2000-03-13: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to certain McDonnell Douglas Model MD-11 series airplanes, that requires a one-time detailed visual inspection of the wire bundle installation behind the first observer's station to detect damaged or chafed wires; and corrective action, if necessary. This amendment is prompted by a report indicating that the wire bundle contained in the feedthrough behind the first observer's station was contacting the bottom portion of the feedthrough. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent such contact, which could cause cable chafing, electrical arcing, smoke, or fire in the cockpit.
2000-03-14: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to certain McDonnell Douglas Model MD-11 series airplanes, that requires modification of the battery ground cable installation in the center accessory compartment. This amendment is prompted by reports of battery ground studs that had arced due to loose ground stud attachments. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent such arcing, which could cause smoke and/or fire in the center accessory compartment.
2014-17-08: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp. (P&WC) PT6A-114 and PT6A-114A turboprop engines. This AD requires initial and repetitive borescope inspection (BSI) of compressor turbine (CT) blades, and the removal from service of blades that fail inspection. This AD was prompted by several incidents of CT blade failure, causing power loss, and engine failure. We are issuing this AD to prevent failure of CT blades, which could result in damage to the engine and damage to the airplane.
91-11-02: 91-11-02 McDONNELL DOUGLAS: Amendment 39-6998. Docket No. 90-NM-263-AD. Supersedes AD 90-12-51. \n\n\tApplicability: Model DC-9-81, -82, -83 and -87 (MD-81, -82, -83 and -87) series airplanes and Model MD-88 airplanes, certificated in any category. \n\n\tCompliance: Required as indicated, unless previously accomplished. \n\n\tTo prevent damage to the engine, cone bolts, and pylon, or separation of an engine from the airplane, as a result of the loss of a through-bolt, accomplish the following: \n\n\tA.\tWithin seven days after August 29, 1990 (the effective date of Amendment 39-6684, AD 90-12-51), inspect the through-bolt nut, P/N SPS83978-1216, for proper torque and conditions in accordance with McDonnell Douglas MD-80 Alert Service Bulletin A71-51, dated May 23, 1990. If any of the following discrepancies are found, take corrective action as required below: \n\n\tCONDITION A: If the torque stripe is misaligned, prior to further flight, accomplish the following: \n\n\tI.\tRemove andreplace the nut in accordance with paragraph C. of this AD, and \n\n\tII.\tApply a new torque stripe. \n\n\tCONDITION B: If the torque stripe is aligned properly, within 10 calendar days, verify that the torque on the nut is 250 inch-pounds (in-lb) or more. \n\n\tI.\tIf the torque is 250 in-lb or more, remove and replace the torque stripe. \n\n\tII.\tIf the torque is less than 250 in-lb, reinstall the nut in accordance with paragraph C. of this AD and apply a new torque stripe. \n\n\tCONDITION C: If the torque stripe is missing, and the nut is seated, and the through-bolt head is seated and positioned properly (there is no gap between the nut base and washer, or the washer and engine mount flange bushing, or the through-bolt head and retainer, or the retainer and engine mount flange bushing), within 10 calendar days, apply 30 in-lb of torque: \n\n\tI.\tIf the nut turns remove and replace the nut in accordance with paragraph C. of this AD and apply a new torque stripe. \n\n\tII.\tIf the nut doesnot turn, torque to the required range of 250 in-lb to 300 in-lb, and apply a new torque stripe. \n\n\tCONDITION D: If the torque stripe is missing and there is a gap between the nut base and washer, or the washer and engine mount flange bushing, or the through-bolt head and retainer, or the retainer and engine mount flange bushing; prior to further flight, apply 30 in-lb of torque: \n\n\tI.\tIf the nut turns, remove and replace the nut in accordance with paragraph C. of this AD and apply a new torque stripe. \n\n\tII.\tIf the nut does not turn, torque to the required range of 250 in-lb to 300 in-lb, and apply a new torque stripe. \n\n\tCONDITION E: If the nut is missing and the through-bolt has not migrated, prior to further flight, install a new nut in accordance with paragraph C. of this AD and apply a new torque stripe. \n\n\tCONDITION F: If the nut is missing and the through-bolt is missing or partially backed-out, prior to further flight, repair in accordance with a method approvedby the Manager, Los Angeles Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, Northwest Mountain Region. \n\n\tB.\tRepeat the inspections required by paragraph A. of this AD at intervals not to exceed 30 calendar days; except that, if the torque stripe is aligned properly, the corrective action identified in Condition B, above, is not required. \n\n\tC.\tNut installation method and requirements: \n\n\t\t1.\tRemove and replace the nut. \n\n\t\t2.\tRemove the existing torque stripe. \n\n\t\t3.\tEnsure that the through-bolt head is properly positioned and in place. \n\n\t\t4.