90-23-04: 90-23-04 AIRBUS INDUSTRIE: Amendment 39-6793. Docket No. 90-NM-208-AD.
Applicability: All Model A320 series airplanes, certificated in any category.
Compliance: Required as indicated, unless previously accomplished.
To prevent the loss of pitch electronic control and resultant reduced controllability of the airplane in the event of the trimmable horizontal stabilizer (THS) actuator control jamming, accomplish the following:
A. Within 7 days after the effective date of this AD, and thereafter at intervals not to exceed 7 days, perform a test to check the availability of pitch control through both the SEC 1 and SEC 2, in accordance with Airbus Industrie Service Bulletin A320-27-1031, Revision 1, dated August 15, 1990.
B. If electrical pitch control is not available through both SEC 1 and SEC 2, repair prior to further flight and test again, in accordance with Airbus Industries Service Bulletin A320- 27-1031, Revision 1, dated August 15, 1990. Following repair, repeat the test required by paragraph A. of this AD at intervals not to exceed 7 days.
C. An alternate means of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time, which provides an acceptable level of safety, may be used when approved by the Manager, Standardization Branch, ANM-113, FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate.
NOTE: The request should be submitted directly to the Manager, Standardization Branch, ANM-113, and a copy sent to the cognizant FAA Principal Inspector (PI). The PI will then forward comments or concurrence to the Manager, Standardization Branch, ANM-113.
D. Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199 to operate airplanes to a base in order to comply with the requirements of this AD.
All persons affected by this directive who have not already received the appropriate service information from the manufacturer may obtain copies upon request to Airbus Industrie, Airbus Support Division, Avenue Didier Daurat, 31700Blagnac, France. This information may be examined at the FAA, Northwest Mountain Region, Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601 Lind Avenue S.W., Renton, Washington.
This amendment (39-6793, AD 90-23-04) becomes effective on November 19, 1990.
2012-11-10: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Alpha Aviation Concept Limited Model R2160 Airplanes. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as oil lines fitted to affected aircraft are not fire resistant. We are issuing this AD to require actions to address the unsafe condition on these products.
98-04-37: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to certain Sabreliner Model NA-265-40, -60, -70, and -80 series airplanes, that requires revising the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) to specify procedures that would prohibit flight in severe icing conditions (as determined by certain visual cues), limit or prohibit the use of various flight control devices while in severe icing conditions, and provide the flight crew with recognition cues for, and procedures for exiting from, severe icing conditions. This amendment is prompted by results of a review of the requirements for certification of the airplane in icing conditions, new information on the icing environment, and icing data provided currently to the flight crews. The actions specified by this AD are intended to minimize the potential hazards associated with operating the airplane in severe icing conditions by providing more clearly defined procedures and limitations associated with such conditions.
97-14-09: This amendment supersedes an existing airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to certain Gulfstream Model G-159 (G-I) airplanes, that currently requires repetitive inspections to detect cracking in the mounting lugs of the elevator trim tab actuators, and replacement, if necessary. This amendment requires the installation of improved elevator trim tab actuators that are not susceptible to the subject cracking. This amendment is prompted by the development of a modification that positively addresses the identified unsafe condition. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent failure of the mounting lugs on the elevator trim tab actuator due to cracking; such failure could result in severe vibration during flight and/or reduction or loss of elevator trim tab capability, which could lead to reduced controllability of the airplane.
91-12-01: 91-12-01 SIKORSKY AIRCRAFT: Amendment 39-7012. Docket No. 91-ASW-04. Supersedes AD 91-04-01.
Applicability: All Model S-61 series helicopters, certificated in any category, on main rotor head assemblies equipped with sleeve and spindle assemblies, P/N S6110-23350-041, that were manufactured or overhauled prior to February 6, 1991.
Compliance: Required as indicated, unless already accomplished.
To prevent the failure of a main rotor blade spindle, which could cause loss of the main rotor blade and subsequent loss of the helicopter, accomplish the following:
(a) Within the next 10 hours time in service after receipt of this AD, visually inspect all sleeve and spindle assemblies for evidence of proper application of sealing compound between the spacer, P/N S6112-23055-101, and the spindle assembly, P/N S6112-23027-041, on main rotor head assemblies equipped with sleeve and spindle assemblies, P/N S6110-23350-041, that have 6 months or 500 hours or more time in service on the effective date of this AD since new or the last overhaul. Visually inspect in accordance with paragraph (c) of this AD.
