74-16-07: 74-16-07 LOCKHEED: Amendment 39-1909. Applies to Model L-1011-385-1 series aircraft with Lockheed serial numbers 1002 through 1066, certificated in all categories.
Compliance required within 1,800 hours additional time in service after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished.
To prevent a single failure from causing a cargo door to open during takeoff roll, accomplish one of the following:
(a) Modification as described in Lockheed Service Bulletin 093-52-045 dated October 18, 1973, or later FAA-approved revisions.
(b) Equivalent modifications, approved by the Chief, Aircraft Engineering Division, FAA Western Region.
Aircraft may be flown to a base where maintenance may be performed per FAR's 21.197 and 21.199.
This amendment becomes effective September 11, 1974.
75-04-02: 75-04-02 SIKORSKY AIRCRAFT: Amendment 39-2082. Applies to S-55, S-55B, S-55C and S-62A Helicopters certificated in all categories, including military type HRS-1, HRS-3, CH-19, H-19B, H-19G, H-19A, H-19D, HO4S-3G, UH-19D, H19D5, UH-19B, UH-19D helicopters, equipped with P/N S10-10-3325-1 and S10-10-3325-2 main rotor spindles.
(a) Within the next 10 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished within the preceding 50 hours' time in service, conduct a dye penetrant inspection of the exposed areas of the lugs of the main rotor spindles.
(b) If a crack is found during the above inspection, replace the cracked spindle with a spindle that has been inspected in accordance with paragraph (a) above and found to be free of cracks, prior to flight.
(c) Report in writing any cracks found during the inspection of paragraph (a) to: Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, Federal Aviation Administration, New England Region, 12 New England Executive Park, Burlington, Massachusetts 01803. Each report must include the length and location of the cracks and the total time in service of the spindle.
Sikorsky message SST62A6C74.3 covers this inspection.
This amendment becomes effective February 19, 1975.
70-03-07: 70-03-07 AIRESEARCH: Amdt. 39-936. Applicable to operators of aircraft with AiResearch model GTP30-141 Auxiliary Power Units installed, including but not limited to, those Convair 600/640 aircraft listed in AiResearch Telegraphic Bulletin No. 49-A1838, dated January 17, 1970, or later FAA approved revisions.
Within ten (10) hours time in service, install a placard in full view of the pilot, to read: "Operation of the APU is prohibited in flight, except in emergency. Operate the APU at no load for at least one minute before shutdown." This placard may be removed when the APU is replaced with APU modified to series 4 or Change 5 in accordance with AiResearch Telegraphic Service Bulletin No. 49-A1838, dated January 17, 1970, or later FAA approved revisions.
This amendment is effective upon publication in the Federal Register for all persons except those to whom it was made effective immediately by telegram dated January 23, 1970.
2011-12-10: This amendment supersedes an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for the specified Robinson model helicopters that currently requires a visual inspection for skin separation along the leading edge of blade skin aft of the skin-to-spar bond line on the lower surface of each main rotor blade (blade) and in the tip cap area. The existing AD also requires a ``tap test'' for detecting a separation or void in both bonded areas and repainting any exposed area of the blades. If any separation or void is detected, the AD requires, before further flight, replacing the blade. Thereafter, before each flight, the existing AD also requires checking for any exposed (bare) metal along the skin-to- spar bond line on the lower surface of each blade near the tip. If any bare metal is found, that AD requires an inspection by a qualified mechanic. This amendment contains the same requirements but expands the applicability to include all serial-numbered model helicopters and limits the applicability to specific blade part numbers. This amendment also requires a repetitive inspection of the blade and any necessary rework. This amendment is prompted by a fatal accident in Israel. We have also included responses to comments objecting to the recording requirements in the current AD relating to the pilot checks before each flight and to comments that the burden of the before-each-flight pilot check exceeds the benefit. We have concluded that a check before the first flight of each day is sufficient for aviation safety. The actions specified by this AD are intended to provide more specific AD actions, to relieve the burdens associated with the before-each-flight check by changing it to a daily check, to detect blade skin debond, and to prevent blade failure and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter.
75-07-02: 75-07-02 CESSNA: Amendment 39-2132. Applies to Models 177, 177RG and F177RG airplanes. \n\n\tCompliance: Required as indicated, unless already accomplished. \n\n\tTo preclude separation of the foam rubber air filter seal, within 25 hours' time in service, after the effective date of this AD, accomplish the following: \n\n\tA)\tOn Models 177 (Serial Numbers 17702040 through 17702220); 177RG (Serial Numbers 177RG0433 through 177RG0625); and Model F177RG (Serial Numbers F177RG0093 through F177RG0122) airplanes, remove the air filter seal attached with double-backed adhesive tape and replace with a new P11-0766 air filter seal using EC1300LP adhesive in accordance with Cessna Service Letter SE 75-3, dated January 24, 1975, or later revision. \n\n\tB)\tOn Models 177 (Serial Numbers 601 and 17700001 through 17702039); 177RG (Serial Numbers R177RG0001 through 177RG0442); and F177RG (Serial Numbers F177RG0001 through F177RG0092) airplanes, visually inspect the air filter for the date of manufacture and on those air filters manufactured between November 1, 1973, and November 1, 1974, replace the air filter seal in accordance with Paragraph A above. \n\n\tC)\tAny alternate method of compliance with this AD must be approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA, Central Region. \n\n\tThis amendment becomes effective March 26, 1975.
