2000-22-16: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to all British Aerospace (Jetstream) Model 4101 airplanes, that requires a functional check of the rudder pedals to ensure full and free movement at all rudder pedal positions, and modification of the forward rudder pedal boxes. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent restricted movement of the rudder pedals due to structural interference, which could result in reduced controllability of the airplane. This action is intended to address the identified unsafe condition.
81-13-05: 81-13-05 DOWTY ROTOL: Amendment 39-4169. Applies to Dowty Rotol (c)R.289/3-110-F/1 and (c)R.289/3-110-F/11 propellers used on the WSK-Pezetel Model PZL-3S engine installed on but not limited to Gulfstream American (formerly Grumman) Model G-164A, B, C airplanes modified by STC SA2731SW, and Ayres (formerly Rockwell) Model S2R-R3S, and Model S2R airplanes modified by STC SA3897WE.
Compliance is required as indicated unless previously accomplished. To preclude the possibility of blade tip failures, accomplish the following:
Prior to each engine start or prior to accumulating 3 hours of engine/propeller operating time, whichever occurs first, using a 2x to 5x power magnifying glass, or equivalent, visually inspect for cracks, scratches, pitting, nicks, dents or gouges the outer 15 inches of the leading edge on propeller blades, P/N 660705335, in the area extending at least one inch on either side of the leading edge. No cracks or damage are permitted. Any blades with cracks must be replaced with an airworthy blade before further flight. All surface damage in the form of scratches, pitting, nicks, dents or gouges must be removed before further flight in accordance with Dowty Rotol Service Instructions or Section 3 of Advisory Circular 43.13-1A.
In addition, prior to accumulating 15 hours of engine/propeller operating time, using dye penetrant or equivalent, inspect the outer 15 inches of the leading edge of propeller blades, P/N 660705335, in the area extending at least one inch on either side of the leading edge for cracks and reinspect at least once every 15 operating hours thereafter. No cracks are permitted, and any blades with cracks must be replaced with an airworthy blade before further flight.
Upon request of the operator, an equivalent means of compliance with the requirement of this AD may be approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA, Great Lakes Region.
This amendment becomes effective July 28, 1981, asto all persons except those to whom it was made immediately effective by the priority mail letter dated June 12, 1981, AD 81-13-05, which contained this amendment.
2016-18-17: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Honeywell International Inc. (Honeywell) TPE331 model turboprop engines and TSE331-3U model turboshaft engines. This AD was prompted by the discovery of cracks in a 2nd stage compressor impeller during a routine shop visit. This AD requires removal of the 2nd stage compressor impeller. We are issuing this AD to prevent failure of the compressor impeller, uncontained part release, damage to the engine, and damage to the airplane.
87-04-05: 87-04-05 TELEDYNE CONTINENTAL MOTORS: Amendment 39-6074. Final copy of priority letter AD issued February 12, 1987. Applies to GTSIO-520-N Series Engines equipped with rotary fuel pump, P/N 643367 or 643367A2, manufactured by Lear Siegler Romec.
Compliance is required within the next 10 flight hours, after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished. To prevent possible fuel pump leaks, fluctuating fuel flow, engine failure, and/or engine compartment fire; notwithstanding prior accomplishment of the referenced service bulletins, accomplish the following:
For all GTSIO-520-N series engines:
(a) Visually inspect the attaching screws on the regulator valve cover of fuel pump, P/N 643367 or 643367A2, for blue or green paint markings on the head of at least one screw.
(b) If paint markings are present, proper torque has been assured by the manufacturer. Therefore, make appropriate Engine Logbook entry; no further action is required.
(c) If paint markings are not present; accomplish the following:
(1) Cut and remove the safety wire from the four attaching screws on the regulator valve cover of fuel pump, P/N 643367 or 643367A2.
(2) Loosen screws one full turn.
(3) Tighten the four screws to 24-27 inch pounds.
