2006-09-06: The FAA is superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD), which applies to certain Boeing Model 747-100, -200, and -300 series airplanes. That AD currently requires repetitive inspections to detect cracking of certain lower lobe fuselage frames, and repair if necessary. This new AD retains all the requirements of the existing AD, and adds airplanes to the applicability. This AD results from reports indicating that fatigue cracks were found in lower lobe frames on the left side of the fuselage. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct fatigue cracking of certain lower lobe fuselage frames, which could lead to fatigue cracks in the fuselage skin, and consequent rapid decompression of the airplane. \n\n\nDATES: This AD becomes effective June 7, 2006. \n\n\tThe Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by reference of a certain publication listed in the AD as of June 7, 2006. \n\n\tOn May 5, 1999 (64 FR 15298, March 31, 1999), the Director of the FederalRegister approved the incorporation by reference of Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 747-53A2408, dated April 25, 1996.
47-42-11: 47-42-11 DOUGLAS: (Was mandatory Note 8 of AD-781-1.) Applies to the Following DC-6 Aircraft: Serial Numbers 42854 to 42894, Inclusive; 43000 to 43012, Inclusive; 43055, 43056, and 43062. \n\nRework to be accomplished not later than December 15, 1947. (See Note 47-42-19.) \n\nCracks have been found near the ends of the tail stub extension of the horizontal stabilizer front spar caps, top and bottom, just inboard of the stabilizer joint. In order to prevent cracks from traveling to a point which may impair the airworthiness of the aircraft, the rework described below shall be accomplished. Until such time as the rework is accomplished, inspect the area in question at every No. 2 inspection period according to instructions contained in Douglas Telegram A-214-529, 012/RLT, dated July 25, 1947. \n\nA.\tCut a 7/8-inch diameter hole through skin and doubler only, 1 5/16 inches inboard and 21/32 inch aft of inboard fitting attaching bolt. Use special tools furnished by Douglas Aircraft Co., being careful not to scratch the spar cap. Strip primer off 7/8-inch diameter area on spar cap and inspect for cracks with high-power lens (40 power). If cracks are found, make a record of the location and extent of crack. \n\nB.\tDrill 0.250-inch diameter stop hole through spar cap, 1 5/16 inches inboard and 21/32 inch aft of inboard fitting attaching bolt and burr, regardless of whether cracks are found. If cracks are found that will extend inboard beyond the location of the stop hole, do not operate airplane until further salvage rework instructions have been obtained. Cover holes in skin and doubler with sheet metal plug and fabric patch cemented in place. (Douglas E.O. No. 5339013 (Salvage E.O. Serial No. 375) describes the rework of installing the stop hole.)
96-11-10: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD) that is applicable to certain IAI, Ltd., Model 1125 Westwind Astra series airplanes. This action requires a visual inspection for clearance between the hydraulic lines/vacuum lines and the electrical wire bundles, and repair or replacement of damaged lines or wire bundles with serviceable parts. This AD also requires installation of neoprene hose around the affected hydraulic lines and vacuum lines. This amendment is prompted by a report indicating that chafing was found on a hydraulic line. The actions specified in this AD are intended to prevent such chafing, which could result in leakage of hydraulic fluid and subsequent loss of one of the two hydraulic systems.
2006-09-09: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Boeing Model 767 airplanes. This AD requires repetitive inspections for cracking in the skin, the bulkhead outer chord, and the strap of the bulkhead outer chord at station (STA) 1725.5; and repair if necessary. This AD also provides for repairs, which are optional for airplanes on which no cracking is found, that terminate certain inspections. This AD results from reports of cracking in the skin panel common to stringer 7R and aft of the STA 1725.5 butt splice, and in the strap of the bulkhead outer chord at STA 1725.5. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct cracking in the skin, the bulkhead outer chord, or the strap of the bulkhead outer chord in this area, which could progress into surrounding areas and result in reduced structural integrity of the support structure for the vertical or horizontal stabilizer and subsequent loss of control of the airplane.
52-08-01: 52-08-01 LOCKHEED: Applies to Certificated Army and Navy Versions of the Model 18 Aircraft Designated C57, C57B, R50-1, R50-2, R50-3, R50-5, R50-6, C60, C60A and C59.
Compliance required at next annual inspection, but in no event later than June 1, 1953.