\tMeasure the running torque of the nut on the through-bolt. If the running torque is less than 30 in-lb or more than 100 in-lb, discard the nut and replace it with a new nut. If the running torque is 30 in-lb or more but less than 100 in-lb, continue with the installation procedure. \n\n\t\t5.\tEnsure that the final installation torque is at least 250 in-lb but less than 300 in-lb. \n\n\tD.\tWithin 10 days after performing the initial inspection required by paragraph A. of this AD, submit a report of any discrepancies to the Manager, Los Angeles Manufacturing Inspection District Office, 3229 East Spring Street, Long Beach, California 90806-2425. The report must include the airplane's serial number. \n\n\tE.\tWithin 18 months after the effective date of this AD, install castellated nuts and cotter pins in accordance with McDonnell Douglas MD-80 Service Bulletin 71-51, dated September 28, 1990. Accomplishment of this modification constitutes terminating action for the repetitive inspection requirements of this AD. \n\n\tF.\tAn alternative method of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time, which provides an acceptable level of safety, may be used when approved by the Manager of the Los Angeles Aircraft Certification Office (ACO), FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate. \n\n\tNOTE: The request should be forwarded through an FAA Principal Maintenance Inspector, who may concur or comment and then send it to the Manager, Los AngelesACO. \n\n\tG.\tSpecial flight permits may be issued in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to operate airplanes to a base in order to comply with the requirements of this AD. \n\n\tAll persons affected by this directive who have not already received the appropriate service documents from the manufacturer may obtain copies upon request to McDonnell Douglas Corporation, 3855 Lakewood Boulevard, Long Beach, California 90846, Attention: Business Unit Manager of Publications, C1-HCO (54-60). These documents may be examined at the FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601 Lind Avenue S.W., Renton, Washington; or at the Los Angeles Aircraft Certification Office, 3229 East Spring Street, Long Beach, California. \n\n\tThis amendment supersedes Amendment 39-6684, AD 90-12-51 which superseded AD T90-11-52, issued on May 24, 1990. \n\n\tThis amendment (39-6998, AD 91-11-02) becomes effective on June 24, 1991.
71-25-09: 71-25-09 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS: Amendment 39-1358 as amended by Amendment 39-1384. Applies to all Model DC-8 Series Airplanes. \n\n\tCompliance required within the next 3,000 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished within the last 17,000 hours' time in service, and thereafter at each FAA approved normal gear overhaul period, but not to exceed 20,000 hours' time in service from the last inspection. \n\n\tTo prevent failures of the main landing gear retract cylinder attach pin, accomplish the following in accordance with McDonnell Douglas DC-8 Service Bulletin No. 32-102, Revision 4, dated 4 May 1970, or later FAA approved revisions, or an equivalent procedure approved by the Chief, Aircraft Engineering Division, FAA Western Region. \n\n\t(a)\tRemove the retract pin and inspect the retract pin lock bolt hole, the surface of retract pin, and the inner surface of the retract pin boss for corrosion and cracks. \n\n\t(b)\tIf corrosion is found, rework the affected areas to remove all traces of corrosion. If no more than .003 inches on the diameter is removed from the boss hole during rework, further shot peening of the reworked area is not required. If cracks or corrosion are found in the retract pin, discard the pin. \n\n\t(c)\tReinstall uncracked and uncorroded pins, with particular care being used in obtaining a moisture proof seal around the retract pin lock bolt. It is recommended that a beak of PR 1436G sealant or equivalent be applied around the boss lip, where the retract pin protrudes, to seal out moisture. If the boss is heated to facilitate installation of the retract pin, Parker-O-Lube or equivalent should be substituted for the 463-6-1 Cat-A-Lac primer. \n\n\tUpon request of the operator, an FAA maintenance inspector, subject to prior approval of the Chief, Aircraft Engineering Division, FAA Western Region, may adjust the repetitive inspection intervals specified in this AD to permit compliance at an established inspection period of the operator if the request contains substantiating data to justify the increase for that operator. \n\n\tAmendment 39-1358 became effective January 11, 1972. \n\n\tThis Amendment 39-1384 becomes effective January 29, 1972.
2000-03-16: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to certain McDonnell Douglas Model MD-11 series airplanes, that requires a one-time visual inspection of the 90 percent brake pedal position switch to determine if certain date codes are present; and corrective action, if necessary. This amendment is prompted by reports indicating that the threaded insert connectors pulled free from the casing of the 90 percent brake pedal position switch, which allowed the insert connector contact to burn through the nose wheel steering cable. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent the threaded insert connector from pulling free from the casing of the 90 percent brake pedal position switch and burning through the nose wheel steering cable, which could result in reduced aircraft directional control while on the ground.