(b) For main rotor head assemblies equipped with sleeve and spindle assemblies, P/N S6110-23350-041, that do not have 6 months or 500 hours time in service since new or overhaul, visually inspect the spindle assemblies for evidence of proper application of sealing compound between the spacer, P/N S6112-23055-101, and the spindle assembly, P/N S6112-23027-041, on main rotor head assemblies equipped with sleeve and spindle assemblies, P/N S6110-23350-041, in accordance with paragraph (c) of this AD. Conduct this inspection within 10 hours time in service after reaching 6 months or 500 hours time in service since new or overhaul, whichever comes first.
NOTE: Two configurations of spacers exist. One has two puller slots spaced 180 degrees apart. The second has no puller slots. The spacers, P/N S6112-23055-101, affected by this AD have slots.(c) Utilizing an inspection mirror and flashlight, visually inspect all 5 rotor head sleeve and spindle assemblies for evidence of proper sealing compound application in the spacer slot area.
(d) If the sealing compound is not present in the spacer slot, or if the sealant has voids, gaps, or pores, before further flight, inspect each suspect spindle, P/N S6112-23027-041, for crack or flaws in accordance with Sikorsky Aircraft Alert Service Bulletin (ASB) No. 61B10-48, dated January 18, 1991, using the ultrasonic inspection method.
(e) If a crack or flaw indication is found in the spindle (from the inspections of paragraph (d)), replace the sleeve and spindle assembly prior to further flight with an airworthy component using standard maintenance instructions.
(f) If no indication of cracks or flaws are found from the inspections of paragraph (d), return the sleeve and spindle assembly to service using ASB No. 61B10-48 and standard maintenance instructions and, thereafter, conduct repetitive ultrasonic inspections in accordance with paragraph (d) at intervals not to exceed 50 hours time in service.
(g) For slotted sleeve and spindle assemblies that have the sealing compound intact in the slot area (i.e., that did not require ultrasonic inspection in accordance with paragraph (d) of this AD), conduct a one-time ultrasonic inspection of the spindle in accordance with ASB No. 61B10-48 within the next 200 hours time in service after the initial visual inspection required in either paragraph (a) or (b) of this AD.
(h) An alternate method of compliance with the inspections and rework of paragraph (a) through (g) can be accomplished by tearing down the sleeve and spindle assembly as specified in Part 3 of ASB No. 61B10-48 and inspecting the spindle radius area for corrosion. If corrosion is found in the spindle radius area, replace the spindle assembly with an airworthy component. If no corrosion is found, reassemble and reseal the sleeve andspindle in accordance with Part 3 and reinstall on the rotor head in accordance with the maintenance manual. Sleeve and spindle assemblies that have been torn down, inspected, and resealed in accordance with Part 3 of ASB 61B10-48, are no longer required to comply with paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), or (g) above.
(i) Record compliance with paragraphs (e), (f), (g) or (h) by part number, serial number and blade location in the aircraft logbook/maintenance records.
(j) An alternate method of compliance or adjustment of the compliance times which provides an equivalent level of safety, may be used if approved by the Manager, Boston Aircraft Certification Office, Engine and Propeller Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service, 12 New England Executive Park, Burlington, MA 01803.
(k) In accordance with FAR 21.197 and 21.199, the helicopter may be flown to a base where the ultrasonic inspections required by this AD may be accomplished.
The ultrasonic inspections and sleeve and spindle disassembly and the inspection for corrosion shall be done in accordance with pages 1 through 33 of Sikorsky Aircraft Alert Service Bulletin No. 61B10-48, dated January 18, 1991. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR Part 51. Copies may be obtained from Sikorsky Aircraft, 6900 Main Street, Stratford, Connecticut 06601-1380, Attn: Commercial Customer Support. Copies may be inspected at the Rules Docket, Office of the Assistant Chief Counsel, Southwest Region, Federal Aviation Administration, 4400 Blue Mound Road, Building 3B, Room 158, Fort Worth, Texas 76193, or at the Office of the Federal Register, 1100 L Street, Room 8401, Washington, DC 20591.
Amendment 39-7012 supersedes Priority Letter AD 91-04-01, issued on February 6, 1991.
This amendment (39-7012 AD 91-12-01) becomes effective on July 8, 1991.