Inspect all Lockheed Model 18 Series aircraft which have been converted from a military version to civil status, for compliance with Lockheed Drawing No. 50829, change A, to provide seal at the inboard end of the integral fuel tanks (inside fuselage) to prevent gasoline fumes from accumulating in the passenger compartment in case of fuel tank leakage. Inspection of the area can be accomplished by removal of the overhead panels adjacent to the fuselage skin in the No. 3 and No. 4 baggage compartments or by removing floor panels in the cabin.
Diaphragms and vents must be installed in accordance with Lockheed Drawing No. 50829 (or equivalent).
(Drawing No. 50829, change A, covering the required installation may be obtained from Lockheed Aircraft Corp., Burbank, Calif.)
47-06-09: 47-06-09 BEECH: (Was Mandatory Note 1 of AD-2-582-2 and Mandatory Note 4 of AD-757-2.) Applies to All AT-11 and C18S Airplanes Equipped With 33-Inch Tires.
Compliance required at next periodic inspection.
To prevent collapse of the landing gear due to cracking of the shock cylinder retracting leg attachment lugs or failure of the retracting legs the following items should be complied with:
(1) Check the rear leg and lug lengths to ascertain whether they have been previously modified. Rear legs (Beech P/N 18820) 22 7/8 inches between hole centers should be installed only with cylinders having original lugs (approximately 1 7/8 inches from centerline of holes to outside of cylinder wall). Rear legs 23 19/64 inches between hole centers should be installed only with cylinders having short modified lugs (approximately 7/8 inch from centerline of holes to outside of cylinder wall). Legs 23 19/64 inches long with a 1 3/4 inches diameter reinforcing tube welded to the original ends should be replaced with Beech P/N 804-188416.
(2) Inspect the shock cylinder lugs for cracks. If cracks are found in the lugs either the cylinder must be replaced or the cracks repaired. Contact FAA, Kansas City, MO., for repair methods.
(Beech Service Bulletin C18-6 covers this same subject.)
52-28-02: 52-28-02 BELLANCA: Applies to Models 14-13, 14-13-2, 14-13-3 Aircraft, Serial Numbers Up to Number 1584.
Compliance required as soon as practicable, but not later than next engine overhaul after January 1, 1953.
In order to eliminate possible hazard due to excessive pressure from the engine-driven fuel pump, install a high-pressure relief valve between the fuel pump outlet and the inlet side of the hand wobble pump.
(Bellanca Service Bulletin No. 23 covers this same subject.)
2003-12-09: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to certain BAE Systems (Operations) Limited Model BAe 146 series airplanes, that requires modification of the flight annunciator box. This action is necessary to prevent traffic collision avoidance system (TCAS) aural messages and resolution advisories of the TCAS from being inhibited following a ground proximity warning system alert or test message, which could prevent the TCAS from providing attention- getting alerts, and could result in the consequent possibility of a mid-air collision or near mid-air collision. This action is intended to address the identified unsafe condition.
2003-12-08: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), that is applicable to General Electric Company (GE) CF6-80A1/A3 and CF6- 80C2A PMC series turbofan engines. This amendment requires performing either a directional pilot valve (DPV) pressure switch moisture purge procedure and an operational check of the fan reverser or replacing the DPV assembly with a serviceable assembly and performing an operational check of the fan reverser. Thereafter, this AD requires one of these actions on a repetitive basis. This amendment is prompted by a review of fan reverser safety analyses resulting from the discovery of an undetectable failure mode of the DPV pressure switch on certain GE CF6- 80C2A and CF6-80A1/A3 engine models. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent inadvertent fan reverser deployment, which, if it occurred in-flight, could result in loss of control of the airplane.
2020-15-13: The FAA is superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2017-02-07 for Airbus Helicopters Deutschland GmbH (Airbus Helicopters) Model MBB- BK 117 C-2 and Model MBB-BK 117 D-2 helicopters. AD 2017-02-07 required a repetitive inspection and a one-time torque of each hydraulic module plate assembly attachment point (attachment point). This new AD retains the initial inspection and torque requirements of AD 2017-02-07 and requires replacing the attachment point hardware. This AD was prompted by a terminating action has been developed to address the unsafe condition. The actions of this AD are intended to address an unsafe condition on these products.