2018-10-12: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all The Boeing Company Model 737-100, -200, -200C, -300, -400, and -500 series airplanes. This AD requires repetitive high frequency eddy current (HFEC) and detailed inspections, as applicable, for cracking of certain aft vertical stiffeners; repetitive detailed inspections for cracking of time-limited repairs, as applicable; a one-time HFEC inspection for cracking of the keel beam upper chord inboard flanges; a one-time general visual inspection for cracking of a certain angle; and applicable on-condition actions. This AD was prompted by a report of cracks in the left-side and right-side keel beam upper chords and aft vertical stiffeners. We are issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
2001-08-16: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to certain McDonnell Douglas Model DC-8 series airplanes, that requires a one-time inspection to determine the manufacturer of the circuit breakers, and corrective action, if necessary. This amendment is prompted by reports of smoke and electrical odor in the flight compartment and cabin area as a result of failure of circuit breakers. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent internal overheating and arcing of the circuit breakers and airplane wiring due to long-term use and breakdown of internal components of the circuit breakers, which could result in smoke and fire in the flight compartment and main cabin.
94-04-13: This amendment supersedes Airworthiness Directive (AD) 65-06-01, which currently requires repetitively inspecting the wing front spar lower cap (spar cap) of both the left and right wings on certain Twin Commander Aircraft Corporation (Twin Commander) 500 and 600 series airplanes, and replacing any cracked spar cap. Front spar cap cracks developing on certain Twin Commander model airplanes not affected by that AD prompted this action. In addition, the manufacturer has updated the inspection procedures through improved service information. This action retains the inspection and repair requirements of AD 65-06-01, and requires inspecting in accordance with updated service information and increases the applicability to include other model airplanes. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent failure of the wing structure caused by cracks in the spar cap.
2011-09-06: We are superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for all Model A330 and A340 series airplanes. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) originated by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as: \n\n\n\tAt the end of an escape slide deployment test performed on the left-hand forward pax (passenger)/crew door of an A330 aeroplane, the girt bar attaching the escape slide to the fuselage was found not in a locked position and detached from the aeroplane. \n* * * * *\n\n\tThis condition, if not corrected, could result in the slide detaching from the door after being inflated which, during an emergency, would impair the safe evacuation of occupants, possibly resulting in personal injuries. \n* * * * *\nThis AD requires actions that are intended to address the unsafe condition described in the MCAI.
94-04-15: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD) that applies to certain Twin Commander Aircraft Corporation (Twin Commander) Models 500, 560A, 560E, 680, 680E, and 720 airplanes. This action requires inspecting the wing front spar lower cap (spar cap) for interference, fretting, or corrosion between the firewall flange and spar cap flange at Wing Station (WS) 96, and clearing any interference, repairing any fretting or corrosion damage, and replacing any cracked spar cap. Reports of two of the affected airplanes having cracked spar caps at WS 96 prompted this action. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent failure of the wing structure caused by a cracked spar cap at WS 96.
2018-11-01: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Airbus Helicopters Model AS332L2 and EC225LP helicopters. This AD requires installing a cut-out for the left-hand (LH) and right-hand (RH) rail support junction profiles and inspecting splices, frame 5295, and related equipment for a crack. This AD was prompted by reports of cracks on frame 5295 and on splices installed to prevent those cracks. The actions of this AD are intended to prevent an unsafe condition on these products.
94-04-06: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to certain Fokker Model F28 Mark 0100 series airplanes, that requires replacement of the existing ground/flight microswitches located in the main landing gear with improved microswitches, and installation of an anti-skid system ON/OFF switch in the flight compartment. This amendment is prompted by an incident involving loss of braking, which was caused by mechanical ground/flight microswitches that froze while in the flight position. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent loss of braking below 40 miles per hour, when the anti-skid system is activated.
2007-19-11: The FAA is superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for Turbomeca Artouste III B, Artouste III B1, and Artouste III D turboshaft engines. That AD currently requires removing certain fuel pumps from service and installing serviceable fuel pumps. This AD requires the same actions and adds to the applicability, additional fuel pumps by serial number (SN). This AD results from Turbomeca identifying a number of fuel pump SNs that they omitted from the original population. We are issuing this AD to prevent reduced engine fuel flow and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter, or an accident.
2000-26-09 R1: This amendment revises an existing airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to all Dornier Model 328-100 series airplanes, that currently requires revising the Airworthiness Limitations Section of the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness to incorporate life limits for certain items and inspections to detect fatigue cracking in certain structures. This amendment adds information pertaining to certain material incorporated by reference. This amendment is prompted by the issuance of revisions to the Dornier 328 Airworthiness Limitations Document. The actions specified by this AD are intended to ensure that fatigue cracking of certain structural elements is detected and corrected; such fatigue cracking could adversely affect the structural integrity of these airplanes.
2018-09-17: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Bombardier, Inc., Model CL-600-1A11 (CL-600), CL-600-2A12 (CL-601 Variant), and CL-600-2B16 (CL-601-3A, CL-601-3R, and CL-604 Variants) airplanes. This AD was prompted by reports of fractured rudder pedal tubes on the pilot-side rudder bar assembly. This AD requires repetitive inspections of the rudder pedal tubes for cracking and corrective actions if necessary. Replacement of both pilot-side rudder bar assemblies terminates the inspections. We are issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.