(4) Safety wire the four screws with MS20995C32 wire.
(5) Make appropriate Engine Logbook entry.
NOTE: Lear Siegler, Inc., Service Bulletin No. 101SB015, dated December 17, 1986, and Teledyne Continental Motors Service Bulletin No. M87-6, dated February 6, 1987, address this subject.
(d) Aircraft may be ferried in accordance with the provisions of FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to a base where the AD can be accomplished.
(e) Upon request, an equivalent means of compliance with the requirements of this AD may be approved by the Manager, Atlanta Aircraft Certification Office, Federal Aviation Administration, 1669 Phoenix Parkway, Suite 210, Atlanta, Georgia 30349.
This amendment, 39-6074, becomes effective December 1, 1988, as to all persons except those persons to whom it was made immediately effective by priority letter AD, 87-04-05, issued February 12, 1987, which contained this amendment.
83-05-02: 83-05-02 PILATUS BRITTEN-NORMAN: Amendment 39-4575. Applies to Model BN-2A Islander and Model BN-2A MKIII Trislander airplanes certificated in any category which have not been modified in accordance with Modification No. NB/M/939 and Modification No. NB/M/996.
COMPLIANCE: Required within 100 hours time-in-service, unless already accomplished.
To prevent failure of throttle, mixture or propeller control, accomplish the following:
a. Using a 5-power glass, visually inspect the attachment brackets on the teleflex conduit swivel assemblies of the propeller control and the two main engine controls for cracking in accordance with Item 1 of the "Inspection" Section of Britten-Norman Service Bulletin No. BN-2/SB.1O9, Issue 3, dated March 5, 1979.
1. Replace any teleflex swivel assembly having a cracked bracket with a serviceable assembly (Part No. C.79412, Part No. C.79411 or Part No. C.79410) and incorporate a teleflex swivel attachment bracket reinforcement as instructed in the "Application of the Reinforcing Scheme" Section of the Service Bulletin.
2. If the bracket is not cracked, incorporate a teleflex swivel attachment bracket reinforcement as shown in the "Application of the Reinforcing Scheme" Section of the Service Bulletin.
b. Airplanes may be flown in accordance with FAR 21.197 to a location where this AD may be accomplished.
c. An equivalent method of compliance with this AD may be used if approved by Manager, Aircraft Certification Staff, AEU-100, Europe, Africa and Middle East Office, FAA, c/o American Embassy, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.
This amendment becomes effective on March 7, 1983.
2016-19-05: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain International Aero Engines AG (IAE) V2500-A1 turbofan engines. This AD was prompted by a report of an uncontainment caused by a high-pressure turbine (HPT) seal release. This AD requires removing the HPT No. 4 bearing front seal seat, part numbers (P/Ns) 2A0066, 2A1998, and 2A3432, and the HPT No. 4 bearing rear seal seat, P/Ns 2A0067, 2A1999, and 2A3433, and replacing them with parts eligible for installation. This AD also requires inspecting the HPT rotor and stator assembly, and, if necessary, their replacement with parts that are eligible for installation. We are issuing this AD to prevent failure of the HPT stage 2 seals, uncontained HPT seal release, damage to the engine, and damage to the airplane.
80-17-01: 80-17-01 GOVERNMENT AIRCRAFT FACTORIES (GAF): Amendment 39-3870. Applies to Models N22B (Serial Nos. N22B-5 and up) and N24A (Serial Nos. N24A-42 and up), certificated in all categories.
Compliance required within the next 25 hours time in service after the effective date of this AD unless already accomplished within the last 75 hours time in service, and thereafter at intervals not to exceed 100 hours time in service from the last inspection.
To prevent possible failure of the universal joint in the rudder control torque shafts, accomplish the following:
(a) Inspect the left and right rudder control torque shaft universal joint, P/N MS20271B16, for defects, in accordance with paragraph 5 of the Government Factories Alert Service Bulletin ANMD 27-17 dated April 3, 1980, or an FAA-approved equivalent.
