2018-05-10: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Agusta S.p.A. (Agusta) Model AB412 and AB412 EP helicopters. This AD requires removing each shoulder harness seat belt comfort clip (comfort clip) and inspecting the seat belt shoulder harness. This AD is prompted by a report of a comfort clip interfering with the seat belt inertia reel. The actions of this AD are intended to prevent an unsafe condition on these helicopters.
2018-03-18: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Agusta S.p.A. (Agusta) Model AW189 helicopters. This AD requires inspecting and altering the emergency flotation system (EFS). This AD is prompted by a report of punctured EFS kits. The actions of this AD are intended to prevent an unsafe condition on these helicopters.
78-04-01: 78-04-01 BEECH: Amendment 39-3139. Applies to the following models and serial number airplanes, equipped with manually operated wing flaps, certificated in all categories:
23, A23, A23A, B23, and C23
M-1 through M-1979
A23-19, 19A and B19
MB-1 through MB-866
A23-24 and A24
MA-1 through MA-368
A24R, B24R AND C24R
MC-2 through MC-536
COMPLIANCE: Required a indicated unless already accomplished.
To prevent failure of the wing flap control weld assembly and resulting possible unwanted in-flight retraction of the wing flaps, within the next 50 hours time-in-service after the effective date of this AD, accomplish the following in accordance with Beechcraft Service Instructions No. 0940 or later approved revisions:
A) Remove flap control weld assembly and install Beech P/N 169-524024-85 flap control weld assembly.
B) Any equivalent means of compliance with this AD must be approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA, Central Region.
This amendment becomes effective on February 20, 1978.
78-21-03: 78-21-03 PIPER AIRCRAFT CORPORATION: Amendment 39-3316. Applies to Model PA-34-200T, serial numbers 34-7570001 through 34-7870207, certificated in all categories. \n\n\tCompliance is required within the next ten hours' time in service after the effective date of this A.D. unless already accomplished. \n\n\tTo prevent a fuel leak, accomplish the following: \n\n\t(a)\tOn serial numbers 34-7570001 through 34-7870194, accomplish the following: \n\n\t\t(1)\tRemove the right and left engine nacelle aft hatch assemblies. \n\n\t\t(2)\tIn the right engine aft nacelle compartment, inspect the fuel inlet line to the boost pump at the mixture control cable for evidence of chafing. \n\n\t\t\t(i)\tIf chafing is evident, replace the fuel line with the approved fuel line, Piper Part Number 95153-145. Install protective sleeves, Piper Part Numbers 63882-73 and 63882-83, or equivalent fuel resistant flexible sleeves on the fuel inlet line and the mixture control cable. Secure the sleeves in place with tie raps, Piper Part Number 488-702 or equivalent fuel resistant devices (see Figure No. 1). Leak check the fuel line using normal maintenance procedures. \n\n\t\t\t(ii)\tIf no chafing is evident, remove existing clamps or Koroseal tie (if installed) and install protective sleeves, Piper Part Number 63882-73 and 63882-83, or equivalent fuel resistant flexible sleeves on the fuel inlet line and the mixture control cable. Secure the sleeves in place with tie raps, Piper Part Number 488-702, or equivalent fuel resistant devices (see Figure No. 1). \n\n\n\n\n\t\t(3)\tIn the left engine aft nacelle compartment, inspect the fuel inlet line to the boost pump at the propeller governor control cable for evidence of chafing. \n\n\t\t\t(i)\tIf chafing is evident, replace the fuel line with the approved fuel line, Piper Part Number 95153-144. Secure the fuel line to the control cable as shown in Figure No. 2. Leak check the fuel line using normal maintenance procedures. \n\n\t\t\t(ii)\tIf no chafing is evident, unless already accomplished, secure the fuel line to the control cable as shown in Figure No. 2. \n\n\n\n\t\t(4)\tReplace the right and left engine nacelle aft hatch assemblies and make appropriate maintenance record entry. \n\n\t(b)\tOn serial numbers 34-7870195 through 34-7870207, accomplish the following: \n\n\t\t(1)\tRemove the right engine nacelle aft hatch assembly. \n\n\t\t(2)\tInspect the fuel inlet line to the boost pump at the mixture control cable for evidence of chafing. \n\n\t\t\t(i)\tIf chafing is evident, replace the fuel line with the approved fuel line, Piper Part Number 95153-145. Install protective sleeves, Piper Part Number 63882-73 and 63882-83, or equivalent fuel resistant flexible sleeves on the fuel inlet line and the mixture control cable. Secure the sleeves in place with tie raps, Piper Part Number 488-702 or equivalent fuel resistant devices (see Figure No. 1). Leak check the fuel line using normal maintenance procedures. \n\n\t\t\t(ii)\tIf no chafing is evident, remove existing clamps or Koroseal tie (if installed) and install protective sleeves, Piper Part Number 63882-73 and 63882-83, or equivalent fuel resistant flexible sleeves on the fuel inlet line and the mixture control cable. Secure the sleeves in place with tie raps, Piper Part Number 488-702, or equivalent fuel resistant devices, (see Figure No. 1). \n\n\t\t(3)\tReplace the right nacelle aft hatch assembly and make appropriate maintenance record entry. \n\n\t(c)\tAn alternate method of compliance may be approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, Federal Aviation Administration, Southern Region. \n\n\t(Piper Service Bulletin 596A, dated September 11, 1978, pertains to this same subject.) \n\n\tThis supersedes Amendment 39-3222, 43 FR 22341, AD 78-11-04. \n\n\tThis amendment becomes effective October 26, 1978.