99-23-26 R1: This amendment revises an existing airworthiness directive (AD), that is applicable to General Electric Aircraft Engines (GE) CF34 series turbofan engines. That AD currently requires: (1) replacement of Buna-N O-rings with Viton O-rings; or (2) a new location of the vent groove on the MFC mounting flange; or (3) installation of an MFC with improved overspeed protection. This amendment requires the installation of an MFC with improved overspeed protection. If this action can not be completed within 30 days of the effective date of this AD, then either: (1) replace Buna-N O-rings with Viton O-rings, followed by replacement with an MFC with improved overspeed protection within a specified time; or (2) replace with an MFC with a relocated vent groove on the MFC mounting flange and improved overspeed protection. This amendment is prompted by nonsubstantive revisions to the manufacturer s service bulletins and comments from the manufacturer regardingvarious typographical errors in the AD. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent uncommanded engine accelerations, which could result in an engine overspeed, uncontained engine failure, and damage to the airplane.
82-27-11 R1: 82-27-11 R1 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS: Amendment 39-4530 as amended by Amendment 39-4660. Applies to McDonnell Douglas Model DC-10-10, -10F, -15, -30, and -30F series airplanes with operable galley lifts, certificated in all categories. Compliance required by January 30, 1984, unless already accomplished. To minimize the potential operational hazard to personnel associated with galley lift electrical interlock system malfunctions, accomplish the following: \n\n\tA.\tReplace the galley lift system electrical interlock switches with hermetically sealed switches as outlined in the Accomplishment Instructions of McDonnell Douglas DC-10 Service Bulletin 25-266, dated July 23, 1979, or later revisions approved by the Manager, Los Angeles Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, Northwest Mountain Region. \n\n\tB.\tReplace the plunger type interlock switch actuators with leaf spring actuators, install structural protection for the interlock switches, and install additional warning placards as outlined in the Accomplishment Instructions of McDonnell Douglas DC-10 Service Bulletin 25-307, Revision 1, dated March 25, 1983, or later revisions approved by the Manager, Los Angeles Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, Northwest Mountain Region. \n\n\tNOTE: Airplanes modified in accordance with Service Bulletin 25-307 dated May 5, 1982, require rework. \n\n\tC.\tAlternate means of compliance with this AD which provide an equivalent level of safety may be used when approved by the Manager, Los Angeles Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, Northwest Mountain Region. \n\n\tD.\tSpecial flight permits may be issued in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to operate airplanes to a base in order to comply with the requirements of this AD. \n\n\tThe manufacturer's specifications and procedures identified and described in this directive are incorporated herein and made a part hereof pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(1). \n\n\tAll persons affected by this directive who have not already received these documents fromthe manufacturer may obtain copies upon request to McDonnell Douglas Corporation, 3855 Lakewood Boulevard, Long Beach, California 90846, Attention: Director, Publications and Training, C1-750 (54-60). These documents also may be examined at FAA, Northwest Mountain Region, 17900 Pacific Highway South, Seattle, Washington, or Los Angeles Aircraft Certification Office, 4344 Donald Douglas Drive, Long Beach, California. \n\n\tAmendment 39-4530 became effective February 16, 1983. \n\n\tThis Amendment 39-4660 becomes effective June 15, 1983.
2014-17-06: We are superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2011-17-08 for all Airbus Model A330-200 series airplanes, Model A330-200 Freighter series airplanes, and Model A330-300 series airplanes. AD 2011-17-08 required revising the maintenance program by incorporating certain Airworthiness Limitation Items (ALIs). This new AD requires a revision to the maintenance or inspection program, as applicable, to incorporate new or revised structural inspection requirements. This AD was prompted by a revision of certain airworthiness limitations items (ALI) documents, which specifies more restrictive instructions and/or airworthiness limitations. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct fatigue cracking, damage, and corrosion in certain structure, which could result in reduced structural integrity of the airplane.
2000-03-07: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD) that is applicable to Rolls-Royce plc RB211-524H-36 series turbofan engines. This action requires, prior to further flight, installing an improved combustion liner with a strengthened head and improved heat shields. This amendment is prompted by a report of burn through of a combustor case that lead to burning away of the thrust reverser and translating cowl and subsequent fire damage to the engine pylon. The actions specified in this AD are intended to prevent burn through of the combustor case due to combustion liner cracking, which can result in an engine fire and damage to the aircraft.