 204-011-450-001, -007, and - 105, remains unchanged at 15,000 hours. The maximum allowable life limit for masts, P/N 204-011-450-113, and -119, remains unchanged at 13,000 hours TIS. The maximum allowable life limit for trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-001, remains unchanged at 300,000 RIN or 15,000 hours TIS, whichever occurs first. The maximum allowable life limit for trunnion, P/N 204-011-105-103, remains unchanged at 275,000 RIN or 13,000 hours TIS, whichever occurs first. \n\n\t(e) Within 10 days after completing the inspections required by this AD, complete the AD compliance inspection report form, Appendix 1, with the requested information, and send it to the attention of the Manager, Rotorcraft Certification Office, Federal Aviation Administration, Fort Worth, Texas, 76193-0170, USA. Reporting requirements have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget and assigned OMB control number 2120-0056. \n\n\t(f) An alternative method of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time that provides an acceptable level of safety may be used if approved by the Manager, Rotorcraft Certification Office, FAA. Operators shall submit their requests through an FAA Principal Maintenance Inspector, who may concur or comment and then send it to the Manager, Rotorcraft Certification Office. \n\n\tNOTE 10: Information concerning the existence of approved alternative methods of compliance with this AD, if any, may be obtained from the Manager, Rotorcraft Certification Office. \n\n\t(g) Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with sections 21.197 and 21.199 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR 21.197 and 21.199) to operate the helicopter to a location where the requirements of this AD can be accomplished. \n\n\t(h) Copies of the applicable service information may be obtained from Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc., P.O. Box 482, Fort Worth, Texas 76101, telephone (817) 280-3391, fax (817) 280- 6466. This information may be examined at the FAA, Office of the Regional Counsel, Southwest Region, 2601 Meacham Blvd., Room 663, Fort Worth, Texas. \n\n\tNOTE 11: BHTI has advised that the following facilities have received special training to perform the inspections required by this AD: \n\nMast Inspection Centers \n\nNORTH AMERICA - UNITED STATES/CANADA \n\nBell Helicopter Textron, Inc. \nLogistics Center, Plant 8 \nATTN: CPR Administration \n3000 S. Norwood Dr. Hurst, TX 76053 \n\nOnce the mast is shipped to BHTI, please provide the name of the carrier, Air Way Bill Number, Mast Part Number and Serial Number, and ensure that the historical record accompanies the mast inside the crate. \nFAX 817.280.2516 or 817-280-3224 or 817-280-8898 \nEmail: #Warranty/CPRDept@bellhelicopter.textron.com \n\nAir Logistics - Louisiana \nDoug Forslund, \nDirector of Maintenance \n4605 Industrial Drive \nNew Iberia, LA 70560 \n318.365.6771 Fax 318.364-B222 \nEmail: difors/und@attglobal.net \n\nPHI - Louisiana \nR. P. Mouton \n113 Borman Drive \nLafayette, LA 70508 \n337-235-2452 Fax 337-235.1361/7312 \nEmail: r.p.Mouton@phihelico.com \n\nBell Helicopter Textron - Canada \nMark Coste \n12,800 rue de l-Avenir \nMirabel (Quebec) \nCanada J7J 1R4 450-437-8201 Fax 450.433.0272 \nEmail: psemedium@bellhelicopter.textron.com \n\nHelipro International - CanadaBill Davis \n4551 Agar Dr. \nRichmond, BC, Canada V7B 1A4 604.514.5271 \nFax 604.514.1734 \nEmail: bdavis@acro.ca \n\nLATIN AMERICA \n\nAerotechnica - Venezuela \nCarlos Dugarte \nAv. La Estancia \nTorre Las Mercedes \nPiso 2, Ofic. 210 \nCaracas, Venezuela 1060 \n58-2-575-0965 Fax 992.7390 \nEmail: cdugarte@etheron.net \n\nHelicentro - Colombia \nHarold F. Martinez, Maintenance director \nAutopista Medelin KM2 \nCarrera 7 No. 83-73 \nSantafe de Bogota, Colombia \n571.433.5970 fax 571.433.5988 \nEmail: helicentro@tutoia.com \n\nSACSA - Mexico \nEduardo Mendex \nTerminal de Aviacion General \nHangar 2, Zona D \nAeropuerto Int'l de Mexico \nC. P. 15620 Mexico City D.F., Mexico \n525.32509.89 Fax 525.76302.41 \nEmail: sacsamk@df1.telmex.net.mx \n\nPACIFIC RIM \n\nFuji heavy Industries \nNobuhisa Nakagawa, General Manager \n1418 Kamiyokota - cho \nUtsunomiya City, Tochigi \nJapan 321-0106 \n81.28.659.4833 Fax 81.28.659.4853 \nEmail: smatsubara@bellhelicopter.textron.com \n\nSingapore Technologies Aerospace Ltd \nHo Yuen Sang \n540 Airport rd. \nPaya Lebar \nSingapore 539938 \n65-287-1111 Fax 65.280.8213 \nEmail yuensang@st.com.sq \n\nEUROPE/MIDDLE EAST \n\nPatria Ostermans Aero AB \nRolf Gauffin Helikoptervagen 1 \nStockholm-Arlanda \nSweden SE-190 46 \n46.8.593.787.59 Fax 46.8.593787.90 \nEmail: ostermans@patria.se \n\nAbu Dhabi Aviation LTD. -UAE \nPO Box 2723 \nAbu Dhabi \nUnited Arab Emitrates \n97-124-449-100 \nFax 97-124-449-081 \nEmail: adava@emirates.net.a.e. \n\n\t(i) Emergency AD 2000-08-52, issued April 21, 2000, becomes effective upon receipt. \n\n\n\nAPPENDIX 1 \n\nAD COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT FORM \nP/N 204-011-450-001/-007/-105/-113/-119 MAIN ROTOR MAST \n\n\nComplete the following information and mail or fax this form to: \n\nManager, Rotorcraft Certification Office \nFederal Aviation Administration \nFort Worth, Texas, 76193-0170, USA. \nFax: 817-222-5783 \n\nOperator Name: \n\nAircraft Registration No. \n\nHelicopter Model: \n\nHelicopter S/N: \n\nMast P/N: \n\nMast S/N: \n\nMast RIN: \n\nMast Total TIS: \n\nInspection Results: \n\n1. Were any radii during inspection of this mast determined to be less than 0.020 inches? If yes, what was the dimension measured? \n\n2. Was a burr found in the inspected snap ring grooves? \n\n3. Who performed this inspection? \n\n4. Provide any other comments?