2012-02-18: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all DASSAULT AVIATION Model MYSTERE-FALCON 50 airplanes. This AD was prompted by reports of cracking of the flap tracks. This AD requires revising the maintenance program to include revised airworthiness limitations. We are issuing this AD to prevent cracking of the flap tracks, which could lead to flap asymmetry and loss of control of the airplane.
73-20-03: 73-20-03 HILLER AVIATION: Amdt. 39-1724. Applies to Hiller Model UH-12, UH-12A, UH-12B, UH-12C, UH-12D, and UH-12E Helicopters certificated in all categories.
Compliance required within the next 5 hours time in service after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished on receipt of the airmail AD dated September 6, 1973, and thereafter at intervals not to exceed 50 hours time in service from the last inspection.
To detect cracks in the main rotor hub P/N's 51437, 51437-6, 51437-7, 51437-8, 51437- 9, 51437-11, 51437-901, and 51437-11-911, accomplish the following: Conduct dye penetrant inspection of the main rotor hubs P/N's 51437, 51437-6, 51437-7, 51437-8, 51437-9, 51437-11, 51437-901, 51437-11-911, inside the hub in the area opposite the control rotor trunnion attachments. If cracks are found, replace with a new part before further flight and continue the 50 hour interval dye penetrant inspections. Report cracks found, model and serial number, and total time in service on the main rotor hub, to Chief, Aircraft Engineering Division, Federal Aviation Administration, Western Region, P.O. Box 92007, Worldway Postal Center, Los Angeles, California 90009. (Reporting approved by the Bureau of the Budget under B.O.B. No. 04-R0174).
This amendment is effective on October 30, 1973.
74-20-12: 74-20-12 COMMANDER AIRCRAFT DIVISION, ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL: Amendment 39-1979. Applies to Rockwell Model 690A series airplanes, S/N 11100 through 11197.
Compliance required as indicated unless already accomplished.
1. Before the first flight of each day after the effective date of this A.D., check the cutout around the openable pilot's and co-pilot's side windows for cracks.
2. If cracks are found in either side window, replace the openable side window with a non-openable side window, P/N 360012-501, before further flight, except flight with cabin unpressurized may be made in accordance with FAR 21.197 to a base where the replacement can be accomplished.
3. Within 50 hours' time in service after the effective date of this A.D., unless already accomplished, replace all openable side windows, with a non-openable side window, P/N 360012-501, in accordance with Rockwell Service Bulletin 143 dated September 10, 1974, or an equivalent method approved by the Chief,Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, Flight Standards Division, Southwest Region, Fort Worth, Texas.
This amendment becomes effective October 4, 1974.
2012-04-01: We are superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for all RR RB211-Trent 800 series turbofan engines. That AD currently requires removal from service of certain critical engine parts based on reduced life limits. This new AD reduces the life limits of additional critical engine parts. This AD was prompted by RR reducing the life limits of additional critical engine parts. We are issuing this AD to prevent the failure of critical rotating parts, which could result in uncontained failure of the engine and damage to the airplane.
74-22-06: 74-22-06 DEHAVILLAND: Amendment 39-1993. Applies to DHC-6 airplanes Serial Numbers 1 to 393 inclusive, excluding Serial Numbers 107, 168, 182, 184, 209, 383, 385, 386, 390 and 391, certificated in all categories.
To detect cracks in the horizontal stabilizer rear spars, within the next 50 hours in service or 1 week, whichever occurs first, after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished, inspect visually using a magnification glass of at least 10 power or an approved equivalent for spanwise cracks along the radii at the junctions of the rear spar webs with the top and bottom flanges between Station 10.00 and Station 53.00 on the left and right hand horizontal stabilizers.
If cracks are found, accomplish the following:
1. Alter the spar in accordance with paragraph 2 of Accomplishment Instructions of de Havilland Service Bulletin No. 6/310, dated June 28, 1974, or an approved equivalent before further flight, except that the airplane may be flown inaccordance with FAR 21.197 to a base where the alteration can be performed.
2. Equivalent inspections or alterations must be approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA, Eastern Region.
3. The compliance times may be increased by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA, Eastern Region, upon receipt of substantiating data submitted through an FAA maintenance inspector.
This amendment is effective October 23, 1974.