2007-16-10: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for TCM IO-550-N, TSIO-520-BE, TSIO-550-A, TSIO-550-B, TSIO-550-C, TSIO-550-E, and TSIO-550-G reciprocating engines. This AD requires removing before further flight, certain Kelly Aerospace Power Systems turbochargers, part number (P/N) 466304-0003, listed by serial number in this AD. This AD results from four incidents of the turbine rotor separating from the shaft of the turbocharger. We are issuing this AD to prevent the turbine rotor from separating from the shaft of the turbocharger due to a machining defect in the turbocharger compressor. This condition could result in full engine power loss, loss of engine lubricant, or smoke in the airplane cabin.
2004-16-09: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to all Model 747 series airplanes, that requires repetitive detailed inspections of the aft pressure bulkhead for indications of "oil cans" and previous oil can repairs, and corrective actions, if necessary. An oil can is an area on a pressure dome web that moves when pushed from the forward side. This action is necessary to detect and correct the propagation of fatigue cracks in the vicinity of oil cans on the web of the aft pressure bulkhead, which could result in rapid decompression and overpressurization of the tail section, and consequent loss of control of the airplane. This action is intended to address the identified unsafe condition.
95-15-08: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to all British Aerospace Model Viscount 744, 754D, and 810 airplanes, that requires an inspection to detect corrosion of the tailplane assemblies, and correction of discrepancies. This amendment is prompted by a report of corrosion on the main spar top and bottom forward boom of the tailplane assemblies and reports of cracking in the upper root joint attachment fitting. The actions specified by this AD are intended to detect and prevent such cracking or corrosion of the main spar forward booms or the upper root joint attachment fitting, which consequently could lead to the failure of the tailplane assemblies; this condition could result in reduced controllability of the airplane.
78-08-12: 78-08-12 PIPER AIRCRAFT CORPORATION: Amendment 39-3194. Applies to Piper Aircraft Corporation Model PA-31T certificated in all categories.
To provide additional information on flap system operation, insert the following CAUTION or Piper PA-31T, Revision 12 of December 27, 1977, in the FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual, Piper Report 1740 or Revision 4, dated December 9, 1977, to the Pilot's Operating Handbook, Piper Report 2048.
When selecting an "Approach" flap position and the selector is inadvertently moved beyond the "Approach" detent, the selector must be returned to its original position and then back to "Approach" in order to reprogram the selector. Returning the selector to the "Approach" detent without re-programming will return the flaps to their original position.
This amendment is effective April 26, 1978.
2007-16-01: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Enstrom Helicopter Corporation (Enstrom) Model F-28, F-28A, F-28C, F- 28C-2, F-28C-2R, F-28F, F-28F-R, 280, 280C, 280F, 280FX, TH-28, 480, and 480B helicopters. This action requires a visual check to determine if a certain serial-numbered main rotor blade retention pin (retention pin) is installed, and removing and replacing any affected retention pin with an airworthy retention pin. This amendment is prompted by a report from the manufacturer that some retention pins were not manufactured in accordance with specifications cited on the engineering drawing. The actions specified in this AD are intended to prevent failure of a retention pin, separation of a main rotor blade from the helicopter, and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter.
78-01-02: 78-01-02 PIPER: Amendment 39-3107. Applies to Piper Models PA-31 and PA-31-325 Serial Nos. 31-7612001 thru 31-7612080, 31-7612082 thru 31-7612091, 31-7612096, 31-7612099, 31-7612101, 31-7612102, 31-7612104, 31-7612105, 31-7612107 and 31-7612108, PA-31-350 Serial Nos. 31-7652001 thru 31-7652015, 31-7652017 thru 31-7652162, and 31-7652164 thru 31-7652170 certificated in all categories.
To prevent adverse stability or handling qualities due to incorrect tension in the elevator bungee, accomplish the following within the next 25 hours in service after the effective date of this Airworthiness Directive unless already accomplished.
(a) Inspect the elevator bungee spring for correct tension, (30 lb. + 1 lb. for model PA-31 and 37 lb. + 1, -0 for models PA-31-325 and PA-31-350).
(b) If the tension is not correct, before further flight alter the link in accordance with the "Instructions" section of Piper Service Bulletin No. 549 dated February 16, 1977, or equivalent approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA, Eastern Region.
(c) Upon submission of substantiating data through an FAA Maintenance Inspector, the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA, Eastern Region may adjust the compliance time specified above.
This amendment is effective January 3, 1978.