92-24-06: 92-24-06 FOKKER: Amendment 39-8411. Docket No. 92-NM-74-AD.
Applicability: Model F28 Mark 0100 series airplanes; serial numbers 11244 through 11355, inclusive; certificated in any category.
Compliance: Required as indicated, unless accomplished previously.
To prevent the C-latch bushings from being rendered temporarily inoperable, which could prevent the opening of the forward and rear service/emergency doors during an emergency evacuation, accomplish the following:
(a) Within 4 months after the effective date of this AD, remove the existing C-latch mechanisms and bushings of the forward and rear service/emergency doors, and install new C-latch mechanisms and bushings, Modification Kit SBF100-52-039A or SBF100-52-039B, in accordance with Fokker Service Bulletin SBF100-52-039, dated September 17, 1991.
(b) An alternative method of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time that provides an acceptable level of safety may be used if approved by the Manager, Standardization Branch, ANM-113, FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate. Operators shall submit their requests through an appropriate FAA Principal Maintenance Inspector, who may add comments and then send it to the Manager, Standardization Branch, ANM-113.
NOTE: Information concerning the existence of approved alternative methods of compliance with this AD, if any, may be obtained from the Standardization Branch, ANM-113.
(c) Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to operate the airplane to a location where the requirements of this AD can be accomplished.
(d) The removal and installation shall be done in accordance with Fokker Service Bulletin SBF100-52-039, dated September 17, 1991. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR Part 51. Copies may be obtained from Fokker Aircraft USA, Inc., 1199 North Fairfax Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. Copies may be inspected at the FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington; or at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW., suite 700, Washington, DC.
(e) This amendment becomes effective on December 14, 1992.
2005-05-16: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Airbus Model A300 B4-622R and A300 F4-622R airplanes. This AD requires doing a one-time inspection to determine if lower guide fittings for the forward doors are installed in the correct positions, and corrective action if necessary. This AD is prompted by reports that lower guide fittings for the forward doors were found installed in the wrong positions at frames 14 and 16A. We are issuing this AD to prevent difficulty opening the forward doors, which could impede an emergency evacuation and result in injury to passengers or crewmembers.
78-20-06: 78-20-06 AIRCRAFT PARTS AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (CALLAIR): Amendment 39-3299 as amended by Amendment 39-3356. Applies to Models A-9, A-9A, and A-9B Airplanes which have the wing struts carry-through tube running through the hopper, certificated in all categories (Airworthiness Docket No. 78-ASW-52).
Compliance required within the next 25 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD except that aircraft added by Amendment 39-3356 must comply within the next 25 hours' time in service from the effective date of such amendment. To prevent failure of the main carry-through tube, P/N 11013, due to corrosion from exposure to corrosive chemicals in airplanes equipped with the large hopper, accomplish the following:
(a) Deleted.
(b) Remove the hopper top and inspect for a fiberglass wrapped carry-through tube. The main carry- through tube if located in the hopper is located 25 inches aft of the hopper forward bulkhead and six inches below the hopper surface. Visually inspect the fiberglass wrapping for cracks.
(c) If the fiberglass wrapping is cracked, remove all the fiberglass wrapping and visually inspect the main carry-through tube for corrosion.
(d) Remove all corrosion found on the main carry-through tube. If the corrosion removal exceeds a depth of 0.010 inch in one location or 2 percent of the tube cross-sectional area, the main carry-through tube, P/N 11013, must be replaced. The nominal cross-sectional area is 0.42 square inch. Finish the tube with two coats of zinc chromate primer after corrosion removal. Rewrap the exposed tube inside the hopper with a fiberglass laminate. The fiberglass laminate must include a minimum of three layers of MIL-C-9084 glass cloth of the 181 type with a Volan A or Garan 136 finish. Use a Reichhold 33-402 chemical resistant resin.
(e) Aircraft may be flown in accordance with FAR 21.197 to a base where this AD can be accomplished.
(f) Equivalent methods of complying withthis AD must be approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA, Southwest Region. (Service information concerning this tubing inspection and replacement may be obtained upon request to Service Manager, Aircraft Parts & Development Corp., L.A.F.B. Building 162, Laredo, Texas 78040.)
Amendment 39-3299 became effective October 4, 1978.
This amendment 39-3356 becomes effective December 8, 1978.