77-18-07: 77-18-07 LOCKHEED-CALIFORNIA COMPANY: Amendment 39-3035. Applies to Lockheed-California Company Model L-1011-385 Series airplanes certificated in all categories.
Compliance required as indicated.
To prevent take-off with a possible jammed elevator drive system on the horizontal stabilizer of the primary pitch control system which can result in degradation of the airplane controllability, accomplish the following:
(a) Initiate the following check program prior to next flight after the effective date of this amendment, until the repetitive or the one-time modification requirements of the paragraph (d) have been accomplished on all aircraft of each operator's fleet:
(1) Prior to each take-off conduct an exterior visual check of the elevator/stabilizer surface positions after the full aft controls check and with the control column full forward to assure there is no obvious discrepancy between elevator positions. The pilot in command shall be informed of the results ofthis check.
(2) If obvious discrepancy noted, correct prior to further flight.
(3) No further full aft control column movement may be performed prior to take-off.
NOTES: (1) This check can be accomplished with any one single hydraulic system pressurized by any main hydraulic system pump.
(2) FAA approved Lockheed-California Company Alert Service Bulletin 093- 27-A158, Revision 1 dated August 17, 1977, Paragraph 2.A, covers the same subject.
(b) Within the next thirty days after the effective date of this amendment, unless already accomplished, revise the FAA Approved Lockheed L-1011 Airplane Flight Manual (AFM), LR 25925, to incorporate the Pitch Axis Control Assist Procedures contained in the AFM revision dated June 17, 1977. Flight crews should be informed of these procedures as soon as practicable.
(c) Within the next 150 hours time in service after the effective date of this amendment, unless already accomplished, inspect the elevator quadrant bearingsin accordance with the applicable instructions of the FAA approved Lockheed-California Company Alert Service Bulletin 093-27-A158, Revision 1, dated August 17, 1977 or later FAA approved revisions.
(1) The upper and lower bearings which do not meet the specified acceptable inspection standards must be replaced prior to next flight.
(2) Those inspections accomplished prior to August 17, 1977 will be considered acceptable provided the inspection standards used are equivalent to those specified in the above service bulletin.
NOTE: The inspections accomplished in accordance with the requirements of AD 77-10- 04 are not considered to be equivalent to the inspections required by the paragraph (c), above.
(d) Within the next 1500 hours time in service after the effective date of this amendment, or on or before March 1, 1978, whichever occurs first, unless already accomplished, accomplish either (1) or (2), below.
(1) Modify the elevator drive systems in accordance with the instructions of Paragraph 2.E of FAA approved Lockheed-California Company Alert Service Bulletin 093-27- A158, Revision 1 dated August 17, 1977, or later FAA approved revisions, except as provided in paragraph (e), below. Accomplish this modification at intervals not to exceed 2000 hours time in service; or
(2) Modify the elevator drive systems in accordance with the instructions of the FAA approved Lockheed-California Company Service Bulletin 093-27-158, dated August 10, 1977 or later FAA approved revisions.
(e) The initial modification performed in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (d)(1) need not include the installation of the thrust washer, P/N 1616733-103. However, at the next subsequent modification required by paragraph (d)(1) the installation of the thrust washer, P/N 1616733-103, is required.
(f) Equivalent checks, inspections and modifications may be used when approved by Chief, Aircraft Engineering Division, FAA Western Region.
This supersedes Amendment 39-2898 (42 FR 24721), AD 77-10-04, and Amendment 39- 2956 (42 FR 34865), AD 77-14-06.
This amendment becomes effective September 15, 1977.
2012-11-11: We are superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for certain The Boeing Company Model 767-200, -300, and -400ER series airplanes. That AD currently requires replacing the separation link assembly on the applicable entry and service doors with an improved separation link assembly, and doing related investigative and corrective actions if necessary. This new AD adds an \n\n((Page 33620)) \n\nairplane to the applicability and removes certain other airplanes. This AD was prompted by a report that an additional airplane is subject to the unsafe condition. We are issuing this AD to prevent failure of an entry or service door to open fully in the event of an emergency evacuation, which could impede exit from the airplane. This condition could result in injury to passengers or crewmembers.
