2000-18-02: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD) that applies to certain Raytheon Aircraft Company (Raytheon) Models A65, A65-8200, 65-B80, 70, 95-A55, 95-B55, 95-C55, D55, E55, 56TC, A56TC, 58, 58P, 58TC, 95-B55B (T42A) airplanes. This AD requires replacement of certain elevator skin assemblies that Raytheon shipped from January 1, 1999, through December 31, 1999, and prevents the future installation of these elevator skin assemblies. This AD authorizes the pilot to check the logbooks to determine whether one of these elevator skin assemblies is installed. This AD is the result of reports that certain elevator skin assemblies did not receive a 250-degree Fahrenheit bake operation after corrosion treatment, thus making the skin susceptible to separation from the elevator assembly. The actions specified by this AD are intended to detect and correct potential elevator skin separation, which would lead to a reduction in static strength capability with continued operation. This could then result in potential airplane flutter with consequent loss of control of the airplane.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) must receive any comments on this rule on or before
October 27, 2000.
2000-18-06: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), that is applicable to Allison Engine Company AE 3007A and AE 3007C series turbofan engines with certain full authority digital electronic controls (FADEC's), listed by hardware serial number (SN), installed. This action requires inspections of installed FADEC's before further flight to be sure that no more than one engine with suspect FADEC's is installed on the same airplane, and eventual replacement of all of the suspect FADEC's with serviceable FADEC's. This amendment is prompted by reports of uncommanded in-flight shutdowns of engines. The actions specified in this AD are intended to prevent an uncommanded in-flight engine shutdown and the potential for an in-flight dual-engine shutdown caused by a potential hardware failure mode in some AE 3007 series FADEC's.
97-12-01: 97-12-01 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY: Amendment 39-10044. Docket 97-NM-101-AD.
Applicability: Model 650 airplanes, having serial numbers 650-0174 through 650-0241 inclusive, 650-7001 through 650-7006 inclusive, and 650-7008 through 650-7076 inclusive, certificated in any category.
NOTE 1: This AD applies to each airplane identified in the preceding applicability provision, regardless of whether it has been otherwise modified, altered, or repaired in the area subject to the requirements of this AD. For airplanes that have been otherwise modified, altered, or repaired so that the performance of the requirements of this AD is affected, the owner/operator must request approval for an alternative method of compliance in accordance with paragraph (b) of this AD. The request should include an assessment of the effect of the modification, alteration, or repair on the unsafe condition addressed by this AD; and, if the unsafe condition has not been eliminated, the request should include specific proposed actions to address it.
Compliance: Required as indicated, unless accomplished previously.
To prevent electrical arcing of the alternating current wire and consequent fire hazard, accomplish the following:
(a) Within 25 hours time-in-service after the effective date of this AD, accomplish paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3) of this AD, in accordance with the Accomplishment Instructions of Cessna Service Bulletin SB650-24-57, dated May 15, 1997.
(1) Perform a visual inspection to detect discrepancies (i.e., improper clearance, wear, and damage) of the wire bundle assembly from point 1 to point 2, in accordance with the service bulletin. If any discrepancy is detected, prior to further flight, replace the wire bundle assembly with a new wire bundle assembly or install a spiral wrap, as applicable, in accordance with the service bulletin.
(2) Perform a visual inspection to detect discrepancies (i.e., chafing, rubbing, nicks, scratches, and burn marks) of the hydraulic pump suction line in the area above the baggage compartment, in accordance with the service bulletin. If any discrepancy is detected, prior to further flight, repair it in accordance with the service bulletin.
(3) Modify the supports for the wire bundle cable assembly and the supports for the hydraulic pump suction line in accordance with the service bulletin.
(b) An alternative method of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time that provides an acceptable level of safety may be used if approved by the Manager, Wichita Aircraft Certification Office (ACO), FAA, Small Airplane Directorate. Operators shall submit their requests through an appropriate FAA Principal Maintenance Inspector, who may add comments and then send it to the Manager, Wichita ACO.
NOTE 2: Information concerning the existence of approved alternative methods of compliance with this AD, if any, may be obtained from the Wichita ACO.
(c) Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with sections 21.197 and 21.199 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR 21.197 and 21.199) to operate the airplane to a location where the requirements of this AD can be accomplished.
(d) The inspections and modification shall be done in accordance with Cessna Service Bulletin SB650-24-57, dated May 15, 1997. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies may be obtained from Cessna Aircraft Co., P.O. Box 7706, Wichita, Kansas 67277. Copies may be inspected at the FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington; or at the FAA, Wichita Aircraft Certification Office, Small Airplane Directorate, 1801 Airport Road, Room 100, Mid-Continent Airport, Wichita, Kansas; or at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW., suite 700, Washington, DC.
(e) This amendment becomes effective on June 19, 1997.
97-23-11: 97-23-11 DORNIER: Amendment 39-10199. Docket 96-NM-219-AD.
Applicability: Model 328-100 series airplanes, serial numbers 3005 through 3063 inclusive, certificated in any category.
NOTE 1: This AD applies to each airplane identified in the preceding applicability provision, regardless of whether it has been otherwise modified, altered, or repaired in the area subject to the requirements of this AD. For airplanes that have been modified, altered, or repaired so that the performance of the requirements of this AD is affected, the owner/operator must request approval for an alternative method of compliance in accordance with paragraph (b) of this AD. The request should include an assessment of the effect of the modification, alteration, or repair on the unsafe condition addressed by this AD; and, if the unsafe condition has not been eliminated, the request should include specific proposed actions to address it.