2023-22-15: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Airbus Helicopters Deutschland GmbH (AHD) Model MBB-BK 117 D-3 helicopters. This AD was prompted by recalculations of the inspection intervals for certain parts. This AD requires revising the airworthiness limitations section (ALS) of the existing helicopter maintenance manual or instructions for continued airworthiness for your helicopter and the existing approved maintenance or inspection program for your helicopter, as applicable, to reduce the inspection interval of certain parts, as specified in a European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD, which is incorporated by reference. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
91-07-51: 91-07-51 BOEING: Amendment 39-7004. Docket No. 91-NM-84-AD. \n\n\tApplicability: Model 757 series airplanes, line number 154 through 350, except line numbers 332 and 340, certificated in any category. \n\n\tCompliance: Required as indicated, unless previously accomplished. \n\n\tTo detect improperly installed nuts in the upper and lower attachment of the rudder yaw damper pogo assembly, accomplish the following: \n\n\tA.\tWithin the next 60 flight cycles or 20 days after the effective date of this AD, whichever occurs sooner, inspect the upper and lower attachment of the rudder yaw damper pogo assembly for improper installation of the nuts in accordance with Boeing Telegram M-7272-91- 1886, dated March 22, 1991. If less than one thread from the bolt protrudes through the nut, or if the nut is or appears to be cross threaded, replace both the nut and bolt prior to further flight. \n\n\tB.\tWithin 10 days after completion of the inspection required by paragraph A. of this AD, submit a report of findings of discrepancies to the Manager, Seattle Manufacturing Inspection District Office, ANM-108S, FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601 Lind Avenue S.W., Renton, Washington 98055-4056; fax: (206) 227-1181. \n\n\tC.\tAn alternative method of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time, which provides an acceptable level of safety, may be used when approved by the Manager, Seattle Aircraft Certification Office (ACO), FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate. \n\n\tNOTE: The request should be forwarded through an FAA Principal Maintenance Inspector, who may concur or comment and then send it to the Manager, Seattle ACO. \n\n\tD.\tSpecial flight permits may be issued in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to operate airplanes to a base in order to comply with the requirements of this AD. \n\n\tThe inspection shall be done in accordance with Boeing Telegram M-7272-91-1886, dated March 22, 1991. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR Part 51. Copies may be obtained from Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, P.O. Box 3707, Seattle, Washington 98124. Copies may be inspected at the FAA, Northwest Mountain Region, Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601 Lind Avenue S.W., Renton, Washington, or at the Office of the Federal Register, 1100 L Street NW., Room 8401, Washington, D.C. \n\n\tThis amendment (39-7004, AD 91-07-51) becomes effective on July 1, 1991, as to all persons, except those persons to whom it was made immediately effective by telegraphic AD T91-07-51, issued March 27, 1991, which contained this amendment.
2023-21-10: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain ATR--GIE Avions de Transport R[eacute]gional Model ATR42-500 and ATR72-212A airplanes. This AD was prompted by reports of loose fasteners and cracks in the horizontal stabilizer (HS) left- and right- hand leading edge lateral ribs, the box in between, the center box upper panel, and HS forward back-up fitting. This AD requires an inspection of the HS affected areas for discrepancies and applicable corrective action, as specified in a European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD, which is incorporated by reference. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
95-23-06: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD) that is applicable to certain British Aerospace Model BAe 146-100A, -200A, and -300A airplanes and Model Avro 146-RJ70A, -RJ85A, and RJ-100A airplanes. This action requires inspections to detect cracking and evidence of exhaust leaks in the forward face of the central panel of the forward firewall of the auxiliary power unit (APU) bay, and replacement of the central panel with a new panel, if necessary. This amendment is prompted by a report indicating that cracking due to leakage of hot exhaust gases was found in the forward face of the forward firewall of the APU bay. The actions specified in this AD are intended to prevent such gas leakage and subsequent cracking, which could damage the wiring to the APU fire bottle; this condition could result in failure of the APU fire bottle to discharge in the event of an APU fire.
2005-05-11: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Dornier Model 328-300 series airplanes. This AD requires performing repetitive inspections for discrepancies of the heat pack rotor assembly and rotor drive clips of the brake unit of the main landing gear (MLG), and replacing the assembly if any discrepancy is found. This AD is prompted by reports of cracking and breakage of the heat pack rotor assemblies. We are issuing this AD to find and fix discrepancies of the heat pack rotor assembly of the brake unit of the MLG and consequent loss of braking capability, which could result in the airplane overrunning the runway during take-off or landing.
2023-23-08: The FAA is superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2019-07- 05, which applied to all Airbus SAS Model A318 series airplanes; Model A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, and -133 airplanes; Model A320-211, -212, -214, -216, -231, -232, and -233 airplanes; and Model A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -212, -213, -231, and -232 airplanes. AD 2019-07-05 required repetitive inspections for cracking of the 10VU rack fitting lugs and repair of any cracking. This AD continues to require the requirements of AD 2019-07-05, with reduced compliance times and removes airplanes having a certain modification from the applicability. This AD was prompted by a determination that certain repetitive inspection intervals need to be revised. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
95-18-07: This amendment supersedes an existing airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to certain Bombardier Model CL-600-1A11, CL-600-2A12, CL-600-2B16, and CL-600-2B19 series airplanes, that currently requires an inspection to detect cracking in the rudder control quadrant; replacement of any cracked quadrant with a new assembly; and retorquing of the castellated nut, as necessary. This amendment requires a follow-on inspection of certain rudder control quadrants to detect cracks that start at the inside root radius of the spigot; modification of any cracked quadrant; and eventual modification of certain quadrants. This amendment also adds airplanes to the applicability of the existing AD. This amendment is prompted by the development of a modification, which, when installed, will positively address the identified unsafe condition. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent loss of rudder control due to stress corrosion of the rudder control quadrant.