2012-11-03: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all The Boeing Company Model 777 airplanes. This AD was prompted by four reports of retaining cross bolt hardware not fully engaged into the fuse pins of the forward trunnion lower housing of the main landing gear (MLG), which could result in an incorrect MLG emergency landing break-away sequence. This AD requires a detailed inspection of the fuse pin cross bolts and fuse pins of the left and right MLG forward trunnion lower housing to verify that the cross bolts are correctly installed and that there are no missing fuse pins, and replacement of the fuse pins if necessary. We are issuing this AD to prevent an incorrect emergency landing MLG break-away sequence, which could result in puncturing of the wing box and consequent fuel leaks and an airplane fire. Failure of the fuse pins could also result in a possible landing gear collapse causing a runway excursion during take-off or landing.
98-04-18: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD) that applies to certain AeroSpace Technologies of Australia (ASTA) Models N22B and N24A airplanes. This action requires revising the FAA-approved airplane flight manual (AFM) to specify procedures that will prohibit flight in severe icing conditions (as determined by certain visual cues), limit or prohibit the use of various flight control devices while in severe icing conditions, and provide the flight crew with recognition cues for, and procedures for exiting from, severe icing conditions. This AD is prompted by results of a review of the requirements for certification of these airplanes in icing conditions, new information on the icing environment, and icing data provided currently to the flight crew. The actions specified by this AD are intended to minimize the potential hazards associated with operating these airplanes in severe icing conditions by providing more clearly defined procedures and limitations associated with such conditions.
73-17-04: 73-17-04 BELL: Amdt. 39-1704. Applies to Bell Model 204B and 205A-1 helicopters certificated in all categories.
Compliance required within 5 hours time in service after the effective date of this A.D. for tail rotor grips with 495 or more hours total time in service on the effective date of this A.D., and prior to attaining 500 hours time in service for tail rotor grips with less than 495 hours total time in service on the effective date of this A.D., except that the aircraft may be flown in accordance with FAR 21.197 to a base where the inspections can be performed.
To prevent possible failure of the tail rotor grips, P/N 204-011-706 or 204-011-728, as applicable, to preclude corrosion in the retaining threads of the tail rotor grip, and to assure serviceable condition of the tail rotor grip bearings, accomplish the following:
(a) Remove the tail rotor hub and blade assembly from the helicopter, remove the blades from the grips, and remove the grips from the hub assembly in accordance with the appropriate model maintenance manual.
(b) Remove the tail rotor grip bearings from each yoke spindle and inspect the bearings for roughness or seizure. If the bearings are rough and unserviceable, replace the bearings prior to next flight.
(c) Replace the tail rotor grips prior to next flight.
(d) Assemble the tail rotor hub and blade assembly as noted in Section VI of Model 204B Maintenance and Overhaul Instruction Manual, or Section III of Model 205A/205A-1 Maintenance and Overhaul Instruction Manual, as applicable. Apply sealant to the inboard end of each grip as specified in Bell Helicopter Co. Service Letter No. 204B-86/205A-68, dated 12 February 1971, or later FAA approved revision, or as specified by an equivalent method approved by the Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, Flight Standards Division, Southwest Region, FAA. Balance the assembly as noted in the appropriate model maintenance manual.
(e) Install and track the tail rotor hub and blade assembly as noted in Section VI of Model 204B Maintenance and Overhaul Instruction Manual, or Section III of Model 205A/205A- 1 Maintenance and Overhaul Instruction Manual, as applicable.
(f) The manufacturer's specifications and procedures identified and described in this directive are incorporated herein and made a part hereof pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(1). All persons affected by this directive who have not already received these documents from the manufacturer may obtain copies upon request to the Service Manager, Bell Helicopter Company, P.O. Box 482, Fort Worth, Texas 76101.
These documents may also be examined at the Office of the Regional Counsel, Southwest Region, FAA, 4400 Blue Mound Road, Fort Worth, Texas, and at FAA Headquarters, 800 Independence Ave., S.W., Washington, D.C. A historical file on this A.D. which includes the incorporated material in full is maintained by the FAA at its headquarters in Washington, D.C., and at the Southwest Region Office in Fort Worth, Texas.
(Bell Helicopter Company Service Bulletin Nos. 204-05-73-2, Rev. A, and 205-05-73-4, Rev. A, dated July 25, 1973, pertain to this subject.)
This supersedes Amendment 39-1470, 37 F.R. 12308, A.D. 72-13-06.
This amendment becomes effective August 20, 1973.