Compliance: Required as indicated, unless accomplished previously.
To prevent the accumulation of slush in the main landing gear (MLG) bay areas that could freeze and interfere with the landing gear and result in it becoming inoperative, accomplish the following:
(a) Within 90 days after the effective date of this AD, modify the MLG bay areas by installing additional slush protection covers in those areas in accordance with Dornier Service Bulletin SB-328-30- 132, dated October 11, 1995.
(b) An alternative method of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time that provides an acceptable level of safety may be used if approved by the Manager, International Branch, ANM-116, FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate. Operators shall submit their requests through an appropriate FAA Principal Maintenance Inspector, who may add comments and then send it to International Branch, ANM-116.
NOTE 2: Information concerning the existence of approved alternative methods of compliance with this AD, if any, may be obtained from the International Branch, ANM-116.
(c) Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with sections 21.197 and 21.199 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR 21.197 and 21.199) to operate the airplane to a location where the requirements of this AD can be accomplished.
(d) The modification shall be done in accordance with Dornier Service Bulletin SB-328- 30-132, dated October 11, 1995. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies may be obtained from Dornier Deutsche Aerospace, P.O. Box 1103, D-82230 Wessling, Federal Republic of Germany. Copies may be inspected at the FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington; or at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW., suite 700, Washington, DC.
NOTE 3: The subject of this AD is addressed in German airworthiness directive 95-412, dated November 2, 1995.
(e) Thisamendment becomes effective on December 17, 1997.
2015-22-10: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Airbus Model A318, A319, A320, and A321 series airplanes. This AD was prompted by a report of skin disbonding on a composite side shell panel of a rudder. This AD requires an inspection to determine if any rudder composite side shell panel has been repaired, a thermography inspection of each rudder that has received this repair, and related investigative and corrective actions if necessary. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct skin disbonding on the rudder, which could affect the structural integrity of the rudder, possibly resulting in reduced control of the airplane.
2015-23-02: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Agusta S.p.A. (Agusta) Model AB412 helicopters. This AD requires inspecting the filters installed on the pressure lines of utility hydraulic systems for metal particles. This AD is prompted by a report of a pump failure on the hydraulic external hoist caused by metal particles. These actions are intended to detect metal particles in the filter of the pressure line and prevent the pumps' failure, which could lead to a hoisting accident and injury to persons.
2000-18-01: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD) that is applicable to certain Boeing Model 747 series airplanes powered by Pratt & Whitney JT9D-7 series engines. This action requires inspection of the lugs on the bulkhead fitting of the rear engine mount, and corrective action, if necessary. This action is necessary to detect and correct bushing migration, corrosion, or cracking of the lugs on the bulkhead fitting of the rear engine mount, which could result in separation of the engine from the airplane. This action is intended to address the identified unsafe condition.
2015-22-06: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Airbus Model A318, A319, A320, and A321 series airplanes. This AD was prompted by reports of spoiler and elevator computer (SEC) latent failures; an undetected loss of a SEC in flight will result in loss in redundancy for elevator control. This AD requires revising the After Start Normal Procedures section of the airplane flight manual (AFM) to provide procedures that will address this loss of redundancy. We are issuing this AD to ensure that the flightcrew has procedures to address loss of redundancy of SEC 1 and SEC 2. A SEC failure, in conjunction with a loss of trimmable horizontal stabilizer (THS) electrical control due to jamming or rupture, could result in failure of an elevator and aileron computer, and consequent loss of elevator control and reduced control of the airplane.
68-08-08: 68-08-08 LYCOMING: Amendment 39-584. Applies to VO, IVO-360 Series: VO, TVO-435 Series; IGSO-480 Series excluding models IGSO-480-A1D6, -A1E6, -A1G6; VO, IVO, TIVO-540 Series engines which incorporate the P/N 76289 hydraulic valve lifter.
Compliance required as indicated.
To prevent further valve failures replace hydraulic lifter P/N 76289 with P/N 78289 at the time in service specified below:
(a) TVO-435, VO-540, IVO-540, and TIVO-540 Series engines shall comply within 50 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD.
(b) VO-360, VO-435, and IGSO-480 Series engines with less than 600 hours' time in service on P/N 76289 as of the effective date of this AD, shall comply prior to the accumulation of 650 hours' time in service on P/N 76289.
(c) VO-360, IVO-360, VO-345, and IGSO-480 Series engines with 600 or more hours' time in service on P/N 76289 as of the effective date of this AD shall comply within the next 50 hours' time in service.
(NOTE: Lycoming Service Bulletin No. 314A provides serial numbers of new and factory remanufactured engines which have the P/N 76289 hydraulic valve lifter.)
This amendment effective May 19, 1968.
2015-22-08: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Airbus Model A318, A319, and A320 series airplanes. This AD was prompted by a cracked upper cardan in the main landing gear (MLG). This AD requires revising the maintenance or inspection program, as applicable, to reduce the life limits for the MLG upper cardan for certain installations. We are issuing this AD to prevent failure of the upper cardan in the MLG, which could result in MLG collapse and subsequent damage to the airplane and injury to occupants.