(b) Replace any defective universal joints, P/N MS20271B16, with a new part of the same P/N in accordance with the Service Bulletin, before further flight, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this AD.
(c) Aircraft may be flown in accordance with FAR 21.197 and FAR 21.199 to a location where this replacement can be accomplished.
(d) For the purpose of this AD, an FAA-approved equivalent may be approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing District Office, FAA, Pacific-Asia Region, Honolulu, Hawaii.
NOTE: All persons affected by this directive who have not already received the applicable Service Bulletin from the manufacturer may obtain copies upon request to the Government Aircraft Factories, 226 Lorimer Street, Port Melbourne, 3207 Victoria, Australia. These documents may also be examined at the FAA, Engineering and Manufacturing District Office, 300 Ala Moana Blvd., Room 7321, Honolulu, Hawaii 96850, or Rules Docket, Room 916, FAA, 800 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20591.
This amendment becomes effective August 18, 1980.
2016-18-09: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Airbus Model A318, A319, and A320 series airplanes. This AD was prompted by reports of chafing damage on the fuselage skin at the bottom of certain frames, underneath the fairing structure. This AD requires repetitive detailed inspections for damage on the fuselage skin at certain frames, and applicable related investigative and corrective actions. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct damage to the fuselage skin, which could lead to crack initiation and propagation, possibly resulting in reduced structural integrity of the fuselage.
61-09-01: 61-09-01 LOCKHEED: Amdt. 279 Part 507 Federal Register April 28, 1961. Applies to All 188 Series Aircraft Which Incorporate Hydraulic Damper Housing P/N's 840655-1 and 475645-1 (rudder, elevator, and aileron control systems) Installed Per Lockheed Service Bulletin 88/SB-524 and 88/SB-532.
Compliance required not later than the next 50 hours' time in service.
As a result of an incident involving elevator booster hydraulic damper malfunction, hydraulic damper housing P/N 840655-1 and P/N 475645-1 not identified with blue anodized color must be replaced with new parts identified with blue anodized color as received from the manufacturer or reworked to the following dimensions:
(a) Length of skirt 0.312 inch plus or minus 0.010 inch.
(b) Bore of body 1.3800-1.3817 inches.
(c) Clearance between piston and damper housing 0.0015-0.0040 inch.
(d) Identify the reworked housing with blue dye or blue paint.
The reinstallation of new or reworked damper housings mustbe accomplished in accordance with instructions in Lockheed Service Letter FS/251702-L dated February 14, 1961.
(Lockheed Service Wire to all operators dated April 7, 1961, applies to this same subject.)
This directive becomes effective upon publication in the Federal Register for all persons except those to whom it was made effective immediately by telegram dated April 7, 1961.
83-19-05: 83-19-05 BRITISH AEROSPACE: Amendment 39-4733. Applies to Model BAC 1-11 200 and 400 series airplanes, certificated in all categories. To prevent loss of rear spar frame integrity due to cracks on the rear spar web of the center section torque box, accomplish the following, unless already accomplished:
A. Prior to the accumulation of 30,000 landings or within the next 200 landings, whichever occurs later, after the effective date of this AD, inspect the rear spar frame, and repair if necessary, in accordance with paragraph 2, Accomplishment Instructions, of British Aerospace Alert Service Bulletin No. 53-A-PM5837, Issue 1, dated April 21, 1982.
B. Repeat the inspection of paragraph A., above, at intervals not to exceed:
(1) 3,600 landings for aircraft with less than 45,000 landings at the last inspection and
(2) 1,800 landings for aircraft with more than 45,000 landings at the last inspection.
C. Alternate means of compliance which provide an equivalent level of safety may be used when approved by the Manager, Seattle Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, Northwest Mountain Region.
D. Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to operate airplanes to a base for the accomplishment of inspections and/or modifications required by this AD.
This amendment becomes effective October 6, 1983.